New Member Nominations 2013

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The Charter Member nomination period runs from 2013-07-09 to 2013-07-23! The list of nominees for the 2013 Charter Member Election is maintained by the Chief Returning Officer (cro at

To submit a charter member nomination:

  • Please confirm with the nominated person first!
  • Please email with their name, country, contact email and paragraph describing why you are recommending this person as a Charter Member
  • Please also feel free to cc: the nomination to the OSGeo discussion list - - so the community can be nudged along and have a sense of what is going on.
  • Also, you might want to reference your OSGeo Advocate profile.

The list of nominees will be maintained by the CRO here:

Name Country Notes
Just van den Broecke The Netherlands From: Bart van den Eijnden

I'd like to nominate Just van den Broecke for OSGeo charter membership. Just has invested a lot of his time in getting the Dutch language chapter of Osgeo set up recently [0].

He has worked with a lot of the OSGeo software projects and has also developed tools in the open source domain on top of this such as Heron Mapping Components [1] and Streaming ETL [2].

In 2012 he organised the OSGeo track at the Geospatial World Forum 2012 (GWF) and he is a regular visitor/speaker to/on FOSS4G and the Bolsena hacking event as well.

Phillip Davis USA From: Phillip Davis

I would like to nominate myself for the OSGeo Charter membership. As the Director of the GeoTech Center [0] and Project Manager of the NISGTC [1] and a 30 year educator, I have a broad, international, interest in promoting Open Source software. My immediate goal is to secure $2M in NSF funding to create a national FOSS4G Academy here in the US [2]. Please also check out my LinkedIn profile [3].

Marc Jansen Germany From: Bart van den Eijnden

I'd like to nominate Marc Jansen for OSGeo charter membership. Marc is actively involved in the OpenLayers [0] and GeoExt [1] projects and works for the German company terrestris [2]. He also co-created the GXM (GeoExt Mobile) [3] library based on Sencha Touch and OpenLayers. Marc also co-wrote a book [4] in German on OpenLayers.

In 2012 Terrestris hosted a code sprint on GeoExt 2 in Bonn at their office, which was a great experience. A lot of the initial code for GeoExt 2 was actually created at an internal code sprint by terrestris in Malta.

I have met Marc many times at code sprints and FOSS4G conferences, and was surprised to see he's not actually already a charter member.

Volker Mische Germany From: Bart van den Eijnden

I'd like to nominate Volker Mische for OsGeo charter membership, since to my GREAT surprise he is not already a charter member.

Volker hardly needs any introduction. He is the creator of GeoCouch [0] and works at Couchbase [1]. I'm sure many of you have seen his talks @FOSS4G conferences on this subject.

He also contributed to OpenLayers [2], has co-created a library that integrates OpenLayers with jQuery (MapQuery).

Volker is very active member in the OSGeo community already, and was involved in the organisation of FOSS4G in 2009 in Sydney [3].

See also his engagement with FOSS4G 2013 [4].

Marco Lechner Germany From: Athina Trakas

I would like to nominate Marco Lechner as OSGeo Charter member.

Marco is a well known and constant supporter of the the OSGeo community and since many years involved in planning and execution of the German speaking FOSSGIS Konferenz [0].

He is president of the management board of the FOSSGIS e.V. [1], the legal association supporting Free Software for Geoinformation and Open Geodata in Germany. The history of FOSSGIS goes back to the German GRASS User Community founded in 2001. The FOSSGIS e.V. is the OSGeo German speaking Local Chapter and acts as a legal entitiy for the German speaking OpenStreetMap [2] community.

User:Codrina Codrina Maria Ilie Romania From: Jeff McKenna

It is my honor to nominate Codrina [0] as a Charter Member of OSGeo. Passionate about FOSS4G and Open Data, she is well known for her enthusiasm in Romania and Denmark.

Earlier this year, I was planning on giving training in Copenhagen, I might have mentioned this on the OSGeo Board mailing list, and then I received a direct email from her introducing herself and asking if we should have an OSGeo meetup in Copenhagen when I was there. Even though she recently moved from Romania to Denmark, she was somehow able to be the sparkplug to bring together a large group of Open Source geospatial passionate people in Copenhagen.

Little did I know that this meeting would also spark an invite to me to the (at the time) upcoming FOSS4G-CEE event in Bucharest [1], hosted by the / Romanian Chapter team. I would of course end up attending the event, and watched as her and the family brought together hundreds of FOSS4G and Open Data enthusiasts from countries all over Europe.

Codrina may not write code, but she has that rare passion, that strength, that guts, that allows her to network and share her FOSS4G knowledge. She holds workshops, writes user guides, and organizes events, that bring together developers, decision makers, students, and users - these thankless tasks are so very important. I've heard from others how she repeatedly attends hi-tech events with no other females present, introduces herself and starts promoting FOSS4G and Open Data.

I feel this is an international leader to-be, someone who sees the world as a very small community, willing to travel to bring the community together. It is my honor to help her grow and allow her to provide input to the shape of the OSGeo foundation.

It is for all these reasons I am nominating Codrina to become a Charter Member of OSGeo.