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Growed in Timor-Leste, passionate about geoscience and geographic information systems, I am Ponciano da Costa de Jesus, known as Ponsy. Graduated with a degree in Geology and Petroleum Engineering at Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL).

Ponciano de Jesus.jpg

Professional Experience

Association of Geographic Information System Group.

  • Dedicated as a founder and CEO working towards strengthening and sharing geospatial information in Timor-Leste.
  • Focus on environmental risks, climate change, natural disasters, and natural resources.
  • ArcGIS and QGIS including remote sensing trainer.

Open Mapping Hub Asia-Pacific (OMH-AP).

  • Joined in August 2022 to promote the use of OpenStreetMap in Timor-Leste for disaster management and preparedness.
  • Active mapper with a focus on data quality and validation since December 2022.
  • Lead Student Club Sponsorship in Timor-Leste, by Open Mapping Hub in Collaboration with HOT in October 2022 to Dec, 2023.

Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT).

  • Completed a six-month Open Mapping Guru program with HOT.
  • Participated in a three-month Mentorship Program.