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EN English (with changes from FOSS4G_2009_Press_Release_7_Translations in red)

FOSS4G conference registration opens

Sydney, Australia. 4 May 2009.


The international conference for free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G), held in Sydney, Australia 20-23 October, 2009, is now open for registration. http://2009.foss4g.org/

FOSS4G attracts the cream of international Geospatial Open Source and Open Standards system implementors and sponsors. With themes ranging from the integration of Open Source with Proprietary systems to the building of Spatial Data Infrastructures and application of Open Geospatial Standards, the conference offers a unique opportunity to tap into the wealth of knowledge and experience available among the Open Source developers, sponsors and geospatial professionals of all persuasions. The Open Geospatial Consotium (OGC) is underpinning the conference with a Standards Based integration showcase based on a climate change scenario, demonstrating integration between Open Source and proprietary applications.

Along with a comprehensive program of thought provoking presentations and interactive workshops you would expect from an international conference, FOSS4G retains many of the engaging characteristics of its Open Source heritage. With Bird of a Feather sessions, code sprints, install-fests and impromptu project meetings, there is an unparalleled opportunity to take part in active communities and provide input into the direction for a variety of projects. FOSS4G encompasses the best of Open Communities, such as collaboration, helpfulness, innovation and honesty.

Early bird registration is just $AU725 (~ $US525) for 3 days of conference and tutorials, and $AU375 (~ $US270) for a day of top notch workshops from the world's best international presenters.


FOSS4G 2009 will be held in Sydney, Australia which is built around one of the largest, most beautiful harbours in the world with miles of golden beaches stretching north and south of the city on the shores of the Pacific Ocean. It has a warm climate in October with average temperatures ranging from 15 - 22°C. Sydney and its surrounding areas provide a diverse range of visual excitement and vibrancy. Visitors to Sydney are spoiled with choice including national parks, famous beaches, the World Heritage Blue Mountains area and the picturesque Sydney Harbour. Sydney’s also offers a diverse range of cultural activities including the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, Australian Chamber Orchestra, the Australian Ballet and the Sydney Theatre Company all performing at the well know Sydney Opera House.

Call for Presentations

Are you planning to present at this years conference? If so, don't wait until you have your presentation finalised to tell us about it! Go to the submission website now (http://2009.foss4g.org/presentations/) and enter your name and contact details and at least a title. Then, closer to the close-off date, log back in and fill out the abstract details. This will be a big help for the organisers as it will give us some advanced notice as to how many and what type of presentations to expect.

FOSS4G 2009 Highlights

The Climate Challenge Integration Plugfest (CCIP): FOSS4G will launch the OGC's Climate Challenge Integration Plugfest (CCIP), which demonstrates standards based interoperability between Open Source and Proprietary geospatial applications. It consists of a server with multiple virtual machines, each installed with geospatial applications offering standards based web services. All web services will demonstrate a common dataset, and will be accessed by a range of geospatial client applications installed on client computers. http://external.opengis.org/twiki_public/bin/view/ClimateChallenge2009/WebHome

Presenters are encouraged (but not mandated) to make use of scenarios and on-site data from the Climate Challenge Integration Plugfest (CCIP). This is especially important as demand for access to data over the internet is expected to be high, and Australia has notoriously slow connections to the outside world.

FOSS4G Live DVD: LiveDVDs, based on the Xubuntu operating system and including Geospatial Open Source Software, will be given to all delegates. Users can boot a Live DVD on their computer and trial the software without installing or effecting the existing system. http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc

Installfest: The Installfest will give delegates the opportunity to meet in a common area and install a wide variety of FOSS software on their laptops, EE PC or any other system they care to bring in. Community members will be around to assist with any troubles and provide help and insight into the software. The install fest will take place after workshops on the first day.

Workshops and Tutorials: Workshops and Tutorials allow presenters to lead attendees through applications, integration solutions, or other topics in an interactive environment. Half-day workshops (3 hours) will be held in computer rooms on the first day. Tutorials (90 minutes) will be held in standard presentation rooms, run concurrently with presentations during the third and fourth days.

