2011 Open Source GIS unconference

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Revision as of 03:49, 1 March 2011 by Elil (talk | contribs) (Outline for unconference)
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  • Thursday and Friday, March 31 & April 1
    • Thursday will be sessions
    • Friday is still being planned as more sessions or a hackathon



  • Please register since it helps us plan for number of rooms, amount of food, etc.


  • There is not a fee; it is free.
  • If you want to sponsor the event by providing goods (food, beverages, office supplies, etc) or money for other expenses, that would be very much appreciated.

Other links

GIS In Action

List of supplies

Things that we have and need to bring

Things that we need to get

  1. name tags
  2. markers
  3. stick notes (large)
  4. masking tape