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= Press / Mailings =
== Foundation News ==
* After https://www.osgeo.org/foundation-news/impressions-from-osgeo-code-sprint-2018-in-bonn/
* Before
== OSGeo Event page ==
* https://www.osgeo.org/events/osgeo-code-sprint-2018/
== Mails to Sponsors ==
=== After: Thank you Sponsors ===
; Title: Thank you for sponsoring OSGeo Code Sprint 2018
* mail went to all the sponsors after the event
Dear Sponsor,
thank you for sponsoring the OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 in Bonn. It was a great event.
You find an OSGeo Foundation News about the event
About OSGeo Sponsoring
Please note that you can use the sponsoring for the Code Sprint for OSGeo Sponsoring.
Read more about "How to become a sponsor of OSGeo"
Greetings from the OSGeo Code Sprint Bonn Team 2018
=== Before: invoice SPONSOR-XY: Silver Sponsoring OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 ===
; Title invoice SPONSOR-XY: Silver Sponsoring OSGeo Code Sprint 2018
* went to the sponsor with the invoivce attached and cc to treasurer (at) osgeo.org
Hello XY,
thank you for sponsoring OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 as Silver Sponsor.
Attached to this email you find the invoice. We would like to ask you to transfer the money within the next two weeks.
Please do not hesitate to contact me directly if you need further information.
Best regards,
Astrid Emde
OSGeo Code Sprint Bonn Team
=== Before: Thank you xy for sponsoring OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 ===
Hello xy,
thank you for sponsoring OSGeo Code Sprint 2018!
I added you logo and link to the following pages.
The invoice will come with a separate mail soon.
Best regards
Astrid Emde
=== Before: OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 Bonn is looking for sponsors ===
* went to companies and organizations, discuss-list
OSGeo Code Sprint will come to Bonn (Germany) in March 2018 [1]. You are invited to join us. And we would like to ask you to sponsor the event.
The Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) has a long tradition of organizing code sprints for developers of Open Source GIS software [2]
Simultaneously with the FOSSGIS Conference 2018 in Bonn [3] an international code sprint of the OSGeo will take place from 19 to 25 March 2018.
We expect about 80 developers from all over the world to come from various OSGeo projects [4]. Whether desktop application, geospatial library, metadata catalog or web mapping: be sure to find products in the list that you use. Thus, the Code Sprint is also an opportunity for your developers to meet with the core developers of the projects, get a deeper insight into the software and participate in the development.
The code sprint will take place at  BaseCamp [5] in Bonn. During the FOSS4G 2016 [6] in Bonn we organized already a code sprint at this location, in which about 100 developers worked on the open source projects every day [7].
In addition to the costs of providing the technical infrastructure, the cost of food and drinks for the developers is the main cost. A buffet at lunchtime and drinks during the whole day are intended.
So far, the code sprint is already sponsored by OSGeo, FOSSGIS e. V., WhereGroup, azavea & EOX.
In order to cover the costs, we would be very pleased about further sponsors!
What we offer:
* Your logo on top of the websites of the Code Sprint [8] [1] as well as on all official documents around the Code Sprint
* Mention in all code sprint related mails
* Our undying gratitude, which comes in handy when you least expect it (Remember that feature you wanted...)
Our sponsorship levels:
* Gold: >= 2500 USD
* Silver: 1500 USD
* Bronze: 750 USD
* get your company talking to the top developers of the scene!
* enable your GIS developers to take advantage of this opportunity, there is no better opportunity to learn!
* support the software you use - you benefit immediately.
Thank you very much!
Contact: to sponsor, please contact astrid_emde@osgeo.org directly.
[1]  https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Code_Sprint_2018
[2] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Category:Code_Sprints
[3] https://www.fossgis-konferenz.de/2018/
[4] http://www.osgeo.org
[5] http://www.basecamp-bonn.de/
[6] http://www.foss4g2016.org/home.html
[7] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2016_Code_Sprint
[8] http://osgeo.org/events/osgeo-code-sprint-2018/ (new OSGeo Webside - available 2018-01-15)
== Mails OSGeo-lists ==
=== After: Impressions from OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 in Bonn ===
; Title: Impressions from OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 in Bonn
* went to Discuss list and Announce list
see OSGeo Foundation News: https://www.osgeo.org/foundation-news/impressions-from-osgeo-code-sprint-2018-in-bonn/
The annual OSGeo Code sprint was held in Bonn March 18 to 25, bringing together nearly hundred members of the OSGeo community together.  A code sprint is a chance for the community to meet in person for direct collaboration, projects use this as an opportunity to work together or tackle larger issues as a team.
We made use of BaseCamp Bonn (http://www.basecamp-bonn.de/) to host the code sprint, providing a friendly indoor "campground' with picnic tables for working, surrounded by caravans of all shapes and sizes making up the accommodation. It can be quite a shock to roll out of bed, and find python developers in a cluster before your morning coffee.
Participation was open to all, not only OSGeo projects, and we were pleased to welcome over eighty developers from all over the world! This was a chance for developers to meet (often for the fist time) and collaborate with core developers, gaining a insight into the software, and participate in open source development,
An impressive list of projects was represented: uDig, GeoTools, LocationTech, JTS Topology Suite, JAI Replacement, TilelessMap, PostGIS, SHOGun, react-geo, Saga, OSGeoLive, owslib, debian/ubuntu, UbuntuGIS, OpenLayers, MapServer, QGIS, GeoExt 3, Nominatim, GDAL, t-rex, PyWPS, GRASS GIS, OWSLib, pygeometa, MapServer, geocatalogo, GeoNode, OTB, ZOO-Project, Proj.4, Point clouds, meshes, Potree, PDAL, GeoTrellis, snappy, OSM-Vector-Tiles, Geonetwork, Geoserver, OpenLayers Editor, Noise, CouchDB, MS4W, EOxServer,  maposmatic, mapnik, Mapbender, gvSIG, gvSIG Mobile, Geopaparazzi, pyModis, GeoMajas, GeoHealthCheck, Stetl, Entwine, Greyhound, deegree, TEAM Engine, actinia, 3DCityDB and testing GMLAS tools!
* EPT (https://github.com/connormanning/ept) implementation for Potree (http://potree.org).
GeoHealthCheck (GHC)
* Per-Resource Scheduling (https://github.com/geopython/GeoHealthCheck/tree/per_resource_scheduling)
* Re-architecture to run in all-in-one daemon mode
* Docker deployment improvements
* Presented GHC at FOSSGIS(https://media.ccc.de/v/2018-5294-geohealthcheck)
* OSGeo Community Project start
* Added Cloud Profiles, allowing users to easily download complex data sets from the web Ticket #441 https://github.com/geopaparazzi/geopaparazzi/issues/441.
* Added view-only of geographic feature attributes
* Enhanced the viewing of files (images, PDFs, etc) linked to geographic features ticket #454 (https://github.com/geopaparazzi/geopaparazzi/issues/454).
* Various bug fixes ticket #456 (https://github.com/geopaparazzi/geopaparazzi/issues/456), ticket #460 (https://github.com/geopaparazzi/geopaparazzi/issues/460), ticket #461 (https://github.com/geopaparazzi/geopaparazzi/issues/461), ticket #466 (https://github.com/geopaparazzi/geopaparazzi/issues/466).
* A lot of work, please look at the dedicated GRASS GIS wiki page (https://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Talk:GRASS_Community_Sprint_Bonn_2018)
* Press release with photo collage: https://grass.osgeo.org/news/75/15/Recap-from-the-OSGeo-Code-Sprint-in-Bonn-2018/
TEAM Engine
* Discussed test strategies for test suites and enhanced the existing tests for ETS WFS 2.0 Ticket #318 (https://github.com/opengeospatial/teamengine/issues/318).
* Enhanced the transformation from the CTL log to the EARL report by mapping hierarchies. In addition some bugs was fixes in the transformation ticket #319 (https://github.com/opengeospatial/teamengine/issues/319).
* Working on the documentation and the translations as on the restructuring and small designs of the new theme (https://github.com/mapbender/mapbender/projects/5)
* Working on the OpenLayers4/5 implementation (https://github.com/mapbender/mapbender/projects/3)
* Working on some bugs that occured.
* Code sprint summary at the GitHUb Wiki (https://github.com/geopython/pywps/wiki/Code-Sprint-2018-Bonn)
* PyWPS was proposed for OSGeo graduation (http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/recommend-PyWPS-for-graduation-td5359073.html)
* Tasks for incubation were done
** Provenance review
** Final touches of the new Documentation framework
Mapbox styles generation library from OpenLayers (ol-mapbox-style) and upgrading the Boundless SDK (not an OSGeo project, but open source: https://github.com/boundlessgeo/sdk/) to OpenLayers 5.
* Merged Pull-Requests
* Fixed test-suite
* Refactored documentation and website (https://medium.com/@chambbj/pdal-at-the-osgeo-code-sprint-cf0a56eee59d)
* Conda builds
* Numpy reader support
* 1.7.0 release preparation
* OSGeo4W builds
* Windows building and testing
* Released 2.5.3
* Released 2.6.0
* News https://www.osgeo.org/foundation-news/pgrouting-v2-6-0-release/
JTS Topology Suite
* Added module names (https://github.com/locationtech/jts/pull/274), for compatibility with the new Java "jigsaw" module system.
* Following page https://github.com/geotools/geotools/pull/1834 migrated to the official Java "units" API used to used to convert between different distances, times and angles.
* This work also migrated the GeoWebCache and GeoServer codebases to track the API change
Raster Processing Engine
* Spent a lot of time reverse engineering the raster processing requireemnts of the Java community, starting with the GeoTools project and branching out to the JAI-Ext and JAI Tools code-base as required.
* An initial architecture spike (https://github.com/locationtech/rasterprocessingengine) was created, providing an easy to use "builder" API, backed by the JAI-Ext implementation of affine transformation
The event also played host to some community building activities:  FOSS4G 2019 organization, OSGeo board meeting, OSGeo marketing committee, MoU between TIB and OSGeo, OSGeo member meeting.
OSGeo Member meeting
The OSGeo Member Meeting took place in Bonn at BaseCamp at March 19th 2018 during the OSGeo Code Sprint. About 50 people came to the Member Meeting and from the board María Arias de Reyna, Jody Garnett, Vasile Craciunescu, Michael Smith, Angelos Tzotsos and Astrid Emde were present.
María Arias de Reyna was moderating the meeting, a whiteboard (shown in the photo below) was used to collect topics and questions for the OSGeo board and members to discuss. (Read more https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Member_Meeting_Bonn_2018)
During the Code Sprint the Mou between OSGeo and Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) – German National Library of Science and Technology was signed. Maria Arias de Reyna, President, Open Source Geospatial Foundation and Dr. Bastian Drees on behalf of Prof. Dr. Sören Auer, Director, Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) signed the MoU. Read more at https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/MOU_TIB.
* Website roles assignment to project members
* Open issues when needed
Photo Impressions
There are some photos from the event at flickr:
* https://www.flickr.com/photos/143943250@N05/albums/72157691529787542 OSGeo Code Sprint 2018
* https://www.flickr.com/photos/23696061@N03/albums/72157664988105727 OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 Bonn
* https://www.flickr.com/groups/4529299@N22/ FOSSGIS Conference
The sprint itself was generously supported by sponsors, making the sprint free to attend with food and drinks provided. Thanks again to all 10 sponsors of the event:
Gold Sponors
OSGeo https://osgeo.org
FOSSGIS e.V. http://www.fossgis.de
RIEGL http://www.riegl.com/
Silver Sponsors
Hobu https://hobu.co/
GeoCue http://www.geocue.com/
Bronze Sponsors
Azavea http://www.azavea.com/
WhereGroup https://www.wheregroup.com/
EOX IT Services GmbH http://eox.at
synth3d http://www.synth3d.co
LocationTech https://www.locationtech.org/
Bohannan Huston, Inc. https://www.bhinc.com
When not working, attendees did enjoy exploring the town, making for some great "geobeer" discussion. The sprint was held in conjunction with the FOSSGIS Conference (https://fossgis-konferenz.de/2018/), the regional "foss4g" event for Germany. The crew enjoyed a little bit of socializing, with code sprinters joining the "gala event" and contributing to the festive atmosphere and dancing. The city itself provided many distractions, with computational device museum being a highlight.
We would like to thank Bonn for showing everyone such hospitality, and looking forward to the next OSGeo Code Sprint!
=== After: OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 - thank you for joining. Press release and feedback needed ===
: Title: OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 - thank you for joining. Press release and feedback needed
* mail to ask for feedback and input for presse release
Hello all,
great that you joined OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 in Bonn two weeks ago. We hope you had a good and productive time in BaseCamp and hope you could build up many great contacts. And in the end had a save journey back home.
To some of you we could not say good-bye as we organized the FOSSGIS conference parallel to the code sprint and we underrated the work that had to be done for the events (so not such a good idea as we could not send enough time with you).
Unfortunately we missed to make a group photo. We have to think about that next time.
There are some photos from the event at flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/143943250@N05/albums/72157691529787542
If you have more photos please let us know.
* Find also some Photos from FOSSGIS Conference https://www.flickr.com/groups/4529299@N22/
Feedback & Press Release
We would like to get your feedback and also would like to ask you for help with a press release about the Code Sprint.
* please send us feedback to codesprint@osgeo.org
* please add some information about your project or individual goals or link to your blog post from the code sprint at https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Code_Sprint_2018#Press_Release
Please add the information till 15. of April 2018. Then we will publish the press release a few days later.
