Board Meeting 2013-06-13
This board meeting is scheduled for the 13th of June 2013 at 20.00 UTC on IRC and follow up voting on Skype or by email.
- roll call
- appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary
- Review and approve past minutes: Board Meeting 2013-05-09
- Begin plans for Board and Charter member elections
- Discussion on new possible Standards committee, to work with OGC
- Possible OGC Board and OSGeo Board informal meeting in Nottingham (S.Feldman's idea)
- OSGeo appearance at INSPIRE conference - 2013 and future --Jachym 01:36, 6 June 2013 (PDT)
- OSGeo SDI committee
- add your items here
- Decide on who to report this meeting summary to the Discuss list
- Schedule next meeting
- Attending:
- Presiding:
- Scribing: