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Line 68: Line 68:
| GeoForAll
| GeoForAll
| style="text-align:right;" | TBD
| style="text-align:right;" | $3000
| $3000 ($500 for six FOSS4G related events)
| $500 for six FOSS4G related events
| UN Committee
| UN Committee

Revision as of 05:29, 20 January 2019

Draft budget to be discussed in December board meeting, see OSGeo Budget 2018 and Finance Committee#Documents for prior years.

OSGeo Board

OSGeo board operates according to our bylaws providing vision and direction for our foundation. The board has also taken on responsibility setting for an annual budget, building partner relationships, sponsorship program and code sprints.

Board 2019 Notes
Admin 3,000 Operational expenses including insurance, tax filing fees, accountant, bank fees.
Travel 15,000 Outreach focus
Partners and Sponsors 2,000 relationship building, attending b2b functions, foss4g/foss4ge/foss4gna/foss4g-asia breakfast meetings
Code Sprints 20,500 board responsible for handling code sprint requests, breakdown covered below
Events 10,000 Consider supporting events, to avoid confusing code sprint program above

OSGeo Committees

The following committees have been formed to fulfill out goals as an organization, each committee is provided a mandate, with the chair of the committee represented as an officer of our organization.

  • Code of Conduct Committee
  • Conference Committee
  • GeoForAll - committee acting as advisory board for the GeoForAll Initiative
  • Incubation Committee - committee providing hands-on support for project teams adopting open source principles and practice.
  • Marketing Committee - outreach and advocacy support
  • Open GeoScience Committee
  • System Administration Committee - foundation infrastructure
  • UN Committee - committee responsible for our participation in the UN Open GIS program
OSGeo Committees 2019 Notes
SAC TBD pending request
Open GeoScience TBD pending request
Conference 0 No operational budget requested, see TGP initiative below
Marketing 27,600 Draft budget: Marketing Committee Budget 2019
GeoForAll $3000 $500 for six FOSS4G related events
UN Committee 11,000 (tentative) UN Open GIS Initiative Meetings (one Pilot in South Sudan and one workshop in Kazakistan = 5,000 - part of this budget can be taken from the budget that was not spent in 2018) + 2 OSGeo UN Challenge (one for preparing PostGIS training material - 3,000 - and one for computing SDGs with FOSS4G and open data - 3,000). These Challenge are similar, in the modality, to those of 2018 (https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Training_Material_for_UN_Open_GIS_Spiral_1; https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Training_Material_for_UN_Open_GIS_Spiral_3)
OSGeo Incubation 0 No operational budget requested, see Incubation initiative below.

Total Committees Budget for 2019: TBD

OSGeo Initiatives

OSGeo initiatives have formed to pursue a specific short term, or long term goal. Initiatives maybe formed by a committee or the board as required. Iniativies a great way to collaborate with projects, committees and partners.

  • FOSS4G - event series produced in collaboration with the conference committee and local chapters
  • GeoForAll - education and research program produced in collaboration with our partners
  • Incubation - mentor program for open source projects to be recognized as OSGeo project
  • Local Chapters - board outreach initiative establishing regional OSGeo groups for direct grassroots advoacacy
  • Meta CRS - interoperability initiative promoting data sharing with cross project spatial reference system compatibility
  • Open GeoScience - outreach and advocacy geoscience community
  • GSoC - coordinate participation in google-summer-of-code and code-in activities
  • OSGeoLive - outreach initiative providing ready-to-run osgeo software experience
  • Travel Grant Program - provides assistance for attending OSGeo events
OSGeo Initiatives 2019 Notes
FOSS4G Managed by Conference Committee
Incubation 18,000 Managed by the incubation committee, requesting 3,000 per project to strictly be used towards incubation progress. , Note all projects in incubation have access to additional funding via the osgeo community project program.
Local Chapters 10,000 Managed by board, considering putting aside money to help establish local chapters (for logistics, legal advise, kickoff meetings rather than any sponsorship or direct funding)
GSoC Previously had requests to help students attend events
Meta CRS Critical group for our interoperability goal, ask participants if they need any assistance
Open GeoScience Managed by Open Geo Science Committee
OSGeoLive 0 Now an initiative of the OSGeoLive project
Travel Grant Program 25.000 TGP, 50-60% for global event, rest for regional events (Previous years had a component of matching sponsor donations)

Total Initiatives Budget for 2019: TBD


OSGeo Projects

OSGeo Projects each have a project steering committee, the chair of which is acknowledged as a foundation officer with spending authority on behalf of their committee.


  • We have reached out to the projects mailing list with a default suggestion of 2000 for any project that responds
  • Projects with a plan may of course ask for increased funding
  • This is a budget, representing planned spending in 2019 - actual balance available to each PSC (from fundraising, donations and sponsorship) may be considered when planning.
  • If a project did not respond (or runs into an unforeseen expense) please contact the board throughout the year as budgets can be amended
OSGeo Project 2019 Notes
FDO PSC inactive, consider as community project?
GDAL/OGR 5000 Renewal of Travis-CI plan for 11 parallel workers. Will also benefit to all other projects under the OSGeo github organization: homebrew-osgeo4mac, proj.4, libgeotiff, etc.
GeoServer 2,000 (may try to put together a budget for automated CITE testing)
GeoTools 2,000
gvSIG 3000 Details of the budget at https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GvSIG_Budget_2019
MapGuide Open Source PSC inactive, consider as community project?
PostGIS 3,000 In support of project and travel for committer to PostGIS and other OSGeo code sprints.
QGIS € 5,000
€ 3,000
QGIS Grant Programme Call 2019: bug fixing and polishing of existing features
QGIS Server: improve WFS compliance from currently 50% to 100% (daily status reports at http://tests.qgis.org/ogc_cite/wfs_110/)

Total Projects Budget for 2019: TBD

Community Projects

Community projects act through the board as they do not have a project officer.

Community Project 2019 Notes
pgRouting 2,000 Travel expenses to FOSS4G Romania

Total Community Projects Budget for 2019: TBD


Community Events

We are considering setting aside a budget for community events in 2019:

  • Supporting community building events is distinct from the development focused code-sprints below
  • We are inviting community members to contact us about events (rather than try and adjust their event to fit into our code sprint guidelines)
  • OSGeo is is focused on our outreach goals as an organization as such our primary contribution to events is free software and enthusiasm rather than finical, we use funding to enable our members rather than for sponsorship and visibility.
  • Previously we have had requests to fund a "community day" or "community sprints" as part a larger event as distinct from sponsorship, the have been funded to the best of our ability
Event Request 2019 Notes
QGIS Developer Meeting and User Conference €3,000 in March in A Coruna, Spain

Code Sprints

We have asked project teams for guidance to help set our code sprint budget:

  • Please note our Code Sprint Guidelines ask for event details, budget and fundraising on your part.
  • Out priority is to share the risk with organizers allowing access to funds early to book facilities as required
  • Code sprint budget is structured carry funds from one event to the next allowing us to hold more code-sprints with a smaller annual budget.
Sprint Request 2019 Notes
OSGeo annual code sprint No financial request made, event planning is well under way
GeoServer 2,000 Considering a CITE compliance sprint in Europe
PostGIS Code Sprint 2,000
Bolsena Code Sprint No financial request made
Small Code Sprints 10,000

Total Code Sprint Budget for 2019: TBD

These funds are approved as part of the board budget for 2018.

Approval and Amendments