Bart van den Eijnden
Bart van den Eijnden
Front-end software engineer, OSGIS/OpenGeo
Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands
Bart is passionate about open source and open standards. He is a contributor to several front-end libraries such as OpenLayers and GeoExt. He is also a power user of server packages such as MapServer and GeoServer. In 2005 Bart started his own consultancy focussing on open source geospatial in The Netherlands, working mainly as a contractor to the Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management. In 2011 Bart joined OpenGeo. See also [1].
- Member of the GeoExt PSC
- Contributor to OpenLayers
- Charter member since 2006
- Technical reviewer of Web Mapping Illustrated by Tyler Mitchell
- Email: bartvde AT osgis DOT nl
- Phone +31 6 42233115
- Skype: bartvde
Spoken Language(s): Dutch, English, German
Profile last updated: 14 August 2013