Twelfth VisCom Meeting Minutes

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Meeting was held September 28th. mpg and Lisa and Tyler were present; chiming in also at various times were Frank, Schuyler, crschmidt, and stvn.

  • Euro Events
    • Tyler said FOSS4G was a smash hit all around
    • Tyler also said the F2F and OSGeo confab went well
      • ED to be closed out in a couple weeks
      • Board told VisCom to resolve Trademark Guidelines asap
      • no other specific VisCom issues arose
    • Schulyer said EuroOSCON had smaller OSGeo presense, but strong buzz
  • passing mention of another OSGeo "meetup", probably before Where 2.0?
    • [mpg to follow up] DONE
  • mpg reports China trip big success
    • full report now [here]
  • Tyler working on Sol Katz press announcement [Tyler]
    • [Tyler to do]
  • LisaL discusses AU event, end-Thanksgiving
    • [mpg to put out call for interest] DONE
    • mpg will own for the moment, but will not be attending so can't do real work
  • discussion of trademark policy
  • logo/branding effort
    • mpg to send proposal to board
    • was approved, mpg now working with John Close on schedule)
  • VisCom membership
    • voted to remove Peter
    • voted to add LisaL
    • [mpg to do] DONE
  • drupal update from Tyler
    • plan being approved by board
    • Big Migration not yet started