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Hi everybody,

I'm a french archaeologist working in various fields and using more and more open-source softwares. For the GIS, I'm using GRASS linked with PostgreSQL and QGIS to have an easier front-end for the non-geek user of the GIS. My works... (not finished right now !!) : - GIS of the survey of the IFAO (French Archaeological Institute in Cairo) in the New Valley (Kharga) (all periods, all kind of remains) ; - GIS of the survey of the GEMA (Group for Studying Ancient Mines) on the ancient mines, dating mainly from the Early Bronze Age, in the Rousses (Alpe d'Huez, French Alps) ; - GIS of the archeaological excavation of the GEMA in Brandes (Alpe d'Huez), a medieval mining village.

And may be more coming...