Difference between revisions of "Board Meeting 2018-10-13"

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(→‎Review and approve past minutes: That meeting had been approved)
(5 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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* ''proposal of new co-chair for the UN Committee''
* ''proposal of new co-chair for the UN Committee''
* OGC CITE Certifications
* OGC CITE Certifications
* Sign FAIR Data commitment statement
* ''add your items here''
* ''add your items here''
== Minutes ==
== Minutes ==
* Presiding:  
* Presiding: Jody Garnett
* Scribing:  
* Scribing: Astrid Emde
* ..
* Jeff
* Angelos
* Maria A
* Maria B
* Jody
* Michael
* Astrid
* Helena (read only on IRC)
=== Review and approve past minutes ===
=== Review and approve past minutes ===
* [[Board_Meeting_2018-09-08]] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Meeting_2018-09-08 [https://www.loomio.org/p/f51wGURk/motion-to-approve-board-meeting-minutes-from-2018-09-08 Motion on LOOMIO for 2018-09-08 board meeting minutes]
* [[Face_to_Face_Meeting_Dar_es_Salaam_2018]] Michael will make the motion when has the notes written up
=== Java_2018_Code_Sprint ===
* [[Java_2018_Code_Sprint]]
* There is an open motion on loomio https://www.loomio.org/d/3PofcCBl/java-2018-code-sprint-support
=== Proposal of new co-chair for the UN Committee ===
* Maria B. and Maxi a the two chairs at the moment. Maxi would like to step back, Maria B. suggested Serena Coetzee from South Africa. Board members approved the suggestion.
* suggestion that the UN Committee can nominate the co-chair and tell OSGeo. Committee can organize themself. The board has to approve after the committee has voted. Board then will recognize the decision by the committee, to make the co-chair an officer and update our website (insurance etc...)
=== OGC CITE Certifications ====
* item referes to email we were sent
* renewal deadline for OGC CITE Certifications is early January 2019
* discussion on how we can better meet this challenge (interoperability being one of our organization's goals)
* Angelos is in discussion with projects about this topic
* MapServer - pending
* GeoServer - https://build.geoserver.org/view/testing-cite/
* pycsw - runs CITE test in pycsw unit tests.
Angelos will start filling in the application on the OGC portal and will ask other projects to join
Projects could  consider CITE when planning their 2019 budget?  We asked projects to consider sending participants to code sprints and foss4g last year and that was successful.
* https://git.osgeo.org/gitea/osgeo/todo/issues/25
=== Sign FAIR Data commitment statement ===
* Motion passed on loomio
* Action: Maria A can sign the commitment statement
* see Ticket: https://git.osgeo.org/gitea/osgeo/todo/issues/24
=== Charter Member Election 2018 ===
* we have 35 noominations
* https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/New_Member_Nominations_2018
* Vicky, Jorge and Vasile are working on a survey
* CRO is working on automating process
* Charter member will get dropped if they are not voting for 3 years
* https://www.osgeo.org/about/membership-rules/
* https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_charter_member_page_instruction
* https://www.osgeo.org/about/charter-members/
=== Meeting time ===
* weekend is not a good time
* we will work on finding a better time via doodle
* https://doodle.com/poll/extqd55nrczkybnr
=== IRC Log ===
* http://irclogs.geoapt.com/osgeo/%23osgeo.2018-10-13.log
[[Category:Board Meetings 2018]]
[[Category:Board Meetings 2018]]

Latest revision as of 13:00, 14 December 2018

This board meeting is scheduled for the 13th of October 2018 at 16.00 UTC through IRC, a record of motions is preserved on loomio and actions on osgeo todo issue tracker.


Current items

Items in italic are recurring at each meeting.

Note that the meeting is limited to 1 hour.


  • Presiding: Jody Garnett
  • Scribing: Astrid Emde


  • Jeff
  • Angelos
  • Maria A
  • Maria B
  • Jody
  • Michael
  • Astrid
  • Helena (read only on IRC)

Review and approve past minutes


Proposal of new co-chair for the UN Committee

  • Maria B. and Maxi a the two chairs at the moment. Maxi would like to step back, Maria B. suggested Serena Coetzee from South Africa. Board members approved the suggestion.
  • suggestion that the UN Committee can nominate the co-chair and tell OSGeo. Committee can organize themself. The board has to approve after the committee has voted. Board then will recognize the decision by the committee, to make the co-chair an officer and update our website (insurance etc...)

OGC CITE Certifications =

  • item referes to email we were sent
  • renewal deadline for OGC CITE Certifications is early January 2019
  • discussion on how we can better meet this challenge (interoperability being one of our organization's goals)
  • Angelos is in discussion with projects about this topic
  • MapServer - pending
  • GeoServer - https://build.geoserver.org/view/testing-cite/
  • pycsw - runs CITE test in pycsw unit tests.

Angelos will start filling in the application on the OGC portal and will ask other projects to join Projects could consider CITE when planning their 2019 budget? We asked projects to consider sending participants to code sprints and foss4g last year and that was successful.

Sign FAIR Data commitment statement

Charter Member Election 2018

Meeting time