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16:02 -!- johanvdw [~johan@] has joined #osgeobe 16:02 [Users #osgeobe] 16:02 [@Dirkf] [ johanvdw] [ Tommy_] 16:02 -!- Irssi: #osgeobe: Total of 3 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 2 normal] 16:02 -!- Channel #osgeobe created Fri Apr 24 16:00:42 2015 16:02 <@Dirkf> Hi Tommy 16:02 -!- Irssi: Join to #osgeobe was synced in 7 secs 16:02 <@Dirkf> Hi Johan 16:02 < Tommy_> Hi Dirk 16:02 < Tommy_> Are you ok ? 16:02 < johanvdw> Hi all 16:03 < Tommy_> hello Johan 16:03 <@Dirkf> Yes, looking for the agenda in my mail... 16:05 <@Dirkf> Agenda for today: 16:05 <@Dirkf> lead for FOSS4G-BE, Date of the event, First feedback about the structure, ... 16:05 < Tommy_> ok 16:05 <@Dirkf> 1. Lead for FOSS4G-BE 16:06 <@Dirkf> any volunteers? 16:06 < Tommy_> you ? 16:06 <@Dirkf> or do we wait some couple of moments for Mauritz and ... 16:06 < Tommy_> I think we shoud wait a little more 16:06 < johanvdw> It would be useful to have a breakdown of how much work it was to organise the previous events 16:07 <@Dirkf> If no other volunteers appear ... 16:07 < Tommy_> like Johan said 16:07 <@Dirkf> The lead can decide how complex he wants to make the organisation... 16:07 < Tommy_> it depends on how much time it takes 16:07 < Tommy_> but I guess 16:07 < Tommy_> It takes some time 16:08 <@Dirkf> I know. 16:08 < Tommy_> that's what Mauritz said 16:08 < johanvdw> We can distribute work 16:09 < Tommy_> indeed 16:09 <@Dirkf> I agree, but someone has to take the lead. 16:09 < johanvdw> If someone manages the location and someone else eg the contacts with sponsors I am willing to take the lead 16:09 <@Dirkf> I suggest we wait until 16:15 before we make decisions 16:09 < Tommy_> ok 16:10 < Tommy_> but I just remember 16:11 < Tommy_> that Moritz said he has another obligation at 16h00 16:11 <@Dirkf> So it's only the tree of us then? 16:11 < Tommy_> "Friday afternoon, not too late (I have another obligation at 16h) would be ok for me." 16:11 < Tommy_> I guess so 16:12 <@Dirkf> I just returned from Brussels, being here at 15:55... 16:12 <@Dirkf> indeed. 16:12 <@Dirkf> So do we reshedule the meeting, or make decisions of our own and make them public at the wiki? 16:13 < Tommy_> I don't know 6:13 <@Dirkf> @Johan? 16:13 < Tommy_> but I don't think that there will be a lot of volunteers 16:13 < johanvdw> As a general rule I think we should always have decisions taken on the mailinglist 16:13 < Tommy_> for taking the lead 16:14 <@Dirkf> OK 16:14 < johanvdw> I think it is useful to reshedule this meeting if we have no input on eg location 16:14 <@Dirkf> indeed. 16:15 <@Dirkf> actions? 16:15 < Tommy_> that's indeed a required input 16:15 < Tommy_> but Dirk, to be clear, are you ok with taking the lead ? 16:16 <@Dirkf> I thougt Johan suggested to take the lead? 16:16 < Tommy_> that's also ok for me 16:17 <@Dirkf> So we should send a message on the mailing list to vote on his. 16:17 < Tommy_> just a matter of work distribution if i understand well 16:17 <@Dirkf> I think point 1 is closed with this. 16:17 < Tommy_> ok for you, Johan ? 16:17 < johanvdw> Actually I said I want to take the lead if someone can arrange a location so I can focus on the content and other things. 16:18 < Tommy_> ok, that's what I understood 16:18 <@Dirkf> Taking the lead is taking the ownership, so you should manage someone to look for the location. 16:21 < Tommy_> Guys, i don't think that irc is very convenient 16:21 <@Dirkf> @Johan, I volunteer to take the lead (if seconded on the mailing list). I will look for somebody to take care of the hosting. Can you work on the content? 16:21 <@Dirkf> no it isn't. 16:21 < johanvdw> OK 16:22 < johanvdw> Tommy_: I'm ok using skype or sth else 16:22 <@Dirkf> Can you send a mail on the mailing list with a question for voting? 16:22 <@Dirkf> @johan) 16:22 <@Dirkf> Then I think point one is closed 16:23 <@Dirkf> 2. Date of the even 16:23 <@Dirkf> Not relevant at this stage, I will look for a place to host the event first. 16:23 <@Dirkf> Can we close point 2? 16:23 < johanvdw> Looks logical 16:24 < Tommy_> I think so... 16:24 <@Dirkf> @Tommy: skype is ok for me, I am online, but Johan has to install it first... 16:25 < johanvdw> I can try to connect in 5 minutes 16:25 <@Dirkf> No need for this time @johan... 16:26 <@Dirkf> we will end this meeting and then use skype for a next one. 16:26 <@Dirkf> Agree to close point 1 and 2? 16:26 < Tommy_> ok for me 16:26 <@Dirkf> +1 for me 16:26 < johanvdw> ok 16:26 <@Dirkf> @Johan? 16:26 < johanvdw> For the next meeting perhaps better to have doodle so more people can join 16:27 < Tommy_> indeed 16:27 <@Dirkf> OK. 16:27 <@Dirkf> 3. First feedback about the structure 16:28 <@Dirkf> I talked to Ben Abelhouen. 16:28 <@Dirkf> Abelhausen I mean 16:28 <@Dirkf> He has a good experience in working with Open Knowledge Foundation for OSM. 16:29 <@Dirkf> I will write a short mote on the discussion list about my conversation and I will ask if I can start talking with Pieter Colpaert for discussing the details of a coöperation. 16:29 <@Dirkf> OK? 16:29 < Tommy_> No problem for me 16:30 < johanvdw> Perfect for me 16:30 <@Dirkf> OK. 16:30 <@Dirkf> then I think we can close this meeting. 16:30 <@Dirkf> Action points: 16:30 <@Dirkf> 1. Johan writes a mail to ask vor volunteers for taking the lead. I will volunteer if nobady else does. 16:31 < johanvdw> ok 16:31 <@Dirkf> 2. I write a mail about feedback of the conversation with OSM about OKF. 16:32 <@Dirkf> I think thats it. 16:32 <@Dirkf> Any other points? 16:32 < Tommy_> ok Dirk, thx 16:32 <@Dirkf> Who will put the meeting minutes on the wiki? 16:32 < johanvdw> Dirkf: I'll just ask if someone takes the lead - not mention you will do it if noone else does it 16:32 <@Dirkf> Johan? 16:33 < johanvdw> otherwise I don't think anyone will be a candidate 16:33 <@Dirkf> OK I agree 16:33 < Tommy_> ;-) 16:33 < johanvdw> Ok, I'll add a short report to the wiki 16:33 <@Dirkf> just put the full meeting minutes also online. 16:34 <@Dirkf> As done by the OSGeo board also. 16:34 <@Dirkf> OK. I close this meeting. 16:35 < Tommy_> ok, bye guys