GvSIG GSoC 2013 Ideas

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Use this page to jot down and develop any good idea for the Google Summer of Code 2013 program with gvSIG project. Please, use the gvSIG mailing lists for discussion and check 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009 ideas pages for examples or reference.

Idea template

  • Product: gvSIG Desktop/gvSIG Mobile/gvSIG Mini
  • Possible mentor: if applicable
  • Possible student: if applicable

Write your idea here... Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi imperdiet condimentum leo sit amet scelerisque. Aliquam placerat, dolor non egestas gravida, tellus felis viverra dui, a scelerisque dolor leo in nulla. Suspendisse pharetra lacus vitae lacus mollis dapibus dignissim metus varius. Nullam scelerisque, elit sit amet ornare commodo, tortor enim consectetur est, eget imperdiet leo augue eget felis. Vivamus nec justo tellus, nec semper ante. Etiam et dolor urna. Nullam non augue in lacus auctor laoreet eget non erat. Integer id justo id magna commodo malesuada. Maecenas tincidunt ipsum nec erat fringilla posuere. Sed ante sapien, posuere non euismod tincidunt, fermentum sollicitudin quam. Aenean metus lacus, viverra ut hendrerit eu, interdum vitae turpis.

Integrating OGR library into gvSIG Mini

1. Introduction

By integrating the OGR library into gvSIG Mini we could get not only access to read the several vector formats it supports, but also write outputs and perform transformations between them as many desktop GIS application do.

2. Background

At this moment, gvSIG gets access to a reduced list of file formats and transformations.

3. The idea

The main idea behind this project is about integrating the OGR library into gvSIG Mini. The OGR library provides several capabilities for simple features vector data; however it should be mentioned that OGR is also part of the GDAL source tree, so that by integrating OGR we do integrate GDAL as well, getting access to GDAL raster capabilities(for future developments). This proposal improves the application interoperability, and in general terms, the supported range of geoprocesses and transformations.

Once the solution is adapted and compiled, we would proceed to adapt and connect the full OGR data model with the data model gvSIG works with. In this way it is expected to have a proper visualization no matter on which fileformat is intended to be used.