The MapTools FGS Pages contain a variety of information for FGS users, and those wanting to develop packages for it. This page is mostly suplementary information as I learn my way around developing for FGS.
Q: Some of the source distributions are no longer available at their original urls so my builds fail.
A: Download packages from http://dl.maptools.org/dl/fgs/fgs-dev/fgs-cache/ to your fgs-dev/cache directory. In some cases, downloads will *appear* to succeed, like libpng, but in fact all you get is an html file indicating the path is wrong. Caveat emptor.
Q: When I use "fgsdev custom_build_list create _module_name_1_ _module_name_2_" what do I use for module names?
A: Look in fgs-dev/pkg_def/build.list, and use names from that file, with "-base" appended. So the file has "tiff:3.7.2" but you would use "tiff-base" as the package name. I'm not sure why the -base.
notes on FGS-DEV layout
Basic Directory Structure of FGS-DEV
fgs-dev/-| |--bin/--| | |--lib/ | |--cache/ | |src/ | | |--pkg_def/--| | |--_misc/ | |--<package_name>/--| | |--base.skeleton/ |--built/--| | |--_lib/ | |--<package_name>/ | |--modules/--| |--base/ |--<module_name>/
- package - source code package
- module - fgs-dev tar gzipped of compiled package
- Root directory for fgs-dev environment.
- Setenv.sh
- sets up the fgs-dev env vars
- FGS_DEV_HOME (location fgs-dev)
- PATH ($FGS_DEV_HOME/bin to beginning of PATH)
- sets up the fgs-dev env vars
- Setenv.sh
- Main directory for all fgsdev commands used to build fgs modules
- fgsdev
- wrapper for fgsdev commands
- fgsdev custom_build_list
- fgsdev build_all
- fgsdev build_pkg <package_name>
- wrapper for fgsdev commands
- fgsdev
- fgs_build_all.sh
- builds all packages listed in fgs-dev/build.list by calling fgs_build_pkg.sh for each entry
- fgs_build_all.sh
- fgs_build_pkg.sh
- build a single package by calling:
- fgs-dev/src/<package_name>/fgs_build.sh
- fgs-dev/src/<package_name>/fgs_install.sh
- build a single package by calling:
- fgs_build_pkg.sh
- fgs_installer.sh
- script to install fgs
- fgs_installer.sh
- Dirctory that contains all commands and functions used by scripts in fgs-dev/bin
- fgsdev_env.sh -
- sets FGS-DEV env vars to configure and compile src packages
- FGS_LIB_DIR ($FGS_DEV_HOME/built/_lib)
- sets FGS-DEV env vars to configure and compile src packages
- fgsdev_env.sh -
- custom_build_list.sh
- creates a custom $FGS_DEV_HOME/build.list file
- custom_build_list.sh
- build_base.sh
- creates the fgs-base module
- build_base.sh
- install_src.sh
- Uses build.list files to determine what package and version to build
- build.list is a list of source code packages with version number that fgs-dev will build
- if CUSTOM_BUILD_FILE doesn't contain a version number then gets version number from STANDARD_BUILD_FILE
- checks if package in the FGS_SRC_CACHE_DIR if not in source directory will download the source using information in fgs-dev/pkg_def/<package_name>/def.sh file
- extract source archive to fgs-dev/src/
- Uses build.list files to determine what package and version to build
- install_src.sh
- check_dep.sh
- Checks that a packages dependencies are built before building a packages
- references fgs-dev/pkg_defs/<package_name>/base.required (listing of dependencies)
- check_dep.sh
- list_module_dep.sh
- get module dependicies of a specific module
- list_module_dep.sh
- module.sh
- create module directory fgs-dev/modules/<module_name>
- copy fgs-dev/pkg_def/<package_name>/base.skeleton to module directory
- create module by tar gzipping module directory
- module.sh
- self-installer.sh
- create self extracing installer for fgs modules
- self-installer.sh
- self-extractor_header.sh
- specific-freebsd.sh
- fix for freebsd make install options
- specific-freebsd.sh
Contains all packages needed for building fgs-dev modules. FGS-DEV will download a specific package version if it does not already exist in this directory.
