FOSS4G 2013 Planning Meeting Feburary 8th

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Contract Close to finalising, in detailed discussion on wifi and then done

Call for presentations Update on numbers of submissions > Update every week (Antony to discuss with Claire) > Call for workshops and presentations to go on mailing lists (Suchith, Barry [discuss, announce]) > Paul Ramsey will run community voting

Call for Workshops Finalise dates > Def. Wed, poss Tue as well - decide after end of call for Workshops at end March Update on numbers of submissions

Hackathon update Finalise dates > Def. Tuesday, poss Mon as well (dependent on workshops) - booking on EventBrite to avoid charges Program

Code Sprint Confirmed for Sunday

Call for Maps Depending on time we may need to push back to a separate call to discuss > Document and approach received from Ken. Poss sponsorship of prizes? IT issues to be resolved, ie display panels. Call should be pushed back in the meantime. Likely to cover existing work rather than new.

Paper selection F2F dates Everyone needs to confirm hotel room bookings Jeremy do we have a room? > Matt and Rollo can't make it

Publicity Plans? > Tweets and mailing lists posts needed on sponsors, calls for papers, etc. Press releases also needed. comms group to coordinate. Registration is next trigger point. All to action in channels they are on

Social Need to kick off a group thinking about social and entertainments > Barry is talking to geeky comics, contract awaited > Call to discuss will be needed

Academic Track as of 8th Feb 31 reviewers registered 29 authors registered 12 submissions - is this a potential problem? -- [BK:] If it stays at that, yes. But experience seems to suggest most people wait till the deadline....

Sponsorship Confirmed 19 sponsors

Diamond Ordnance Survey

Gold Envitia Google

Silver Edina Geosolutions ESRI UK Geosparc

Bronze Oslandia Camptocamp SA Astun Technology 2ndQuadrant

Supporter Georepublic Metaspatial Mapgears Inc. Geocat Ubisense Vizzuality EOX IT Services GmbH Terrestris

Keynote speakers Paul Ramsey accepted (can be public) Kate Chapman accepted Edward Anderson (World Bank) accepted Ian James (OS) accepted (Rollo to confirm whether he can be publicised) - DONE. See comment below. Steven to confirm with others re publicity Others needed - Central Govt? Someone a bit wacky?

Open Source Conference in April Ian is in touch with organisers

Programme Outline produced by Rollo To be reviewed by programme group

Next Call Jo or Jeremy to chair, Steven will be up a mountain