Osgeo Userid Help

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Via this page: http://www.osgeo.org/osgeo_userid you will be directed to the scripts to either create a osgeo_userid, or to change it (for example to reset your password).

Account creation procedure

Go to https://id.osgeo.org/ldap/create and follow instruction there

Password reset procedure

Below is a Visual Representation of the password reset process.


First step, go to https://id.osgeo.org/ldap/reset

1 osgeo userid reset with email.png

and fill in your email address in that form and POST it:

This screen will be the result:

2 osgeo userid reset with email result.png

Email confirmation email

And now... check your email (can take some time), you will receive this email:

3 osgeo userid email.png

Click the (one-time!) link in the email, and your password will actually be reset and you will see the following page:

4 osgeo userid email clicked.png

Email with new password

You will receive an email with a NEW password to be able to login and change to your preferred password:

5 osgeo userid email clicked result.png


Go to the link in the email, you will be presented with a login alert:

6 osgeo userid edit login.png

Do use the NEW password there, often your browser 'remembers' some password for you, but this is probably NOT the right one.

In the following screen you can change your password:

7 osgeo userid edit change password.png


IF you happen to see the message 'Invalid token':

8 osgeo userid invalid token.png

something went wrong.

Maybe you clicked asked for a new onetime password twice, or you 'used' this onetime password already?

Just go to https://id.osgeo.org/ldap/reset again and start over...