OSGeo Sponsorship Page

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This page contains draft content for the OSGeo Sponsorship Page. the Fundraising committee will need to review this information and approve it before it goes onto the main OSGeo website

Help Sponsor OSGeo

OSGeo is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing a reliable home for open source geospatial software, an vehicle for promotion of open source software, and a place for the open source community to gather and drive ahead innovations and maturation of the technologies we collectively share.

Although we have a tremendous volunteer community, and corporate activity involved in the advancement of open source technologies, some things still have hard costs - and for that we need your help to ensure OSGeo can be sustained long into the future as a healthy organization representing open source geospatial technologies.

Why Sponsor OSGeo

  • Organization Dependence on OSGeo Software - Many companies and perhaps some other organizations could not operate, or would be substantially different if open source geospatial technologies did not exist. For these organizations, sustaining their own current operations into the future depends on the success of OSGeo, and a relationship with the organization.
  • Organization or Community Adoption of OSGeo Software - Many organizations and communities have large internal or member adoptions of OSGeo software. These organizations have an interest in ensuring the software can be sustained into the future, and wish to be seen to be supporting their member's software selection.
  • Open Source adoption of Open Standards and other priorities - Some of OSGeo's primary goals and objectives are consistent with other organization's missions and goals. Sponsorship can become a means of furthering these goals by supporting a like-minded organization.
  • Market Benefits of Supporting OSGeo - Organizations are regularly asked where they stand in regards to open source technologies. Generally speaking - companies in particular, and other organizations wish to be seen as supportive of open source in the marketplace. Sponsorship of OSGeo provides a means of giving this support some degree of credibility.
  • Market Benefits of Relationship with OSGeo - Organizations wish to be seen to be friendly to open source, both to the open source community, and to their customers. Sponsorship provides a means of bolstering an organization's stature in respect to OSGeo.
  • Visibility - All marketing and communications organizations are interested in maximizing positive visibility in the marketplace. Sponsorship could provide a mechanism for some associated visibility with OSGeo such as logos on booths and other marketing collateral.
  • Networking Opportunity - All organizations value opportunities to meet with likeminded individuals. Meeting around a common supported cause with other sponsors around OSGeo is a great way to build stroner links among these organizations.

Organizational sponsorships will be offered to organizations at the following levels (per annum):

  1. Sustaining Sponsor: $50,000 USD
  2. Principal Sponsor: $20,000 USD
  3. Supporting Sponsor: $10,000 USD
  4. Associate Sponsor: $3,000 USD

Names need to be reviewed in light of the nature of the sponsorships. Pending on target audiences etc.. TBD

Sponsorship Benefits

It is critical that OSGeo preserve it's ability to operate in an arm's length manner from any organization, and therefore from any sponsor. For this reason, it is critical that the benefits offered to propsective sponsors do not compromise in any way the impartialness and freedom from influence that is essential for OSGeo's success.

Although this does limit the benefits that can be offered, substantial benefits remain in this context that we can work with. Potential sets of benefits are outlined below for each sponsorship level. Note that benefits are cumulative - so Supporting Sponsor includes all benefits of Associate Sponsor.

Associate Sponsor

  • Right to use OSGeo logo and promote sponsorship level
  • Identification on Sponsors web page on OSGeo, and link to Web Site

Supporting Sponsor

  • Joint Press Release with OSGeo to announce Sponsorship
  • Invitation to OSGeo Sponsor Networking Event with BoD and other invited Guests
  • Promotional Space on Sponsor Page (content subject to OSGeo approval)

Principal Sponsor

  • Enlarged Promotional Space on Sponsor Page (content subject to OSGeo approval)
  • Sponsorship Selection after Sustaining Sponsors for the Annual OSGeo International Conference

Sustaining Sponsor

  • Top Visibility on Sponsor page on the OSGeo web site
  • Organization logos on key OSGeo marketing materials
  • Organization logos at Booths at OSGeo events
  • First Sponsorship Selection for the Annual OSGeo International Conference