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Johan Van de Wauw

Johan Van de Wauw

GIS Consultant, RealDolmen Ghent, Belgium

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Johan is working as a Senior GIS Consultant @ RealDolmen. Recent projects include implementing web and mobile gis systems and their backends, mostly based on open source components.

He is a contributor to SAGA GIS, Debian and Ubuntu GIS and the OSGEO live dvd and blogs infrequently at

Johan is a fan of open source GIS software and has given different presentations about it:

At Fosdem 2013 I was also present at the OSGEO booth.

Languages Dutch, English, French, Spanish, German

Contact johan DOT vandewauw AT gmail DOT com +32486025381

Profile last updated: 2/8/2014

{{#umSetParam: 3.732141|51.049762|Gent, Belgium|johanvdw|Johan Van de Wauw}}