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wwwosgeo (staging server) is running on virtual box ssh port 53022, passwords on secure/access server Virtual Box use VMDK, dynamically allocated, 100GB Start with debian-9.3.0-amd64-netinst.iso image ( (2017-12-09) (Regular install, don't use graphical) set mirror to Participate in Package Usage: Yes Uncheck Debian Desktop Environment Check SSH server Check Web Server Uncheck Print Server Install Grub Select 2nd option (only drive)

Install LDAP

su root apt install locales-all libpam-ldapd libnss-ldapd apt install sudo apt install tcsh

  1. During install fill in below and check passwd, group, shadow

apt install ldapscripts

/etc/ldap/ldap.conf should have this

BASE dc=osgeo, dc=org URI ldaps://

  3. DEREF never

TLS_CHECKPEER yes TLS_REQCERT demand TLS_CACERT /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt #this file you need to copy from osgeo6 as well pam_groupdn cn=telascience,ou=Shell,dc=osgeo,dc=org #not though telascience is defunct so not sure what that cn nss_base_passwd ou=People,dc=osgeo,dc=org nss_base_shadow ou=People,dc=osgeo,dc=org nss_base_group ou=Group,dc=osgeo,dc=org ldap_version 3 pam_password md5 bind_policy soft

copy contents of /etc/nslcd.conf from osgeo6

nano /etc/nsswitch.conf conf should look like

  # /etc/nsswitch.conf
  # Example configuration of GNU Name Service Switch functionality.
  # If you have the `glibc-doc-reference' and `info' packages installed, try:
  # `info libc "Name Service Switch"' for information about this file.
  passwd:         compat ldap
  group:          compat ldap
  shadow:         compat
  gshadow:        files
  hosts:          files dns
  networks:       files
  protocols:      db files ldap
  services:       db files ldap
  ethers:         db files
  rpc:            db files
  netgroup:       nis
  aliases:        ldap

   service nscd restart
   service nslcd restart
   service ssh restart

Verify ldap authentication and query all set up

   getent passwd robe
  1. should output:

robe:x:15108:100:Regina Obe:/home/robe:/bin/bash

   ldapsearch -x uid=robe
  1. should output a lot of information about Regina

cp -a /etc/skel /home/robe chown -R robe:100 /home/robe

  1. add robe to sudoers

sudo usermod -a -G sudo robe sudo usermod -a -G www-data robe

should now be able to log in as robe

Installing PHP, MariaDb etc for wordpress

   sudo apt install mariadb-server  #installed Mariadb 10.1

  1. install apache, php7
   sudo apt install apache2  #was already installed as part of setup so not needed
  1. on debian 9, php7.0 is default, so I can dispense with php7.0 prefix,
  2. for older, might have to do php7.0, libapache2-mod-php7.0 etc.
   sudo apt install php php-dev libapache2-mod-php php-mysql php-curl php-gd php-xmlrpc php-intl php-mcrypt php-xsl
   sudo apt install php-ldap

Download backups and restore, and setup website

copy configs to etc/apache2/sites-available (for this server I created staging version) copy database and sql backups from old server to /var/www/backups

   sudo a2dissite 000-default.conf
   sudo a2ensite
   sudo a2enmod rewrite
   sudo a2enmod file_cache
   sudo a2enmod expires
   cd /var/www/backups
   tar -xvf osgeo_wp_daily.tar.gz 
   mv /var/www/
   cd /var/www
   sudo chown -R www-data:www-data
   sudo chmod -R 770
  1. create new database and user and restore backup
   CREATE USER 'osgeo_site' @'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'look in config for password';
   CREATE DATABASE staging_osgeo;
   GRANT ALL ON staging_osgeo.* TO 'osgeo_site'@'localhost';
  1. restore backup
   cd /var/www/backups
   sudo gunzip osgeo_daily.sql.gz
   sudo mysql --user=root staging_osgeo  < osgeo_daily.sql
   sudo apt update
   sudo apt upgrade
   sudo reboot
  1. you may need to fiddle with the www/ if you are setting up a dev
   sudo systemctl reload apache2

Install apache, php7

   sudo apt install apache2  #was already installed as part of setup so not needed
  1. on debian 9, php7.0 is default, so I can dispense with php7.0 prefix,
  2. for older, might have to do php7.0, libapache2-mod-php7.0 etc.
   sudo apt install php php-dev libapache2-mod-php php-mysql php-curl php-gd php-xmlrpc php-intl php-mcrypt php-xsl
   sudo apt install php-ldap

download backups and restore

copy configs to etc/apache2/sites-available (for this server I created staging version) copy database and sql backups from old server to /var/www/backups

sudo a2dissite 000-default.conf sudo a2ensite sudo a2enmod rewrite sudo a2enmod file_cache sudo a2enmod expires

cd /var/www/backups tar -xvf osgeo_wp_daily.tar.gz mv /var/www/

cd /var/www sudo chown -R www-data:www-data sudo chmod -R 770

Create new database and user and restore backup
   CREATE USER 'osgeo_site' @'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'look in config for password';
   CREATE DATABASE staging_osgeo;
   GRANT ALL ON staging_osgeo.* TO 'osgeo_site'@'localhost';
  1. restore backup
   cd /var/www/backups
   sudo gunzip osgeo_daily.sql.gz
   sudo mysql --user=root staging_osgeo  < osgeo_daily.sql
   sudo apt update
   sudo apt upgrade
   sudo reboot
  1. you may need to fiddle with the www/ if you are setting up a dev
   sudo systemctl reload apache2