Thanks for attending the OSGeo Code Sprint in Bonn. We were a great team and we enjoyed the sprint with you
The OSGeo Code Sprint Organizing Team
== Before: OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 in one week - final information ==
; Title: OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 in one week - final information
* information one week before the sprint
Hello to all OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 participants,
You have already added your name to our wiki page [1] and want to join the OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 in Bonn in March 18.-25. in one week, great! We are looking forward to see you soon. Here are some more details as the event approaches:
If you can't come
Please let us know and delete your information on the wiki page [1].
You can find information on how to get to BaseCamp on the wiki page [2].
We hope you have booked a room on your own, as the code sprint does not cover accommodation. Please see the "Accommodations" section of the wiki page for ideas. There are still some caravans at BaseCamp available.
If you plan to work on a project please add your plan to the wiki [3], so other participants can get an overview on the things that are going on and may join.
Social Events
For those who arrive already sunday 19th: We will start at 12:00 on sunday and will prepare snacks and a welcome meal for you at 19:00 at BaseCamp.
We organized some social events for you [4].
*IMPORTANT*: If you would like to join the Party at FOSSGIS Conference on Wednesday evening (we invite you) please add the information to the wiki table (new column in the table). We need the information soon.
OSGeo Member Meeting
Please note that there will be an OSGeo Member Meeting [5] on the evening of Monday 19th in BaseCamp. We would like to have an open discussion on OSGeo topics for about 2 hours.
Marketing Materials
We also plan to provide OSGeo marketing material, so-called "Exhibition Packs", ready for you to take to your country. So please if possible leave some space in your suitcase empty to take some material back home.  If you can take material home please add your name and needs to the table to make calculation easier [6].
If you have any questions or need help please let us now and send a mail to communitysprint@osgeo.org.
We have 10 great sponsors [7], that will support our event. That's great! Thanks to all of them.
See you at the OSGeo Code Sprint and have a safe journey to Bonn.
The OSGeo Code Sprint Organizing Team
[1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Code_Sprint_2018
[2] BaseCamp - how to get there https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Code_Sprint_2018#Location
[3] Project Plans https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Code_Sprint_2018#Project_Plans
[4] Social Event - Party at FOSSGIS Conference https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Code_Sprint_2018#Social_Events
[5] OSGeo Member Meeting https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Member_Meeting_Bonn_2018
[6] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Talk:Exhibition_Pack#Ordering
[7] Sponsors https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Code_Sprint_2018
See you in Bonn in at OSGeo Code Sprint 2018
19 to 25 March 2018
=== Mail to participants ===
Hello to all OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 participants,
You have already added your name to our wiki page [1] and want to join the OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 in Bonn in March in one week, great! We are looking forward to see you soon.  Here are some more details as the event approaches:
You can find information on how to get to BaseCamp on the wiki page [2].
We hope you have booked a room on your own, as the code sprint does not cover accommodation. Please see the "Accommodations" section of the wiki page for ideas.
If you plan to work on a project please add your plan to the wiki [3], so other participants can get an overview on the things that are going on and may join.
Social Events
We organized some social events for you [4]. *IMPORTANT*: If you would like to join the Party at FOSSGIS Conference on
Wednesday evening (we invite you) please add the information to the wiki table (new column in the table). We need the information soon.
OSGeo Member Meeting
Please note that there will be an OSGeo Member Meeting [5] on the evening of Monday 19th in BaseCamp. We would like to have an open discussion on OSGeo topics for about 2 hours.
Marketing Materials
We also plan to provide OSGeo marketing material, so-called "Exhibition Packs", ready for you to take to your country. So please if possible leave some space in your suitcase empty to take some material back home.  If you can take material home please add your name and needs to the table to make calculation easier [6].
If you have any questions or need help please let us now and send a mail to codesprint@osgeo.org.
We have 9 great sponsors [7], that will support our event. That's great! Thanks to all of them.
See you at the OSGeo Code Sprint and have a safe journey to Bonn.
The OSGeo Code Sprint Organizing Team
[1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Code_Sprint_2018
[2] BaseCamp - how to get there https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Code_Sprint_2018#Location
[3] Project Plans https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Code_Sprint_2018#Project_Plans
[4] Social Event - Party at FOSSGIS Conference https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Code_Sprint_2018#Social_Events
[5] OSGeo Member Meeting https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Member_Meeting_Bonn_2018
[6] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Talk:Exhibition_Pack#Ordering
[7] Sponsors https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Code_Sprint_2018
=== Before invitation: OSGeo Code Sprint March 2018 in Bonn - join us and please register soon===
; Title: OSGeo Code Sprint March 2018 in Bonn - join us and please register soon
* invitation mail, went to all project-lists, discussion, announce, localchapter
Dear developers,
OSGeo Code Sprint will come to Bonn (Germany) in March 2018 [1]. You are invited to join us.
- Sun 2018-⁠⁠03-⁠⁠19 12:00 noon -⁠⁠ Sun 2018-⁠⁠03-⁠⁠25 12:00 noon
- Venue & Accommodation: BaseCamp Bonn (For more informations: http://www.basecamp-bonn.com/)
- Accomodation Booking System: http://www.bonn-region.de/events/fossgis.html
Interested? So read more about why & where & when...
The Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) has a long tradition of organizing code sprints for developers of Open Source GIS software.
For several years the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) [1] has been organizing a yearly Code Sprint, a come-together of the "C Tribe" OSGeo projects - now we call it OSGeo Code Sprint. Leading developers of projects like GDAL, PostGIS, MapServer, QGIS, PDAL, and many more get together to discuss new ideas, hack, decide, tackle large geospatial problems & more & simply to have fun.
In 2018 the OSGeo Code Sprint will come again to Europe after Vienna (2014) [6] and Paris in (2016) [4]. This makes is possible to embed European developers and users.
The tradition started in 2011 with Toronto [11], then New York [10], Montreal [9], Island Wood [8] and Boston [7]. And went to Philadelphia in 2015 [5] and last year to Daytona Beach (2017) [3]. Find a list of code sprints at [12].
OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 in Bonn
This year the international code sprint of the OSGeo will take place from 19 to 25 March 2018 simultaneously with the FOSSGIS Conference 2018 in Bonn. We offer a setting so that individual projects can meet for their code sprint.
The code sprint will take place at BaseCamp in Bonn. During the FOSS4G 2016 in Bonn we have already organized a code sprint at this location, in which about 100 developers worked on the open source projects every day. (https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2016_Code_Sprint). It is a really awesome location. Codesprint and accommodations are combined in one hall and you will live in a caravan, bus or cabin.
Check out http://www.basecamp-bonn.com/ for details about the venue.
Working zones will be created for you in the breakfast area and hallways. Healthy and not-so-healthy catering of drinks and snacks will be provided by us. Participation in codesprint is free of charge. However, overnight stays will have to be reserved and paid for by yourself.
BaseCamp is an indoor campground and offers different caravans, night sleepers, Airstreams, a Trabant, Volkswagen transporter and other places to stay.
If you prefer to stay in a hotel - no problem. Bonnox Boardinghouse is close-by. And you also find many great hotels in Bonn.
Book your room soon
As the accommodations are as well available to FOSSGIS 2018 participants we will make an effort to make advance booking possible for you a few days ahead, to ensure you have the opportunity to sleep on-site and wrap up the evenings jointly.
Therefore, please book your accomondation as soon as possible via the booking system http://www.bonn-region.de/events/fossgis.html
Register for the OSGeo Code Sprint
And don't forget to sign up in the OSGeo wiki at our OSGeo Code Spint 2018 page:
This is important for us, not only for the planning of snacks and drinks.
The OSGeo Code Sprint is open to all who wish to participate in one or more projects. There is always plenty to do – it’s not all about programming. Translation, documentation, feedback, discussions, testing – all this is also important for projects so everyone is cordially invited to attend the codesprint!
The Codesprint Organizing Team is looking forward to your coming!
Sun 2018-⁠⁠03-⁠⁠19 12:00 noon -⁠⁠ Sun 2018-⁠⁠03-⁠⁠25 12:00 noon
Venue & Accommodation: BaseCamp. (For more informations: http://www.basecamp-bonn.com/)
Accomodation Booking System: http://www.bonn-region.de/events/fossgis.html
If you have questions/comments/ideas please let us know.
Send an email to astrid_emde@osgeo.org. You are welcome!
See you in Bonn in march 2018!
The OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 Team
[1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Code_Sprint_2018
[2] http://www.osgeo.org
[3] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Daytona_Beach_Code_Sprint_2017
[4] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Paris_Code_Sprint_2016
[5] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Philadelphia_Code_Sprint_2015
[6] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Vienna_Code_Sprint_2014
[7] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Boston_Code_Sprint_2013
[8] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/IslandWood_Code_Sprint_2012
[9] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Montreal_Code_Sprint_2011
[10] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/New_York_Code_Sprint_2010
[11] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Toronto_Code_Sprint_2009
[12] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Category:Code_Sprints
[13] Booking System http://www.bonn-region.de/events/fossgis.html
=Sponsoring by OSGeo =
* https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Code_Sprint_Guidelines
* https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Code_Sprint_Guidelines
= Sprint Info for OSGeo Funding =
A request for supporting a sprint by OSGeo should include the following information about the event and the funding model for it:<br>
'''Basic Information'''
Have a look at the sprint page:
* https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Code_Sprint_2018
* https://staging.www.osgeo.org/events/osgeo-code-sprint-2018/
*Audience: how many people are expected? - +- 120
*Region: is the sprint localized to a specific region? - Bonn, Codesprint is scheduled around [https://www.fossgis-konferenz.de/2018/ FOSSGIS 2018]
*Projects: is the sprint to work on just one specific project, or is it for multiple projects? - all OSGeo projects
*Length: how many days will the sprint cover? sunday-sunday -> 8 days
*Venue: where will the sprint be held? will food be provided? will overnight lodging be provided?
** Basecamp Bonn
** overnight lodging is not provided. Participants have to pay for the lodging.
** Only food and drinks are provided
'''Expected budget'''
*Where is the prospective budget published? Provide a link to a publicly accessible resource (e.g. wiki). The prospective budget shall list the levels/amounts of forecasted sponsorship, and show that OSGeo is providing matching funds (see Sponsorship Criteria below).
The budget shall contain the following information:
*what is the expected registration fee, if any, for each attendee?
** there is no fee
*what is the expected amount of third-party sponsorships?
** we will ask FOSSGIS e.V. for sponsoring too, looks like they donate between ???k Euro https://www.fossgis.de/wiki/F%C3%B6rderantrag_OSGeo_Code_Sprint_Bonn_2018
*what in-kind donations are expected (such as donated use of a conference room)?
** no extra costs for the room, as long as all basecamp (~70 beds) is occupied by Code sprint people, if not, we have to pay for the not-booked beds -> '''no extra costs, as all beds are booked'''
*what is the desired amount of OSGeo sponsorship?
** 1000 € or more
*what is the expected cost per attendee, for travel, lodging, and food?
** food and drinks +-13.000€ including snacks as it is August and we have to buy the drinks from the venue, we calculated with a 5k €/day flat charge, this is 20/32€ per Person per day
*what is the expected cost for the venue (such as conference room, wifi support, snacks, etc.)?
** no extra costs for room snacks are included in the price of the food (see above)
* wifi will cost +- 2100 Euro as we provide an extra access point to provide a stable internet connection
{| class="wikitable"
! Day !! costs per day (euro) !! 100 persons !! 120 persons
| Sunday || 20 || 2000 || 2400
| Monday || 32 || 3200 || 3840
| Tuesday || 32 || 3200 || 3840
| Wednesday || 32 || 3200 || 3840
| Thursday || 32 || 3200 || 3840
| Friday || 32 || 3200 || 3840
| Saturday || 32 || 3200 || 3840
| Sunday || 20 maybe less costs as only some hours sprint  || 2000 || 2400
| Sum  ||  || 23200 || 27840
| Accommodation ||  || - || -
| Wifi ||  || 2100 €||2100 €
| Total ||  || 25300 || 29940
| Costs extra electricity  ||  || ?? || ??
| Costs extra internet ||  || ?? || ??
* ?? not clear whether we have extra costs for electricity and internet
'''Profit / Loss / Risk'''
*What is the expected profit of the event, if any? where will any surplus money go?
** community building, work on OSGeo projects
*Under what circumstances might the event incur a loss? how will this risk be mitigated?
** if not all accommodations in basecamp Bonn are occupied, we'd have to pay for the not booked beds

