Local Chapter Guidelines
This page documents the current discussion and has not yet been approved as official OSGeo policy!
The idea of Local Chapters is to provide for Wiki pages and later mailing lists and webspace for documents and files in the native language of the members focusing on main OSGeo activities and approved policies. Local chapters are operated as all Open Source projects with a Project Steering Committee that has to be approved by the board, a list of members, etc.
Open Issues
- Please also read the discussion page
- Should there rather be local (or localized) chapters for languages or regions or both? Three examples:
- German language is spoken in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. One local language chapter would make sense.
- Switzerland has three several official languages, one is German. So one local Swiss chapter with several language sections would make more sense.
- Portuguese is spoken in Portugal and Brazil (and some other places). One local language chapter would make sense but the regions are so very different that a separate local chapter would be healthy.
- Wording and semantics: Can the three phases/levels be given names/labels that progress as you move up?
- If there's a language related group of people which control/certify about their language integration in the local (administrative area where lang is present) org(s) (foundation(s)/etc..) which are member(s)/colaborator(s) of the osgeo?
ex: Foundation1 in Spain has its website multilingual and there is one catala section web administrator. There are also office(s)/etc.. in Pais Valencia/Catalunya/Balears where to meet/receive support for catalonian language based OS local/global mapping projects..
Catalonian is at the UN through Andorra, Catalonia hasn't got an office there/is not a country, although we have http://domini.cat .
Catalonian is mainly(99%) based in Spanish Estate territory, so just needs a Spanish based Foundation.
To estate how France based 'officially' related to osgeo.org's organizations should deal with the catalonian issue could serve as an 'extreme' example on how it could all be properly integrated. Catalonian is spoken at Perpinya, France's city - In France catalonian is not official,.. so, how an 'official' France's foundation should suport catalonian OS mapping developments in Perpignan? ).
How to start a Regional or Language Group
There are several ways to build a localised OSGeo presence. There are three specific levels of involvement that a local/regional or language group can have with OSGeo. This document does not differentiate between a Local/Regional (geographic) or Language-based group. Groups start first as an Interest Group, then become a Chapter and finally a Branch. Some groups may never desire or need to advance beyond an Interest Group.
Level one - Interest Group
- Similar to the idea of a Linux User Group - language or geographic regional
- Start a new Wiki page as a link from the Local Chapters page.
- Work out which of the above versions makes most sense (suggest others...)
- Add a short introduction in English language describing what the special needs of this language or localized group are (if its 'only' the language, fine)
- Start a member list (people who show interest) on that page
- Find out and link to other Like Minded Regional Organizations
- Contact those organizations and try to get a representative to sign up at OSGeo.org
Level two - Chapter
- Introduce your Chapter initiative to the Discuss List
- Start a motion (with the Board) to make your Chapter an official OSGeo project
- Hold regular meetings and report regularly to membership and board
Level three - Full Branch
A Chapter might want to set up a more legal, separate entity with its own board, funding, organization, etc. -
- Called a Branch because it is somewhat disconnected and self-reliant
- Maintain a representative tie back to the main OSGeo foundation and its goals
- Aid in running annual conference, especially if local to the branch
More details to be worked out...
These guidelines might be split into three categories. See also on discussion.
- The OSGeo does not want to highjack or take over any groups that already function well!
- In all cases it must be warranted that the OSGeo does not interfere but cooperates with existing groups.
- Ideally OSGeo supports existing groups without imposing strong restrictions.
- All the same OSGeo adheres to its principles. If these are not compatible to the existing local groups a consensus might be worked out.
- At least one representative of the local chapter must be a member of the OSGeo Foundation.
- The chair will produce a weekly, monthly, quarternary report in English language to the OSGeo board.
A description of issues that arise from cultural aspects of the region and language may help to focus activities.