Nicolas Bozon
Research Engineer, GeoLabs.
Nicolas Bozon is an open source geospatial enthusiast. He specializes in map design, web design and UI/UX for maps and apps. He is also a researcher in geomatics and environmental sciences. Past research experiences include a post-doctoral fellowship at Osaka City University (大阪市立大学) and a PhD fellowship at Irstea Montpellier.
- Co-founder and PSC member of ZOO-Project, the Open WPS platform
- Charter Member of OSGeo
- Member of the Marketing Committee of OSGeo
- Academics
- Post-doc fellowship (JP, 2011/2013)
- PhD Maths/GIS (FR, 2006/2009)
- Master GIS (FR, 2005)
- Undergraduate Env Sc (QC, 2002/2004)
- Undergraduate Geo (FR, 2000/2002)
- Contact
- Email: nicolas dot bozon at gmail dot com
- Linkedin profile
- IRC: nbozon
{{#umSetParam: 4.856216|45.770527|Lyon, France|Nbozon|Nicolas Bozon}}