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# Editor: Jeff McKenna
# Editor: Jeff McKenna
# Any FOSS4G reports that may be worth reproducing
# Any FOSS4G reports that may be worth reproducing
Vanildes Ribeiro, vanildes@funcate.org.br,
The Amazon Deforestation Monitoring System: a large environmental database developed on TerraLib and PostgreSQL
== Moved ==
== Moved ==

Revision as of 17:13, 10 October 2007

This is the planning and work page for the OSGeo Journal - Volume 3 publication.

If you want to contribute an article, add it to this list in the appropriate category.

Please review the Journal License and Guidelines page before adding your article to either article list.

UPDATE: We will soon select editors for each article and they will contact you directly with instructions for submitting your article.


  • Articles welcome: Now
  • Articles requiring peer review, Submission Ends: September 30, 2007
  • Article Submission Ends: October 10, 2007
  • First Draft: October 25, 2007
  • Final Publication: November 15, 2007

Special Edition - FOSS4G Proceedings

This volume of the Journal will have a focus on the proceedings and papers presented at the FOSS4G Conference Event.

Note: All "normal" articles have been moved to Journal Volume 4. Volume 3 will be solely focused on conference papers.

If you are interested in providing a paper for this purpose, please add yourself to the following section:

  • Your FOSS4G paper goes here.... include your name, your email and the title of your article
  • Jan Ježek, h.jezek (at) centrum.cz, Coordinate System Transformations in Geotools and uDig - Contribution of Google Summer of Code 2006 and 2007

Papers that have already been allocated to a particular editor are as follows:

  1. Editor: Martin Wegmann
    1. Martin Mergili and Wolfgang Fellin, martin.mergili (at) uibk.ac.at, GRASS GIS and modelling of natural hazards: an integrated approach for debris flow simulation
    2. Hans Plum, Markus Lupp plum@lat-lon.de, Interoperabilty for 3D geodata: Experiences with CityGML and OGC Web Services
    3. Peter Staub, peterstaub AT ethz DOT ch, A Model-Driven Web Feature Service for Enhanced Semantic Interoperability
  2. Editor: Jeff McKenna
    1. Barde Julien, julien@mbari.org, A generic approach to manage metadata standards
    2. Jo Cook, jo dot cook at googlemail dot com, Portable GIS: GIS on a USB stick
    3. Nirut Chalainanont, Junya Sano, and Toshimi Minoura, minoura@eecs.orst.edu, Automatic Generation of Web-Based GIS/Database Applications
  3. Editor: Micha Silver
    1. Luis Fernando Bueno, Weberson Gabriel, Pablo Filetti Moreira, Artur Henrique Villa Real F. Ramos, Fabio Augusto das Dores Silva and Marcelo Campos Brito, luis.bueno@sipam.gov.br, GeoSIPAM: Free and Open Source Software Applied to the Protection of the Brazilian Amazon
    2. Luis Fernando Bueno, Luiz Gilberto Dall´Igna, Marcelo Vitor Amaral Campos, Tiago de Lima Martarole and Diego Gomes Ferreira. luis.bueno@sipam.gov.br, A Spatial Database to Integrate the Information of the Rondonia Natural Resource Management Project
    3. Hugo Conceição, Luís Damas, Michel Ferreira and João Barros, michel@dcc.fc.up.pt, The DIVERT Project: Development of Inter-Vehicular Reliable Telematics
  4. Editor: Markus Lupp
    1. Chris West, Mark Gillis, Brian Low, and Alex Song. chwest@nrcan.gc.ca, Using Open Source to Analyze Canada's National Forest Inventory
    2. Aaron Peeke-Vout and Brian Low, Aaron.Peeke-Vout@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca, Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI)-In-A-Box, a Footprint to Deliver Geospatial Data through Open Source Applications.
    3. Abson Sae-Tang and Olivier Ertz, olivier.ertz (at) heig-vd (dot) ch, Towards web services dedicated to thematic mapping.
  5. Editor: Angus Carr
    1. Stefan Keller, sfkeller (at) hsr.ch, db4o2D - Object Database Extension for 2D Geospatial Types
    2. David Vaz and Michel Ferreira, davidvaz_at_ncc.up.pt - Spatial-Yap: A Spatio-Deductive Database System.

Normal Edition

The following sections from the normal editions will still be included.


  1. Tyler Mitchell: General updates
  2. Paul Ramsey: FOSS4G 2007 Conference Chair


  1. Editor: Jason Fournier
  2. Focused on FOSS4G-related news or press releases

Event Reports (2-3 articles)

  1. Editor: Jeff McKenna
  2. Any FOSS4G reports that may be worth reproducing

Vanildes Ribeiro, vanildes@funcate.org.br, The Amazon Deforestation Monitoring System: a large environmental database developed on TerraLib and PostgreSQL


  1. Löwe & Wilkins articles moved to Journal Volume 4
  2. Neteler article moved to Journal Volume 4
  3. Lupp deegree article moved to Journal Volume 4