Difference between revisions of "FOSS4GNA Code Sprint 2019"

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** Bring your own source project project and we can make it happen!
** Bring your own source project project and we can make it happen!
* Mentoring and support for any projects going through the incubation process
* Mentoring and support for any projects going through the incubation process
=== ImageN ===
Setup of new team members:
* Initial meeting 11 am
* Video dial in available: https://meet.jit.si/ImageNCommitAccess
[[Category:Code Sprints]]
[[Category:Code Sprints]]

Revision as of 09:11, 11 April 2019

FOSS4G NA 2019 starts off with a two day code-sprint Sunday April 14 and Monday April 15th prior to the conference.

We would like to thank those working on the projects being celebrate at this event. By way of our appreciation we are pleased to offer the code-sprint participants signed up below their choice of a free gala dinner or workshop day admission.


Please add your name and the projects you are planning to sprint and note the likeliness of your attendance.

No Name Hello Country Email Organisation Projects Sunday Monday Choice
1 Jody Garnett <libravatar email="jody.garnett@gmail.com"/> CA jody.garnett@gmail.com OSGeo GeoTools, JTS 100% 50% Gala
2 Jeff Johnson <libravatar email="ortelius@gmail.com"/> USA ortelius@gmail.com terranodo foss4g-na 50% 50% Workshops
3 Chris Marx <libravatar email="chris@zevross.com"/> USA chris@zevross.com zevross.com 100% 50% Either
4 Patrick Dufour USA pjdufour.dev@gmail.com Spatial Current Go libraries 100% 50% -
5 Luis Bermudez USA bermud@gmail.com OGC TEAM Engine 100% 50% -

This list is used to coordinate participants, determine capacity. After signing up here please email sprint@foss4g-na.org to confirm gala dinner or workshop availability.

In addition we have a limited number of discounts available for event volunteers, if you are interested in helping out reach out to volunteers@foss4g-na.org.

Attending a Code Sprint


  • Bring your own laptop
  • Install GIT and compiler tools, and come with a working development environment
  • Be sure to list your project and activities on this page
  • Project that have a plan can make the best use of their time

Projects Attending


So much has changed in the last year, this is a chance to work on communication:

  • Update documentation and examples ahead of group workshop

Incubation Committee

OSGeo outreach to new project teams:

  • Update *how to add project to website instructions*
    • Bring your own source project project and we can make it happen!
  • Mentoring and support for any projects going through the incubation process


Setup of new team members: