Board Meeting 2016-5-12
This board meeting is scheduled for the 12th of May 2016 at 14.00 UTC through IRC and follow up voting by email.
Current items
- roll call
- appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary
- Approve last meeting minutes
- Rasdaman incubation question; can OSGeo consider benevolent dictator governance model
- Elections 2016
- Support for SAC Actions (to keep the OSGeo infrastructure running smoothly)
- establish a new marketing committee and delegate marketing budget
- add items
Items from past meetings
- Add items
- Attending: venka, anita, sanghee, maxi, vcraciunescu, helena, DirkF, mdsmith
- Presiding: venka
- Scribing: jody (with help of titanpad team)
- Actions
- venka: Reach out to SAC committee chair to sort time & materials contract
- vcraciunescu: will prepare document with all necessary information for 2016 elections
Motions made here are to be confirmed by email for public record. See email thread on the Board list.
Approve last meeting minutes
Agenda topic delayed as two pending items from last months notes were unresolved:
- Financial support for OSGeo to get the OSGeo-Live DVD to the conference, Conferencia Internacional de Software Libre April" did not pass
- OSGeo to fund 2,000USD for OSGeo USB sticks at UMGEOCON 2016" did not pass
With these two issues marked as not passed ...
- MOT1: Accept minutes
- DirkF+1
- Venka+1
- vcraciunescu+1
- Anita+1
- Sangee +1
- Maxi+1
- Helena
- mdsmith+1
Can OSGeo consider benevolent dictator governance model"?
Suggestion - Have incubation BOF at Bonn decide?
- MOT2: Propose a Incubation BoF at FOSS4G-2016 to come out with a decision on the benevolent dictatorship model
- DirkF +1
- Jody +1
- helena +1
- Anita +1
- venka +1
- sangee +1
- vcraciunescu +1
- mdsmith +1
- Maxi+1
- MOT3: Await Incubation Committee decision regarding RASDAMAN Project
- DirkF +1
- Venka +1
- mdsmidth +1
- Sangee +1
- Jgarnett +1
- anitagraser +1
- helena +1
- vcraciunescu +1
- maxi +1
Elections 2016
Elections to be discussed on ML.
A CRO should be allocated to run the election process
vcraciunescu will prepare document with all necessary information
Seek to resolve the formula used (as prior discussions have not been decisive).
Support for System Administration Committee
SAC asks for support to keep the OSGeo infrastructure running smoothly.
Discussion about supporting SAC with a message that they could use part of their budget to use for working time supporting OSGeo.
- venka reaching out to SAC committee / chair - - discussion with strk on
Discussion on how best to support SAC: - venka will reach out to SAC committee chair - OSGeo is in position for time and materials contract
establish a new marketing committee and delegate marketing budget
Sent to email.
Answer FOSS4G-LOC for accepting presentation
Sent to email.
F2F meeting date at FOSS4G Bonn
Sent to email.
Next meeting
- MOT4 June 9 for next meeting
- Sanghee: MOT4 +1
- venka: MOT4: +1
- mdsmith: MOT4 +1
- DirkF: MOT4: +1
- helena: MOT4 +1
- maxi__: MOT4: +1
- anitagraser: MOT4 +1
- jgarnett: MOT4 +1