Presentations: The meat of the conference are it's presentations. Drawing on a huge community of local, regional and international experts we will discuss some of the most current and poignant topics in the industry today.

Demo Theatre: During lunch and coffee breaks the demonstration theatre will be showcasing live software. These short demonstrations from sponsors, open source projects and the user community show what is possible with open source today.

Birds of a Feather: Rooms have been set aside for semi-organised meetings between like minded groups. Some prominant community initiatives started in prior FOSS4G Birds of a Feather sessions.

Code Sprint: The weekend after FOSS4G is reserved for the Hackers' Code Sprint. Hackers will be locked in a basement with lots of bandwidth, pizzas and coke. (Well, maybe something better than that, but we don't want to spoil the mystical hacker image by describing it any differently.)

Upcoming milestones

  • 1 Jun 2009, Abstract submission deadline
  • 13 Jul 2009, Presenters notified of acceptance for talks
  • 31 Jul 2009, Author/Early registration deadline
  • 14 Sep 2009, Completed program available on the wiki
  • 20 Oct 2009, FOSS4G Workshop
  • 21-23 Oct 2009, FOSS4G Presentations and Tutorials
  • 24-25 Oct 2009, FOSS4G Code Sprint

Media Sponsors

For more information or to keep informed from the FOSS4G Organising Committee, join our email list or twitter feed at: http://2009.foss4g.org/contacts/

or contact:

Cameron Shorter, Chair of the FOSS4G Organising Committee and Geospatial Systems Architect at LISAsoft

tel +61-8570-5050

c a m e r o n . s h o r t e r @ l i s a s o f t . c o m

Translated by: Insert translators name here

EN English

FOSS4G conference registration opens

Sydney, Australia. 4 May 2009.


The international conference for free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G), held in Sydney, Australia 20-23 October, 2009, is now open for registration. http://2009.foss4g.org/

FOSS4G attracts the cream of international Geospatial Open Source and Open Standards system implementors and sponsors. With themes ranging from the integration of Open Source with Proprietary systems to the building of Spatial Data Infrastructures and application of Open Geospatial Standards, the conference offers a unique opportunity to tap into the wealth of knowledge and experience available among the Open Source developers, sponsors and geospatial professionals of all persuasions. The Open Geospatial Consotium (OGC) is underpinning the conference with a Standards Based integration showcase based on a climate change scenario, demonstrating integration between Open Source and proprietary applications.

Along with a comprehensive program of thought provoking presentations and interactive workshops you would expect from an international conference, FOSS4G retains many of the engaging characteristics of its Open Source heritage. With Bird of a Feather sessions, code sprints, install-fests and impromptu project meetings, there is an unparalleled opportunity to take part in active communities and provide input into the direction for a variety of projects. FOSS4G encompasses the best of Open Communities, such as collaboration, helpfulness, innovation and honesty.

Early bird registration is just $AU725 (~ $US525) for 3 days of conference and tutorials, and $AU375 (~ $US270) for a day of top notch workshops from the world's best international presenters.


FOSS4G 2009 will be held in Sydney, Australia which is built around one of the largest, most beautiful harbours in the world with miles of golden beaches stretching north and south of the city on the shores of the Pacific Ocean. It has a warm climate in October with average temperatures ranging from 15 - 22°C. Sydney and its surrounding areas provide a diverse range of visual excitement and vibrancy. Visitors to Sydney are spoiled with choice including national parks, famous beaches, the World Heritage Blue Mountains area and the picturesque Sydney Harbour. Sydney’s also offers a diverse range of cultural activities including the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, Australian Chamber Orchestra, the Australian Ballet and the Sydney Theatre Company all performing at the well know Sydney Opera House.

Call for Presentations

Are you planning to present at this years conference? If so, don't wait until you have your presentation finalised to tell us about it! Go to the submission website now (http://2009.foss4g.org/presentations/) and enter your name and contact details and at least a title. Then, closer to the close-off date, log back in and fill out the abstract details. This will be a big help for the organisers as it will give us some advanced notice as to how many and what type of presentations to expect.