Used for extracting and compiling source code packages
Contains the standard build.list file
Contains a directory for each fgs package
Instructions for building package and creating modules
- def.sh
- contains information for downloading source code
- def.sh
- base.required
- list of required modules
- base.required
- fgs_build.sh
- calls fgs-dev/bin/lib/fgsdev_env.sh to create build env
- configures and makes package
- minimally sets --prefix=$FGS_BUILD_HOME/<package_name>
- fgs_build.sh
- fgs_install.sh
- calls fgs-dev/bin/lib/fgsdev_env.sh to create build env
- calls fgs-dev/bin/lib/module.sh
- creates module in fgs-dev/modules/<module_name>
- fgs_install.sh
- base.skeleton/
- skeleton directory used to create the modules base strucuture
- base.skeleton/
- base.skeleton/etc/fgs/pkgs/<module_name>/
- contains install.sh - a post install script used when installing the module in fgs
- base.skeleton/etc/fgs/pkgs/<module_name>/
All packages intalled to this directory with "make install"
FGS_DEV's library directory (LD_LIBRARY_PATH). Each packages fgs_install.sh script copies *.so files to this directory
Contains all fgs-dev modules that can then by installed via the fgs installer script.
Basic usage of fgs-dev
Get fgs-dev environment $ cvs -d :pserver:cvsanon@cvs.maptools.org:/cvs/maptools/cvsroot login $ cvs -d :pserver:cvsanon@cvs.maptools.org:/cvs/maptools/cvsroot co fgs-dev $ cd fgs-dev ** set fgs-dev's environment $ . setenv.sh ** create custom build.list $ fgsdev custom_build_list create mapserver-base - creates fgs-dev/build.list - this file can be edited (I.E. require specific versions) - to require a specific version add it to the 2nd column
---------- build.list -------------- jpeg::: tiff::: pdflib_lite::: libpng::: freetype::: libiconv::: gd::: openssl::: netcdf::: curl::: proj::: libgeotiff::: postgresql::: unixODBC::: xerces_c::: libungif::: gdal::: expat::: apache::: libxml2::: sablotron::: php::: mapserver:::
** build all mapserver-base modules and all of it's dependencies $ fgsdev build_all
To Add a package to fgs-dev
Add the package and any dependencies not provided by fgs to fgs-dev/pkg_def/build.list
- For every package added do:
Add directory to with the package name to fgs-dev/pkg_def
To the fgs-dev/pkg_def/<package_name> add:
-------------------def.sh----------- PKG_NAME='<package_name' ARCHIVE_SITE=http://<package_archive_url> ARCHIVE_PREFIX='<packages_archive_prefix>' SRC_FILE="${ARCHIVE_PREFIX}${SRC_VERSION}.tar.gz" # change to archives postfix ARCHIVE_DOWNLOAD=$ARCHIVE_SITE/${SRC_FILE} ARCHIVE_DIR=${ARCHIVE_PREFIX}${SRC_VERSION}
- list of required modules
- example file to edit for package's specific needs
-----------fgs_build.sh------------- #!/bin/bash #### ## fgs_build ## $Id: fgs_build,v 1.9 2006/01/17 16:26:15 gdallaire Exp $ ## Called by the build_pkg routine. Can be run manually. ## Custom version of this file should live in $FGS_HOME_DEV directory with ## this file name pattern : package_name-fgs_build #### if [ -z "$FGS_DEV_HOME" ] ; then echo "FGS_DEV_HOME not set, please load setenv.sh first..." exit 1 fi . $FGS_DEV_HOME/bin/lib/fgsdev_env.sh rm -rf $FGS_BUILD_HOME/<package_name> ./configure --prefix=$FGS_BUILD_HOME/<package_name \ in_error_abort make clean in_error_abort make $FGS_MAKE_OPT all in_error_abort
- example file to edit for package's specific needs
#!/bin/bash #### ## fgs_install ## $Id: fgs_install,v 1.7 2005/04/19 03:29:01 gdallaire Exp $ ## Called by the build_pkg routine. Can be run manually. ## Custom version of this file should live in $FGS_HOME_DEV directory with ## this file name pattern : package_name-fgs_install #### if [ -z "$FGS_DEV_HOME" ] ; then echo "FGS_DEV_HOME not set, please load setenv.sh first..." exit 1 fi . $FGS_DEV_HOME/bin/lib/fgsdev_env.sh . $FGS_DEV_HOME/bin/lib/module.sh ## Installs all in $FGS_BUILD_HOME make install #### ## MODULE_NAME : <module_name> #### create_module_home <module_name> base # or lib if creating a library # copy all needed files from FGS_BUILD_HOME/<package_name> to # FGS_MODULE_HOME/<module_name> create_module
Once the new package and all it's required dependencies are added to fgs-dev you can now use the normal fgsdev commands to build the new module(s)