United Kingdom

From OSGeo
Revision as of 04:22, 20 September 2006 by Wiki-Andyt (talk | contribs)
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The beginnings of a manifesto (edit as you see fit):

  • To provide a UK-specific focus for the OSGEO and to arrange UK meetings
  • To help UK organisations discover the opportunity of open source geospatial tools
  • To work towards a fully featured UK SDI
  • To provide a starting point for people from the UK who are new to the Open Source Geospatial movement
  • To provide a focus for lobbying for public access to UK Geodata
  • To, maybe, one day, act as focal point for the UK organising the FOSS4G conference

Sign up here to show interest!


Yes, definitely worth doing


woohoo! User:Leifuss



User:andyt User:JoWalsh