User:Alvaro Huarte

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I am a software developer using commercial and open source software for developing desktop GIS applications, and interested in improving open source tools as I can and time permits. My main projects include develop generic applications for manage geographic information (Transform, analysis and mapping of geographic data) or other specific GIS platforms.

Code/Application Experience

C, C++, Win32, COM, CORBA, .NET, VBA, Visual Studio, Java, Eclipse.

MDL Microstation, ADS/ARX AutoCAD, MapObjects and ArcObjects of ESRI, OpenDWG, OpenGL, DirectX, Mogre, Ogre.

GeoServer, GeoServer+WPS, uDig, gvSIG, Quantum GIS.

Featured projects

Geobide [1]

Sitna [2]

Idena [3]


Location: Pamplona/Iruña, Navarra, Spain.

Coordinates: -1.39, 42.48


Linkedin: Alvaro Huarte [4]