FOSS4G 2009 Meeting 2008-09-10 Program And Venue
- At Tour Hosts offices:
- Committee: Cameron Shorter, Simon Hope
- Tour Hosts (TH): Denisa Adamova, Janelle Driscoll, Kirsty O’Brien, Daniel
This was an impromptu meeting, in the morning between Cameron and Tour Hosts, then also with Simon Hope.
We discussed a number of things that had been floating around on the email lists, summarised below:
- Tour Hosts has nominated Janelle to sit on the FOSS4G-private email list, but initially will not sit on the public list.
- Jannel is still learning how to efficiently handle large volumes of email (ie, skim titles, and only read the content of emails of interest).
- Basic guidelines Jannel will start with are:
- Read all threads that Tour Hosts start.
- Read titles of other emails, possibly no more.
- If we specifically want tour hosts to read an email, include "Tour Hosts" in the title.
Lets try this out for a while and see how it goes. Later we might set up committee email lists to filter traffic.
We are now looking at using the Sydney Convention Center available Wednesday 21 - Saturday 24 October 2008. All votes so far have been to go for quality (instead of the Uni feel) and this is what we will get.
Tour Hosts are currently looking for a venue for workshops which will be held the day before the conference on Tue 20. (Sat was ruled out as many local attendees for the workshop might not come to a weekend activity). This might be in a nearby venue rather than the Convention Center. There are a number of options.
Code Sprint could be on the Monday before or Saturday after.
Tour Hosts are reworking budget so that we can break even at 500, and hopefully still be able to expand to 900 if we get the numbers (by adding extra rooms etc).