FOSS4G 2016 Marketing

From OSGeo
Revision as of 05:17, 30 October 2015 by Jmckenna (talk | contribs) (→‎Projects)
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Promotional materials

In 2007, 26% of delegates learned about the international FOSS4G conference from weblinks. So again, the FOSS4G Organising Committee is asking FOSS4G sponsors, Geospatial Open Source and Open Standards companies, and Community Leaders to add a FOSS4G logo and/or other marketing materials to their websites and blogs.

If you are attending FOSS4G, or presenting, why not say "Look out for my presentation on _topic_ at FOSS4G". This page collects and previews the resources that are available for your usage.

After adding marketing materials, please let us know about it by referencing your site below.

Download various formats here:


  • Normal without date:
plain with outline
400x120px: Foss4g2016 logo.png

150x45px: Foss4g2016 logo 150x45.png

400x120px: Foss4g2016 logo halo.png

150x45px: Foss4g2016 logo halo 150x45.png

  • Normal with date:
plain with outline
400x120px: Foss4g2016 logo date.png

150x45px: Foss4g2016 logo date 150x45.png

400x120px: Foss4g2016 logo date halo.png

150x45px: Foss4g2016 logo date halo 150x45.png

  • Compact:
plain with outline
Foss4g2016 logo squared.png Foss4g2016 logo squared halo.png


Source of images:

Promote FOSS4G and your companies Open Source / Open Standards credentials by adding one of these web banner to your website or blog, and link back to

Foss4g2016 banner 720x150 01.png

  <a href="">
    <img src="TODO"
        alt="FOSS4G Conference"/>

Foss4g2016 banner 720x150 02.png

  <a href="">
    <img src="TODO"
        alt="FOSS4G Conference"/>

Foss4g2016 banner 720x150 03.png

  <a href="">
    <img src="TODO"
        alt="FOSS4G Conference"/>

Foss4g2016 banner 720x150 04.png

  <a href="">
    <img src="TODO"
        alt="FOSS4G Conference"/>

Foss4g2016 banner 720x150 05.png

  <a href="">
    <img src="TODO"
        alt="FOSS4G Conference"/>

Foss4g2016 banner 720x150 06.png

  <a href="">
    <img src="TODO"
        alt="FOSS4G Conference"/>

Slogan: "I'm going"

plain with outline with bubbles
Foss4g2016 banner i go.png
<a href="">
  <img src="TODO"
      alt="FOSS4G Conference - I'm going"/>

Foss4g2016 banner i go halo.png

<a href="">
  <img src="TODO"
      alt="FOSS4G Conference - I'm going"/>

Foss4g2016 banner i go bubbles.png

<a href="">
  <img src="TODO"
      alt="FOSS4G Conference - I'm going"/>

Slogan: "I will be there"

plain with outline with bubbles
Foss4g2016 banner i will be there.png
<a href="">
  <img src="TODO"
      alt="FOSS4G Conference - I will be there"/>

Foss4g2016 banner i will be there halo.png

<a href="">
  <img src="TODO"
      alt="FOSS4G Conference - I will be there"/>

Foss4g2016 banner i will be there bubbles.png

<a href="">
  <img src="TODO"
      alt="FOSS4G Conference - I will be there"/>

Slogan: "Join us"

plain with outline with bubbles
Foss4g2016 banner join us.png
<a href="">
  <img src="TODO"
      alt="FOSS4G Conference - Join us"/>

Foss4g2016 banner join us halo.png

<a href="">
  <img src="TODO"
      alt="FOSS4G Conference - Join us"/>

File:Foss4g2016 banner join us bubbles.png

<a href="">
  <img src="TODO"
      alt="FOSS4G Conference - Join us"/>

Slogan: "I'm speaking"

plain with outline with bubbles
Foss4g2016 banner i speak.png
<a href="">
  <img src="TODO"
      alt="FOSS4G Conference - I'm speaking"/>

Foss4g2016 banner i speak halo.png

<a href="">
  <img src="TODO"
      alt="FOSS4G Conference - I'm speaking"/>

Foss4g2016 banner i speak bubbles.png

<a href="">
  <img src="TODO"
      alt="FOSS4G Conference - I'm speaking"/>

Banners for sponsors

Slogan: "We are sponsoring"

plain with outline with bubbles
Foss4g2016 banner we sponsor.png
<a href="">
  <img src="TODO"
      alt="FOSS4G Conference - We are sponsoring"/>

Foss4g2016 banner we sponsor halo.png

<a href="">
  <img src="TODO"
      alt="FOSS4G Conference - We are sponsoring"/>

Foss4g2016 banner we sponsor bubbles.png

<a href="">
  <img src="TODO"
      alt="FOSS4G Conference - We are sponsoring"/>

Slogan: "I'm sponsoring"

plain with outline with bubbles
Foss4g2016 banner i sponsor.png
<a href="">
  <img src="TODO"
      alt="FOSS4G Conference - I'm sponsoring"/>

Foss4g2016 banner i sponsor halo.png

<a href="">
  <img src="TODO"
      alt="FOSS4G Conference - I'm sponsoring"/>

Foss4g2016 banner i sponsor bubbles.png

<a href="">
  <img src="TODO"
      alt="FOSS4G Conference - I'm sponsoring"/>

TODO: banners for bronze, silver, gold, platinum, premier sponsors


Are you attending a conference or related event? If so, please take some post cards with you.

Contact the Bonn team: till.adams [at] and we can send some OR

you can download them from:

Front Back
Foss4g2016 postcard 01 front.png
Foss4g2016 postcard 01 back.png


Work in progress


There is a promotional video out there! Feel like including it into your website? You can download it in various formats from:

Or embed it from:

<iframe src=""
    width="500" height="281" frameborder="0"
    webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>
<p><a href="">FOSS4G 2016 Promo</a>
    from <a href="">FOSS4G</a>
    on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>
<iframe src=""
    width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

After adding, please let us know about it by referencing your site below.

List of FOSS4G promotions

The following is a list of sites that have FOSS4G marketing material on them. Please add more as you find out about them.

In the media

to be updated


Please keep updated if your project adds the logo, thank you!

Web Applications:

Desktop Applications

Geospatial Libraries

  • FDO -> to be checked
  • GDAL/OGR -> verified, see middle of
  • GEOS -> to be checked
  • GeoTools -> to be checked
  • MetaCRS -> to be checked
  • PostGIS -> verified, see right panel

Metadata Catalog


Your project is missing? Add it here!


  • insert site here


  • insert name and/or site here


TOP 120 Referrals

Who's sending more clicks to our website. Thank you all!

  • insert site here

other sites

  • insert site here


  • insert site here


What you would like is not here? If you want to add or improve the marketing material, please refer to the style guide first. Contributions are always welcome!