GRASS GIS Report 2012
- DRAFT, please expand
- Contact name: Helena Mitasova, PSC Vice-Chair
Key Accomplishments
- GRASS 6.4.2 released, see details
- GRASS 6.4.3RC2 released, see details
- WinGRASS 6.4.3RC2 stand-alone package, MacOSX installer and Linux package released
- Google Summer of Code 2012 participation with three projects:
- Pietro Zambelli : Python high level map interaction for GRASS GIS
- Eric Momsen: Image Segmentation in GRASS GIS
- Stepan Turek: GRASS GIS WxGui front end for vector analysis modules
- many improvements in GRASS 7 development version, see new features
Participation in conferences
- 20-25 May 2012: GRASS GIS Community Sprint 2012, Prague, Czech Republic (press release)
- 19-20 May 2011: [1] - FOSS4G-CEE, Prague, Czech Republic
- 9-11 Feb 2012: GRASS and FOSS4G-IT user meeting 2011, Italy - XII Meeting degli utenti di lingua Italiana di GRASS e FOSS4G, Italy
- GRASS used at university courses - put links here:
- North Carolina State University
- Arizona State University
Areas for Improvement
- develop a migration guide for public administration
- improve the existing sponsorship program
Opportunities to Help
- help in translating GRASS GIS messages: need for translators
- help in preparing more marketing material: update flyers and poster in different languages, prepare new website
Outlook for 2013
- Organize GRASS GIS Community Sprint