Ninth VisCom Meeting Minutes
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This meeting was entirely via IRC (IRC log) on July 20th, 2006, from 9:00am to 10:00 PST. Present were mpg (as chair and scribe) and Tyler (as deputy-co-assistant-vice-chair).
We covered "new" business", and also scrubbed out a lot of the "old" business. Action items are in bold. Minutes are organized by subject, not chronologically.
- Committee membership (all)
- DaveM was removed (will be doing Fun things)
- Peter remains in limbo, Lisa Landers to join us soon
- Alain has been bust, but still involved with us
- Events / OSCON (Tyler)
- Gary L's doing a keynote
- we have a whole 45 minute OSGeo session: Jo Walsh, Mark Lucas, Aaron Racicot all presenting
- distributing some of the free passes, inc. 2 to Portland State Univ. students
- BOF meeting, organised by locals, inc. PSU's osgis user group
- two of our folks to attend the exclusive "Executive Briefing" event thing
- shirts ordered!
- overview brochure done up by Tyler (Tyler to post on website)
- Events / GeoWeb (Michael)
- no free passes from Autodesk to give away
- meetup event trying to happen, mpg to work on it
- mpg to ask Ian to hang out at booth?
- Gary is keynoting
- mpg is presenting and panelling and workshopping
- Ian is presenting
- mpg to get some brochures and whatnot done up for the ADSK booth
- OSGeo Membership
- Tyler may have idears on how to "recruit"
- LisaL has ideas too, from previous jobs (Bentley, Intergraph)
- recruiting falls within our remit, perhaps
- Fishbowl? clipboard?
- benefits: certain pay levels get you shirts, business cards, ... ("Happy Meal" model)
example card- keep this on the agenda for future
- Press Releases (mpg)
- the "6-month" one went out
- got picked up in a lot of places
- mpg to get website hit stats, etc (from auke)
- mpg wants a press release evey quarter or so
- Events / Future
- need to make sure FOSS4G is covered whilst Arnulf is away
- need an owner for EuroOSCON -- possibly Schuyler+zool?
- mpg to do up a "list of Event Owner tasks" page
- Kirsten: Disc. MapAsia and World Map Forum with Venka re: possibility of helping w/ OSGeo booth.
- mpg still not happy with Events page, wants more process
- Misc
- Tyler to start a logo "guidelines" and "usage" page, for us to kick around
- need to try again and get a Translation team together
- TODO: start a Strategy page, sync with FunCom - broadly solicit general ideas
- newsletter: we just need volunteers, can leverage GRASS work, etc; could include reports from committees, board, etc