Marco Ciolli
I obtained a PhD in Forest Management in 1998 and I am presently working as Assistant Professor at the University of Trento at the
Laboratory of forest ecology.
I have been involved in many educational projects about FOSS4G spreading in Italy and abroad since 1994.
My personal page at the University of Trento
Together with the research group of the University of Trento I have organized
two National conferences:
Second italian GRASS users meeting, Trento, Italy, February 1-2, 2001
and one international conference:
Open Source Free Software GIS - GRASS users conference 2002, Trento, Italy, 11-13 September 2002
Together with the research group of the University of Trento I have organized GIS courses for Professionals since 1998 and I have contributed to produce Tutorials and Educational material regarding FOSS4G since 1996.
I use FOSS4G to teach at Doctoral courses, University courses and to teach to school teachers.
I have been teacher in many workshops at OSGeo international conferences and at Italian GRASS users conferences
Together with Francesco Rovero and Clara Tattoni of the Museo delle Scienze di Trento I organize a Summer School in Tanzania: Tropical rainforest biodiversity: field and GIS tools for assessing, monitoring and mapping
Here is a list of my publications.
It was 2002 when Paolo Zatelli and I wrote this foreword to the 2002 international conference and those words are still true to me today.