GeoMoose Incubation Status
Document Status
IncCom Document Number: X
Version: 1.3
Status: draft
See also similar documents: Incubation Application Ticket and similar on GM wiki
The project representative and mentor will use this template to inform the IncCom of the project status on a periodic basis. The state of the project, as reported using this template, will be the initial indication that a project is reaching graduation.
Terms and Definitions
- IncCom
- definition
- Has the project been approved for incubation by the OSGeo board?
- Yes, at 2011/12/08 Board Meeting
- Has an Incubation Mentor been assigned to the project?
- Jody is our mentor
Infrastructure Transition
Note, for each of the following it isn't necessary to move to foundation infrastructure, but if you aren't a reason should be provided.
- Has the domain been populated with the projects web presence?
- No. We will use that to redirect to our current home in the near term. However, we would like to revisit this option in the future.
- Is the OSGeo bug tracker being used for the project?
- Is the OSGeo mailing list manager ( being used for the project?
- Is the OSGeo SVN being used for the project?
- Are binary and source downloads available from ?
Community Functioning
- Is there a functioning user support mechanisms (ie. mailing list)?
- The OSGeo hosted mailman list is the primary mechanism. It is working well. For some rough numbers, from March-November there were 828 emails so about 20ish emails a week. Most get answered promptly ending in a successful resolution. There is a pending request for a new "geomoose-psc' email list to be created for use by the GeoMoose PSC discussion.
- Are source and binary downloads for the package available?
- Yes
- Has a Project Steering Committee been formed, and given control of the project?
- Yes. Dan, Jim, Bob, Brian*, Eli, and Brent are the PSC and have control. *Brian is the chair. More information here:
- Does the Project Steering Committee have documentation on project procedures for PSC decisions, contributor guidelines, etc.
- Yes.
- How many active developers are there? Are they from multiple organizations?
- 6. Various organizations (Houston Engineering, SharedGeo, GeoAnalytic, Freelance, Local Government Agencies, etc)
Foundation Membership
- Have project documents been updated to reflect membership in the foundation, and the relationship of the project to the foundation?
- Upon graduation from incubation GeoMoose will proudly display its affiliation with OSGeo reflected throughout the project (website, mailing list, logos, etc)
- Has an effort been made to brand the project web site with OSGeo foundation web styling and branding marks?
- Upon graduation the GeoMoose website will link to the OSGeo website from several places, display the OSGeo logo, and state that GeoMoose is a project of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo). We will also submit a SAC ticket for OSGeo website updates (listing in projects). Down the road the PSC will probably discuss options to allow GeoMoose sponsorship through OSGeo project sponsorship
Code Copyright Review
- Has a Code Provenance Review document been prepared for the project?
- yes/no - point to review document.
- Have issues raised in the provenance review been adequately addressed?
- indicate outstanding issues.
- Are Commiter Responsibilities Guidelines covering legal issues in place?
- yes/no - point to the guidelines and indicate if it is adopted by PSC, and accepted by all commiters.