Building MapGuide on Fedora Core 6

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These instructions are for building and installing the latest MapGuide Open Source on Fedora Core 6. All of the following are done with root privileges.

Prerequisite software

Install the Java Development Kit: The JDK is available from (the plain package is fine, no need for NetBeans or Java EE).

For Fedora Core 6, you need GCC 4.1.1. To check what version you have type gcc --version at the command line. GCC is available from

Install subversion available from For this, make sure to run "./configure --with-ssl" because the osgeo subversion vaults use https.

Install MapGuide Linux, Apache, Tomcat package

Download mapguideaptinstaller-1.2.0.tar.gz from

In a shell window execute the following commands in the directory where you downloaded the apt installer file:

tar zxf mapguideaptinstaller-1.2.0.tar.gz
cd LinuxApt

Install FDO 3.2

Details about the following can be found on the And in the OpenSourceBuild__README.txt file that is checked out when subversion is used to get the fdocore trunk.

In a shell window execute the following commands:

svn checkout fdocore

cd fdocore
mkdir Providers
cd Providers

svn checkout SDF
svn checkout SHP

Similarly for any other providers that you are interested in. Make sure to read the relevant section in the OpenSourceBuild__README.txt file for other providers.

Other providers:

svn checkout GDAL
svn checkout GenericRdbms
svn checkout OGR
svn checkout WMS
svn checkout WFS

cd ..
source ./

Install MapGuide

Details about the following can be found in

In a shell window execute the following commands:

svn checkout mapguide

cd mapguide

There is an error that will occur the first time this is run. You will need to fix the Svc_Conf_l.cpp file using the following commands:

pushd Oem/ACE/ACE_wrappers/ace
rm Svc_Conf_l.cpp
svn update

Also if you get an error building CppUnit. Try the following:

pushd Oem/CppUnit-1.9.14
rm aclocal.m4

libtoolize --force
automake --add-missing --copy
./configure --enable-optimized
make install

Run the MapGuide web tier and server

Execute the following commands in a shell window:

cd /usr/local/mapguideopensource/webtierextensions/apache2/bin

cd /usr/local/mapguideopensource/server/bin

If you open up a browser, you should be able to open http://localhost:8008/mapguide/mapagent/index.html and see the server test web pages.

Recompile with latest updates

To update to the latest code for any of the components above change to the directory where "svn checkout ..." was run and run "svn update" (without any other arguments) instead. If any files were updated, deleted or added (subversion will output any changes to the screen) rerun the steps to build that component.