OSGeo at OSCON 2006

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There are several events on the horizon that Autodesk is sponsoring and donating their perks to OSGeo (OSCON and EuroOSCON). To take advantage of the opportunities VisCom needs to do some organising.


  • Booth and adverts will be provided as at where 2.0 by Autodesk marketing staff (thanks!).
  • Gary is doing a keynote talk.


VisCom needs to figure out:

  • Volunteers to manage the booth (by using conference passes)
    • Tyler volunteers to help find volunteers but could use some help
    • There are already at least 3-6 people who are already either attending or will attend with a free pass
    • Confirm that free passes can be made to first-come / first-serve for those helping with booth or doing talks
  • Speakers to fill a 45 minute slot. I suggest splitting it between 2-3 people.
  • To confirm whether or not other promo opportunities could work (press event, etc.)
    • I assumed we would have low OSGeo volunteer attendance, which might make it more difficult to pull them off well, but want to discuss it with this group to see what others think.


  • Josh Livni
  • Aaron Racicot
  • Mark Lucas
  • Add your name here