FOSS4G 2009 Highlights

The Climate Challenge Integration Plugfest (CCIP): FOSS4G will launch the OGC's Climate Challenge Integration Plugfest (CCIP), which demonstrates standards based interoperability between Open Source and Proprietary geospatial applications. It consists of a server with multiple virtual machines, each installed with geospatial applications offering standards based web services. All web services will demonstrate a common dataset, and will be accessed by a range of geospatial client applications installed on client computers. http://external.opengis.org/twiki_public/bin/view/ClimateChallenge2009/WebHome

Presenters are encouraged (but not mandated) to make use of scenarios and on-site data from the Climate Challenge Integration Plugfest (CCIP). This is especially important as demand for access to data over the internet is expected to be high, and Australia has notoriously slow connections to the outside world.

FOSS4G Live DVD: LiveDVDs, based on the Xubuntu operating system and including Geospatial Open Source Software, will be given to all delegates. Users can boot a Live DVD on their computer and trial the software without installing or effecting the existing system. http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc

Installfest: The Installfest will give delegates the opportunity to meet in a common area and install a wide variety of FOSS software on their laptops, EE PC or any other system they care to bring in. Community members will be around to assist with any troubles and provide help and insight into the software. The install fest will take place after workshops on the first day.

Workshops and Tutorials: Workshops and Tutorials allow presenters to lead attendees through applications, integration solutions, or other topics in an interactive environment. Half-day workshops (3 hours) will be held in computer rooms on the first day. Tutorials (90 minutes) will be held in standard presentation rooms, run concurrently with presentations during the third and fourth days.

Presentations: The meat of the conference are it's presentations. Drawing on a huge community of local, regional and international experts we will discuss some of the most current and poignant topics in the industry today.

Demo Theatre: During lunch and coffee breaks the demonstration theatre will be showcasing live software. These short demonstrations from sponsors, open source projects and the user community show what is possible with open source today.

Birds of a Feather: Rooms have been set aside for semi-organised meetings between like minded groups. Some prominant community initiatives started in prior FOSS4G Birds of a Feather sessions.

Code Sprint: The weekend after FOSS4G is reserved for the Hackers' Code Sprint. Hackers will be locked in a basement with lots of bandwidth, pizzas and coke. (Well, maybe something better than that, but we don't want to spoil the mystical hacker image by describing it any differently.)

Upcoming milestones

  • 1 Jun 2009, Abstract submission deadline
  • 13 Jul 2009, Presenters notified of acceptance for talks
  • 31 Jul 2009, Author/Early registration deadline
  • 14 Sep 2009, Completed program available on the wiki
  • 20 Oct 2009, FOSS4G Workshop
  • 21-23 Oct 2009, FOSS4G Presentations and Tutorials
  • 24-25 Oct 2009, FOSS4G Code Sprint

Media Sponsors

For more information or to keep informed from the FOSS4G Organising Committee, join our email list or twitter feed at: http://2009.foss4g.org/contacts/

or contact:

Cameron Shorter, Chair of the FOSS4G Organising Committee and Geospatial Systems Architect at LISAsoft

tel +61-8570-5050

c a m e r o n . s h o r t e r @ l i s a s o f t . c o m

Translated by: Insert translators name here

ID Indonesian

pembukaan pendaftaran konferensi FOSS4G

Sydney, Australia, 4 Mei 2009.


konferensi internasional terbuka dan software open source untuk Geospatial (FOSS4G), diadakan di sydney, Australia tanggal 20-23 Oktober 2009, sekarang dibuka pendaftarannya.http://2009.foss4g.org/

FOSS4G menarik yang terbaik dari pelaksana Geospatial Open Source dan Open Standards system dan para sponsor. Dengant tema berkisar dari integrasi Open Source dengan system proprietary untuk pembangunan Infrastruktur Data Spatial dan penggunaan Standards Geospatial Terbuka (Open Geospatial Standards), Conferensi ini menawarkan kesempatan unik untuk meningkatkan pengetahuann dan pengalaman yang ada diantara para developer Open Source, sponsor dan geospatial yang profesional dari berbagai pandangan. Open Geospatial Consotium (OGC) adalah tiang penyokong konferensi dengan standar berdasarkan integrasi (Standard Based Integration) dimana terlihat berdasarkan skenario perubahan iklim/cuaca, mempertunjukan integrasi antara Open Source dan applikasi yang memiliki hak milik (applikasi berbayar).

