Configuration Files MapServer
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MapServer Configuration Text File
This is a very basic example - feel free to improve. A more complex example of MapServer WMS use, though much out of date, is available at
MAP NAME global_map STATUS ON SIZE 600 300 EXTENT -180 -90 180 90 UNITS DD IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 IMAGETYPE png WEB IMAGEPATH "/opt/fgs/apps/kamap-0.1.1/htdocs/tmp/" IMAGEURL "/ka-map/tmp/" END LEGEND TRANSPARENT TRUE END SCALEBAR TRANSPARENT TRUE END LAYER NAME clouds TYPE RASTER STATUS ON DATA "data/day_clouds.tif" END LAYER NAME countries TYPE LINE STATUS ON DATA "data/countries_simpl.shp" CLASS NAME "Country Boundaries" STYLE COLOR 200 100 100 END END END END