Latest revision as of 01:22, 6 October 2018

Press / Mailings

Foundation News

OSGeo Event page

Mails to Sponsors

After: Thank you Sponsors

Thank you for sponsoring OSGeo Code Sprint 2018
  • mail went to all the sponsors after the event

Dear Sponsor,

thank you for sponsoring the OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 in Bonn. It was a great event.

You find an OSGeo Foundation News about the event https://www.osgeo.org/foundation-news/impressions-from-osgeo-code-sprint-2018-in-bonn/

About OSGeo Sponsoring Please note that you can use the sponsoring for the Code Sprint for OSGeo Sponsoring.

Read more about "How to become a sponsor of OSGeo" https://www.osgeo.org/about/how-to-become-a-sponsor/

Greetings from the OSGeo Code Sprint Bonn Team 2018

Before: invoice SPONSOR-XY: Silver Sponsoring OSGeo Code Sprint 2018

Title invoice SPONSOR-XY
Silver Sponsoring OSGeo Code Sprint 2018
  • went to the sponsor with the invoivce attached and cc to treasurer (at) osgeo.org

Hello XY,

thank you for sponsoring OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 as Silver Sponsor.

Attached to this email you find the invoice. We would like to ask you to transfer the money within the next two weeks.


Please do not hesitate to contact me directly if you need further information.

Best regards,

Astrid Emde OSGeo Code Sprint Bonn Team

Before: Thank you xy for sponsoring OSGeo Code Sprint 2018

Hello xy,

thank you for sponsoring OSGeo Code Sprint 2018!

I added you logo and link to the following pages.

https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Code_Sprint_2018 https://www.osgeo.org/events/osgeo-code-sprint-2018/

The invoice will come with a separate mail soon.

Best regards

Astrid Emde

Before: OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 Bonn is looking for sponsors

  • went to companies and organizations, discuss-list


OSGeo Code Sprint will come to Bonn (Germany) in March 2018 [1]. You are invited to join us. And we would like to ask you to sponsor the event.

The Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) has a long tradition of organizing code sprints for developers of Open Source GIS software [2]

Simultaneously with the FOSSGIS Conference 2018 in Bonn [3] an international code sprint of the OSGeo will take place from 19 to 25 March 2018. We expect about 80 developers from all over the world to come from various OSGeo projects [4]. Whether desktop application, geospatial library, metadata catalog or web mapping: be sure to find products in the list that you use. Thus, the Code Sprint is also an opportunity for your developers to meet with the core developers of the projects, get a deeper insight into the software and participate in the development.

The code sprint will take place at BaseCamp [5] in Bonn. During the FOSS4G 2016 [6] in Bonn we organized already a code sprint at this location, in which about 100 developers worked on the open source projects every day [7].

In addition to the costs of providing the technical infrastructure, the cost of food and drinks for the developers is the main cost. A buffet at lunchtime and drinks during the whole day are intended.

So far, the code sprint is already sponsored by OSGeo, FOSSGIS e. V., WhereGroup, azavea & EOX.

In order to cover the costs, we would be very pleased about further sponsors!

What we offer:

  • Your logo on top of the websites of the Code Sprint [8] [1] as well as on all official documents around the Code Sprint
  • Mention in all code sprint related mails
  • Our undying gratitude, which comes in handy when you least expect it (Remember that feature you wanted...)

Our sponsorship levels:

  • Gold: >= 2500 USD
  • Silver: 1500 USD
  • Bronze: 750 USD


  • get your company talking to the top developers of the scene!
  • enable your GIS developers to take advantage of this opportunity, there is no better opportunity to learn!
  • support the software you use - you benefit immediately.

Thank you very much!

Contact: to sponsor, please contact astrid_emde@osgeo.org directly.

