Academic Network

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Brainstorming page - not official

The goals of the OSGeo (International) Academic Network would be primarily collaboration, to:

  1. Provide a unified academic body for OSGeo to turn to for more official perspectives and roles.
  2. Allow OSGeo focused students, interns, and institutions to find opportunities to work together.
  3. Help each other find research funding opportunities and grants by working together.
  4. Maintain a comprehensive list of contact persons in various regions for rollout of ideas. (more than just a mailing list!)
  5. Receive and direct the use of funding. There would be a fee to join the network, with some of that funding going back to fund activities - e.g. scholarships, research, writing, events.
  6. Give a more unified presence for OSGeo Academics at major events - e.g. AAG, ICA ...
  7. Identify the best opportunities for using marketing funds at academic events.
  8. Help host and run regular, regionally focus, workshops, events and education sprints.
  9. Coordinate with the OSGeo Journal to have special editions, move toward collective needs.
  10. Show the world that OSGeo is organised and pursuing academic initiatives.

All this would build on the idea of the Education Committee but act more like a formal Project within OSGeo rather than just a discussion place.

More background on the Talk:Academic Network page.