Gavin Fleming

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OSGeo Member
Name: Gavin Fleming Gavin.jpeg
Job Title: Joint MD
Company: Kartoza
City: Overstrand
Country: South Africa
Local Chapter: Africa Local Chapter
Email: gavin AT kartoza DOT com
Phone: +27878092702
Instant Messaging:
Language(s): English; Spanish; Afrikaans
Personal Description : Gavin is passionate about Open Source Software, Open Data and other Open philosophies that lead to interoperability, empowerment of people and helping maximise returns on government spending. He started his GIS career in 1996 after completing an MSc in genetics. His GIS experience includes thirteen years with the full suite of ESRI software but he started the FOSS GIS habit around 2002. He is a registered GISc Professional Practitioner. He worked at GIMS (now ESRI South Africa), CSIR, Mintek and SAEON before starting Afrispatial in 2010 and then Kartoza in 2014, the latter a merger between Afrispatial and Linfiniti (Tim Sutton).
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OSGeo Experience and Roles:

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