[1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Code_Sprint_2018 [2] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Category:Code_Sprints [3] https://www.fossgis-konferenz.de/2018/ [4] http://www.osgeo.org [5] http://www.basecamp-bonn.de/ [6] http://www.foss4g2016.org/home.html [7] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2016_Code_Sprint [8] http://osgeo.org/events/osgeo-code-sprint-2018/ (new OSGeo Webside - available 2018-01-15)

Mails OSGeo-lists

After: Impressions from OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 in Bonn

Impressions from OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 in Bonn
  • went to Discuss list and Announce list

see OSGeo Foundation News: https://www.osgeo.org/foundation-news/impressions-from-osgeo-code-sprint-2018-in-bonn/

The annual OSGeo Code sprint was held in Bonn March 18 to 25, bringing together nearly hundred members of the OSGeo community together. A code sprint is a chance for the community to meet in person for direct collaboration, projects use this as an opportunity to work together or tackle larger issues as a team.

We made use of BaseCamp Bonn (http://www.basecamp-bonn.de/) to host the code sprint, providing a friendly indoor "campground' with picnic tables for working, surrounded by caravans of all shapes and sizes making up the accommodation. It can be quite a shock to roll out of bed, and find python developers in a cluster before your morning coffee.

Participation was open to all, not only OSGeo projects, and we were pleased to welcome over eighty developers from all over the world! This was a chance for developers to meet (often for the fist time) and collaborate with core developers, gaining a insight into the software, and participate in open source development,

An impressive list of projects was represented: uDig, GeoTools, LocationTech, JTS Topology Suite, JAI Replacement, TilelessMap, PostGIS, SHOGun, react-geo, Saga, OSGeoLive, owslib, debian/ubuntu, UbuntuGIS, OpenLayers, MapServer, QGIS, GeoExt 3, Nominatim, GDAL, t-rex, PyWPS, GRASS GIS, OWSLib, pygeometa, MapServer, geocatalogo, GeoNode, OTB, ZOO-Project, Proj.4, Point clouds, meshes, Potree, PDAL, GeoTrellis, snappy, OSM-Vector-Tiles, Geonetwork, Geoserver, OpenLayers Editor, Noise, CouchDB, MS4W, EOxServer, maposmatic, mapnik, Mapbender, gvSIG, gvSIG Mobile, Geopaparazzi, pyModis, GeoMajas, GeoHealthCheck, Stetl, Entwine, Greyhound, deegree, TEAM Engine, actinia, 3DCityDB and testing GMLAS tools!


GeoHealthCheck (GHC)



TEAM Engine




  • Tasks for incubation were done
    • Provenance review
    • Final touches of the new Documentation framework


Mapbox styles generation library from OpenLayers (ol-mapbox-style) and upgrading the Boundless SDK (not an OSGeo project, but open source: https://github.com/boundlessgeo/sdk/) to OpenLayers 5.


  • Merged Pull-Requests
  • Fixed test-suite



JTS Topology Suite


  • Following page https://github.com/geotools/geotools/pull/1834 migrated to the official Java "units" API used to used to convert between different distances, times and angles.
  • This work also migrated the GeoWebCache and GeoServer codebases to track the API change

Raster Processing Engine

  • Spent a lot of time reverse engineering the raster processing requireemnts of the Java community, starting with the GeoTools project and branching out to the JAI-Ext and JAI Tools code-base as required.
  • An initial architecture spike (https://github.com/locationtech/rasterprocessingengine) was created, providing an easy to use "builder" API, backed by the JAI-Ext implementation of affine transformation

The event also played host to some community building activities: FOSS4G 2019 organization, OSGeo board meeting, OSGeo marketing committee, MoU between TIB and OSGeo, OSGeo member meeting.

OSGeo Member meeting

The OSGeo Member Meeting took place in Bonn at BaseCamp at March 19th 2018 during the OSGeo Code Sprint. About 50 people came to the Member Meeting and from the board María Arias de Reyna, Jody Garnett, Vasile Craciunescu, Michael Smith, Angelos Tzotsos and Astrid Emde were present. María Arias de Reyna was moderating the meeting, a whiteboard (shown in the photo below) was used to collect topics and questions for the OSGeo board and members to discuss. (Read more https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Member_Meeting_Bonn_2018)


During the Code Sprint the Mou between OSGeo and Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) – German National Library of Science and Technology was signed. Maria Arias de Reyna, President, Open Source Geospatial Foundation and Dr. Bastian Drees on behalf of Prof. Dr. Sören Auer, Director, Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) signed the MoU. Read more at https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/MOU_TIB.


  • Website roles assignment to project members
  • Open issues when needed

Photo Impressions

There are some photos from the event at flickr:


The sprint itself was generously supported by sponsors, making the sprint free to attend with food and drinks provided. Thanks again to all 10 sponsors of the event:

Gold Sponors

OSGeo https://osgeo.org

FOSSGIS e.V. http://www.fossgis.de

RIEGL http://www.riegl.com/

Silver Sponsors

Hobu https://hobu.co/

GeoCue http://www.geocue.com/

Bronze Sponsors

Azavea http://www.azavea.com/

WhereGroup https://www.wheregroup.com/

EOX IT Services GmbH http://eox.at

synth3d http://www.synth3d.co

LocationTech https://www.locationtech.org/

Bohannan Huston, Inc. https://www.bhinc.com

When not working, attendees did enjoy exploring the town, making for some great "geobeer" discussion. The sprint was held in conjunction with the FOSSGIS Conference (https://fossgis-konferenz.de/2018/), the regional "foss4g" event for Germany. The crew enjoyed a little bit of socializing, with code sprinters joining the "gala event" and contributing to the festive atmosphere and dancing. The city itself provided many distractions, with computational device museum being a highlight.

We would like to thank Bonn for showing everyone such hospitality, and looking forward to the next OSGeo Code Sprint!

After: OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 - thank you for joining. Press release and feedback needed

Title: OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 - thank you for joining. Press release and feedback needed
  • mail to ask for feedback and input for presse release

Hello all,

great that you joined OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 in Bonn two weeks ago. We hope you had a good and productive time in BaseCamp and hope you could build up many great contacts. And in the end had a save journey back home.

To some of you we could not say good-bye as we organized the FOSSGIS conference parallel to the code sprint and we underrated the work that had to be done for the events (so not such a good idea as we could not send enough time with you).

