FOSS4G 2013 Planning Meeting November

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16:00 GMT

Barry, Barend, Claire, Jeremy, Jo, Peter, Mark, Steven, Suchith, Addy, Ian


Update on web site - Barry ran us through the proof of concept site and it received universal support.

Aim to have second version and browser test by 23rd for discussion and then aim to approve in next conference call and go live on 30th.

Sponsorship Update

(redacted until we have the go-ahead to announce)


Update from programme team Jeremy ran us through initial thoughts

Teaser for CfP in mid December and submission start mid January. Use the AGI submission system for papers and workshops

Hackathon question from Ian Edwards, Met Office - discussed and approved subject to being able to agree the scope. Mark to act as our liaison

Academic Track

Update - submission system seems to be working but FJ will do some more test and config.

Jo asked whether there would be any styling to make the submission system look like part of the main site. Action to review styling before we go live.

Any submissions yet? Not published yet. Target date is beginning of December.

Status of review panel - close to complete and sufficient numbers. Closing date for recommendations is 23/11

Other - need to decide how many papers we have space for (defer to early 2013)

Venue and budgets

Contract update - Claire advised that we are awaiting the final contract but promised for next week.

Wifi update - Jeremy has found the right guy in IS. New authentication should be easier, considering how to get wifi into the marquee. Considering how to open up ports.

Budget approved by OSGeo Board


No mapping party on 12th December


30th November at 2.00pm

Webex via Antony