FOSS4G2020 Q&A 2 Calgary

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Questions Till Adams

  • "The remaining 50% of profit will be held in-trust by TECTERRA and used as a travel grant program for Alberta-based students to travel to future international FOSS4G events (Page 40):

In the FOSS4G cookbook [1] it is not clearly defined, how much of the revenue has to be passed back to OSGeo, but there is a not yet decided proposal that 85% of a FOSS4G surplus goes to OSGeo. The idea to hold 50% in order to setup a dedicated travel grant programme for Alberta people for future OSGeo events only sounds little strange to me - especially as there is an official travel grant programme of OSGeo. Can you please explain your ideas behind that a bit more?

  • Finances

Your calculation is based between 24-30% on sponsorship - depending on scenario "LOW" or "GOAL". Even when regarding the already signed sponsorships, in any case there is a need to sign at least a sum of 150k more sponsorship-money, in order to reach a balanced budget. Do you have an emergency plan, what happens if something unexpected may happen or what to do when missing your sponsorship goal?

[1], bullet (7)

Questions from Steven Feldman

  1. In your vision statement you say that FOOS4G will be “...a catalyst to foster the democratization of opportunity that open-sources represents for creators at every scale…” Could you explain further (particularly for people on this list for whom English is not their first language)
  2. Can you confirm that although visas are not required for some countries an ETA will be required?
  3. Can you provide clarity on whether you will be videoing and/or streaming all or some of the conference streams? Is this provided for in your budget?
  4. Your budget has a high dependency on sponsorship, what are your contingencies if your target is not achieved?
  5. If you do not receive specific funding for the gala evening what will be the charge to delegates in USD?
  6. Can you confirm that you will not be seeking any seed funding or guarantees from OSGeo?
  7. You appear to make very little additional profit from higher levels of attendance. Can you explain?
  8. Is there any option to reduce the costs of catering to either reduce ticket prices or increase surplus?
  9. Is the 50% share of surplus contribution to OSGeo negotiable?
  10. The co-hosting alongside Inventure$ 2020 radically changes your budget and proposal. Can you provide some more detailed info on this opportunity and clarify whether this is your preference ()and if so why you did not base your proposal around it?)
  11. Can you confirm that the workshop fee of US $200 ids for 2 full days of workshops. Is there an option for attendees to register for only 1 or 2 workshops individually?
  12. Can you confirm whether you are offering a discount on delegate fees to workshop presenters?
  13. In your budget you have a line for printing a programme. Can you explain? (in the last 2 years we have had digital programmes)
  14. You make no mention of producing a conference t-shirt or the costs, is that correct or have I missed it?
  15. You mention a Travel Grant Programme - is this the OSGeo TGP initiative or one that will be run independently by your LOC?
  16. Can you confirm that any funds allocated to a TGP (your own or the OSGeo one) will be used for travel and subsistence support and that all TGP recipients will receive a free conference pass in addition (i.e the TGP funds will not be used to cover delegate passes)?