Photos Unfortunately we missed to make a group photo. We have to think about that next time. There are some photos from the event at flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/143943250@N05/albums/72157691529787542 If you have more photos please let us know.

Feedback & Press Release We would like to get your feedback and also would like to ask you for help with a press release about the Code Sprint.

Please add the information till 15. of April 2018. Then we will publish the press release a few days later.

Thanks for attending the OSGeo Code Sprint in Bonn. We were a great team and we enjoyed the sprint with you

The OSGeo Code Sprint Organizing Team

Before: OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 in one week - final information

OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 in one week - final information
  • information one week before the sprint

Hello to all OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 participants,

You have already added your name to our wiki page [1] and want to join the OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 in Bonn in March 18.-25. in one week, great! We are looking forward to see you soon. Here are some more details as the event approaches:

If you can't come

Please let us know and delete your information on the wiki page [1].


You can find information on how to get to BaseCamp on the wiki page [2].


We hope you have booked a room on your own, as the code sprint does not cover accommodation. Please see the "Accommodations" section of the wiki page for ideas. There are still some caravans at BaseCamp available.


If you plan to work on a project please add your plan to the wiki [3], so other participants can get an overview on the things that are going on and may join.

Social Events

For those who arrive already sunday 19th: We will start at 12:00 on sunday and will prepare snacks and a welcome meal for you at 19:00 at BaseCamp.

We organized some social events for you [4].

  • IMPORTANT*: If you would like to join the Party at FOSSGIS Conference on Wednesday evening (we invite you) please add the information to the wiki table (new column in the table). We need the information soon.

OSGeo Member Meeting

Please note that there will be an OSGeo Member Meeting [5] on the evening of Monday 19th in BaseCamp. We would like to have an open discussion on OSGeo topics for about 2 hours.

Marketing Materials

We also plan to provide OSGeo marketing material, so-called "Exhibition Packs", ready for you to take to your country. So please if possible leave some space in your suitcase empty to take some material back home. If you can take material home please add your name and needs to the table to make calculation easier [6].

If you have any questions or need help please let us now and send a mail to communitysprint@osgeo.org.

We have 10 great sponsors [7], that will support our event. That's great! Thanks to all of them.

See you at the OSGeo Code Sprint and have a safe journey to Bonn.

The OSGeo Code Sprint Organizing Team

[1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Code_Sprint_2018 [2] BaseCamp - how to get there https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Code_Sprint_2018#Location [3] Project Plans https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Code_Sprint_2018#Project_Plans [4] Social Event - Party at FOSSGIS Conference https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Code_Sprint_2018#Social_Events [5] OSGeo Member Meeting https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Member_Meeting_Bonn_2018 [6] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Talk:Exhibition_Pack#Ordering [7] Sponsors https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Code_Sprint_2018


See you in Bonn in at OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 19 to 25 March 2018


Mail to participants

Hello to all OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 participants,

You have already added your name to our wiki page [1] and want to join the OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 in Bonn in March in one week, great! We are looking forward to see you soon. Here are some more details as the event approaches:


You can find information on how to get to BaseCamp on the wiki page [2].


We hope you have booked a room on your own, as the code sprint does not cover accommodation. Please see the "Accommodations" section of the wiki page for ideas.


If you plan to work on a project please add your plan to the wiki [3], so other participants can get an overview on the things that are going on and may join.

Social Events

We organized some social events for you [4]. *IMPORTANT*: If you would like to join the Party at FOSSGIS Conference on Wednesday evening (we invite you) please add the information to the wiki table (new column in the table). We need the information soon.

OSGeo Member Meeting

Please note that there will be an OSGeo Member Meeting [5] on the evening of Monday 19th in BaseCamp. We would like to have an open discussion on OSGeo topics for about 2 hours.

Marketing Materials

We also plan to provide OSGeo marketing material, so-called "Exhibition Packs", ready for you to take to your country. So please if possible leave some space in your suitcase empty to take some material back home. If you can take material home please add your name and needs to the table to make calculation easier [6].

If you have any questions or need help please let us now and send a mail to codesprint@osgeo.org.

We have 9 great sponsors [7], that will support our event. That's great! Thanks to all of them.

See you at the OSGeo Code Sprint and have a safe journey to Bonn.

The OSGeo Code Sprint Organizing Team

[1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Code_Sprint_2018 [2] BaseCamp - how to get there https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Code_Sprint_2018#Location [3] Project Plans https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Code_Sprint_2018#Project_Plans [4] Social Event - Party at FOSSGIS Conference https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Code_Sprint_2018#Social_Events [5] OSGeo Member Meeting https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Member_Meeting_Bonn_2018 [6] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Talk:Exhibition_Pack#Ordering [7] Sponsors https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Code_Sprint_2018

Before invitation: OSGeo Code Sprint March 2018 in Bonn - join us and please register soon

OSGeo Code Sprint March 2018 in Bonn - join us and please register soon
  • invitation mail, went to all project-lists, discussion, announce, localchapter

Dear developers,

OSGeo Code Sprint will come to Bonn (Germany) in March 2018 [1]. You are invited to join us.


- Sun 2018-⁠⁠03-⁠⁠19 12:00 noon -⁠⁠ Sun 2018-⁠⁠03-⁠⁠25 12:00 noon


- Venue & Accommodation: BaseCamp Bonn (For more informations: http://www.basecamp-bonn.com/)

- Accomodation Booking System: http://www.bonn-region.de/events/fossgis.html

Interested? So read more about why & where & when...

The Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) has a long tradition of organizing code sprints for developers of Open Source GIS software.

For several years the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) [1] has been organizing a yearly Code Sprint, a come-together of the "C Tribe" OSGeo projects - now we call it OSGeo Code Sprint. Leading developers of projects like GDAL, PostGIS, MapServer, QGIS, PDAL, and many more get together to discuss new ideas, hack, decide, tackle large geospatial problems & more & simply to have fun.

In 2018 the OSGeo Code Sprint will come again to Europe after Vienna (2014) [6] and Paris in (2016) [4]. This makes is possible to embed European developers and users. The tradition started in 2011 with Toronto [11], then New York [10], Montreal [9], Island Wood [8] and Boston [7]. And went to Philadelphia in 2015 [5] and last year to Daytona Beach (2017) [3]. Find a list of code sprints at [12].

OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 in Bonn

This year the international code sprint of the OSGeo will take place from 19 to 25 March 2018 simultaneously with the FOSSGIS Conference 2018 in Bonn. We offer a setting so that individual projects can meet for their code sprint.

The code sprint will take place at BaseCamp in Bonn. During the FOSS4G 2016 in Bonn we have already organized a code sprint at this location, in which about 100 developers worked on the open source projects every day. (https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2016_Code_Sprint). It is a really awesome location. Codesprint and accommodations are combined in one hall and you will live in a caravan, bus or cabin.

Check out http://www.basecamp-bonn.com/ for details about the venue.


Working zones will be created for you in the breakfast area and hallways. Healthy and not-so-healthy catering of drinks and snacks will be provided by us. Participation in codesprint is free of charge. However, overnight stays will have to be reserved and paid for by yourself.

BaseCamp is an indoor campground and offers different caravans, night sleepers, Airstreams, a Trabant, Volkswagen transporter and other places to stay.

If you prefer to stay in a hotel - no problem. Bonnox Boardinghouse is close-by. And you also find many great hotels in Bonn.

Book your room soon

As the accommodations are as well available to FOSSGIS 2018 participants we will make an effort to make advance booking possible for you a few days ahead, to ensure you have the opportunity to sleep on-site and wrap up the evenings jointly. Therefore, please book your accomondation as soon as possible via the booking system http://www.bonn-region.de/events/fossgis.html

Register for the OSGeo Code Sprint

And don't forget to sign up in the OSGeo wiki at our OSGeo Code Spint 2018 page:


This is important for us, not only for the planning of snacks and drinks.

The OSGeo Code Sprint is open to all who wish to participate in one or more projects. There is always plenty to do – it’s not all about programming. Translation, documentation, feedback, discussions, testing – all this is also important for projects so everyone is cordially invited to attend the codesprint!

The Codesprint Organizing Team is looking forward to your coming!



Sun 2018-⁠⁠03-⁠⁠19 12:00 noon -⁠⁠ Sun 2018-⁠⁠03-⁠⁠25 12:00 noon


Venue & Accommodation: BaseCamp. (For more informations: http://www.basecamp-bonn.com/)

Accomodation Booking System: http://www.bonn-region.de/events/fossgis.html



If you have questions/comments/ideas please let us know.

Send an email to astrid_emde@osgeo.org. You are welcome!

See you in Bonn in march 2018!

The OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 Team

[1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Code_Sprint_2018 [2] http://www.osgeo.org [3] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Daytona_Beach_Code_Sprint_2017 [4] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Paris_Code_Sprint_2016 [5] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Philadelphia_Code_Sprint_2015 [6] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Vienna_Code_Sprint_2014 [7] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Boston_Code_Sprint_2013 [8] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/IslandWood_Code_Sprint_2012 [9] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Montreal_Code_Sprint_2011 [10] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/New_York_Code_Sprint_2010 [11] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Toronto_Code_Sprint_2009 [12] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Category:Code_Sprints [13] Booking System http://www.bonn-region.de/events/fossgis.html

Sponsoring by OSGeo

Sprint Info for OSGeo Funding

A request for supporting a sprint by OSGeo should include the following information about the event and the funding model for it:

Basic Information

Have a look at the sprint page:

  • Audience: how many people are expected? - +- 120
  • Region: is the sprint localized to a specific region? - Bonn, Codesprint is scheduled around FOSSGIS 2018
  • Projects: is the sprint to work on just one specific project, or is it for multiple projects? - all OSGeo projects
  • Length: how many days will the sprint cover? sunday-sunday -> 8 days
  • Venue: where will the sprint be held? will food be provided? will overnight lodging be provided?
    • Basecamp Bonn
    • overnight lodging is not provided. Participants have to pay for the lodging.
    • Only food and drinks are provided

Expected budget

  • Where is the prospective budget published? Provide a link to a publicly accessible resource (e.g. wiki). The prospective budget shall list the levels/amounts of forecasted sponsorship, and show that OSGeo is providing matching funds (see Sponsorship Criteria below).


The budget shall contain the following information:

  • what is the expected registration fee, if any, for each attendee?
    • there is no fee
  • what is the expected amount of third-party sponsorships?
  • what in-kind donations are expected (such as donated use of a conference room)?
    • no extra costs for the room, as long as all basecamp (~70 beds) is occupied by Code sprint people, if not, we have to pay for the not-booked beds -> no extra costs, as all beds are booked
  • what is the desired amount of OSGeo sponsorship?
    • 1000 € or more
  • what is the expected cost per attendee, for travel, lodging, and food?
    • food and drinks +-13.000€ including snacks as it is August and we have to buy the drinks from the venue, we calculated with a 5k €/day flat charge, this is 20/32€ per Person per day
  • what is the expected cost for the venue (such as conference room, wifi support, snacks, etc.)?
    • no extra costs for room snacks are included in the price of the food (see above)
  • wifi will cost +- 2100 Euro as we provide an extra access point to provide a stable internet connection
Day costs per day (euro) 100 persons 120 persons
Sunday 20 2000 2400
Monday 32 3200 3840
Tuesday 32 3200 3840
Wednesday 32 3200 3840
Thursday 32 3200 3840
Friday 32 3200 3840
Saturday 32 3200 3840
Sunday 20 maybe less costs as only some hours sprint 2000 2400
Sum 23200 27840
Accommodation - -
Wifi 2100 € 2100 €
Total 25300 29940
Costs extra electricity ?? ??
Costs extra internet ?? ??
  • ?? not clear whether we have extra costs for electricity and internet

Profit / Loss / Risk

  • What is the expected profit of the event, if any? where will any surplus money go?
    • community building, work on OSGeo projects
  • Under what circumstances might the event incur a loss? how will this risk be mitigated?
    • if not all accommodations in basecamp Bonn are occupied, we'd have to pay for the not booked beds