GeoForAll Labs Edu Collaborations

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Dear GeoForAll Lab colleagues:

Via this wiki, we are trying to identify labs who might be willing to try to collaborate on educational content. Please add what educational content you are or want to work on below so we can identify possible lab collaborations. Add new table rows with your information under rows with similar topics

Thanks, Charlie Schweik

Educational topic, educational level, lab, contact name, email

Educational Topic Educational Level Labs Contact name Contact email Date when class will start
Unmanned Aerial Systems/Remote Sensing University, undergraduate, graduate UMass Amherst Charlie Schweik cschweik 'at' January 22, 2018
UAS mapping for 3D modeling graduate North Carolina State U, Raleigh, NC Helena Mitasova hmitaso 'at' Jan 8, 2018
GIS in Primary School Education postgraduate Hellenic digital earth Centre of Excellence, Thessaloniki, Greece Nikos Lambrinos October 2018
GIS in Secondary School Education undergraduate Comunidad gvSIG Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay Sergio Acosta y Lara March 2018
GIS in Instituto federal undergraduate and postgraduate LabEad – Conectando mundos (Meninas da Geotecnologias), Castanhal, Brasil Tatiana Pará M. de Freitas Dez 2019
GeoAI undergraduate and postgraduate OSGEOLabUD, Bogotá, Colombia Paulo César Coronado January 2024 (Spanish)
Spatial Databases undergraduate and postgraduate OSGEOLabUD, Bogotá, Colombia Paulo César Coronado June 2024 (Spanish)
GIS 3D undergraduate/graduate OSGeoLabUD, Bogotá, Colombia Paulo César Coronado January 2024 (Spanish)

See some ideas and discussion of some format options for educational materials in the Appendix of this paper: Petras, V., Petrasova, A., Harmon, B., Meentemeyer, R.K., Mitasova, H. Integrating Free and Open Source Solutions into Geospatial Science Education. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2015, 4, 942-956.