Bersama dengan prensentasi program yang menimbulkan pemikiran yang luas dan workshop interaktif dapat anda harapkan dari sebuah konferensi internasional, FOSS4G menguasai banyak keterlibatan sifat dari setiap warisan/pusaka Open Source. Dengan pembahasan “bird of a feather”, code sprints, install-fests, dan pertemuan proyek dadakan, ada sebuah kesempatan yang tak ada tandingannya untuk mengambil bagian di dalam komunitas yang aktif dan memberikan masukan menjadi bimbingan untuk poyek yang bervariasi. FOSS4G meliputi komunitas terbuka (Open Communty) yang terbaik, seperti kolaborasi, bantuan yang bermanfaat, inovasi dan kejujuran.

Pendaftaran awal hanya $AU725(~$US525) untuk 3 hari tutorial dan konferensi, dan $AU375 (~$US270) untuk 1 hari workshops yang paling spektakuler dari para presenter terbaik internasional.


FOSS4G 2009 akan dilaksanakan di Sydney, Australia yang dibangun di sekeliling salah satu pelabuhan yang luas dan cantik di dunia dengan bermil-mil pantai yang berkilauan terbentang dari utara sampai selatan kota di pantai samudra Pasifik.Tempat ini memiliki iklim yang hangat di bulan Oktober denga rata2 temperatur berkisar dari 15-22° C. Sydney dan area sekitarnya memberikan bermacam-macam pemandangan yang mengagumkan dan “vibrancy. Para pengunjungnya dimanjakan dengan pilihan-pilihan temasuk diantaranya taman-taman nasional, laut-laut yang terkenal, peningggalan dunia Blue Mountains dan gambar-gambar pelabuhan Sydney. Sydney juga menawarkan berbagai macam kegiatan kebudayaan yaitu Sydney Symphony Orchestra, Australian Chamber Orchestra, the Australian Ballet dan Sydney Theatre Company semua berpentas di Sydney Opera House.

Panggilan untuk Presentasi

apakah anda berencana untuk hadir di konferensi tahun ini? Jika demikian, jangan tunggu sampai presentasi ini diakhiri untuk memberitahu kami! Silakan ke submission website sekarang (http://2009.foss4g.org/presentations/) dan masukan nama anda sedetil-detilnya minimal jabatan. Kemudian, semakin dekat dengan tanggal penutupannya, masuk kembali dan isi detail yang abstrak. Ini akan banyak membantu untuk para organiser seperti akan memberikan kita beberapa manfaat yang harus diperhatikan seperti berapa banyak dan presentasi seperti apa yang diharapkan.

Sekilas tentang FOSS4G 2009

The Climate Challenge Integration Plugfest (CCIP): FOSS4G akan melaksanakan OGC's Climate Challenge Integration Plugfest (CCIP), yang menunjukan standard berdasarkan “interoperability” antara Open Source dan Geospatial Aplikasi. Konferensi ini terdiri dari wadah dengan berbagai macam pilihan organisasi yang sebenarnya, setiap yang telah di install dengan aplikasi geospatial menawarkan standard based web services. Semua layanan web akan menunjukan dataset yang umum, dan akan di akses oleh applikasi geospatial yang terinstall di komputer-komputer client. http://external.opengis.org/twiki_public/bin/view/ClimateChallenge2009/WebHome

para presenter menganjurkan (tapi tidak mengharuskan) untuk menggunakan skenario dan on-site data dari Climate Challenge Integration Plugfest (CCIP). Ini khususnya penting sebagai permintaan akses ke data melalui internet diperkirakan akan menjadi tinggi, dan Australia telah dikenal dengan koneksi yang lambat ke dunia luar.

FOSS4G Live DVD: LiveDVD berdasarkan sistem operasi Xubuntu dan termasuk Software Geospatial Open Source akan diberikan kepada semua delegasi. Para pengguna bisa menjalankan Live DVD di komputer mereka masing-masing dan mencoba software tanpa harus menginstall atau memepengaruhi system yang ada. http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc

Installfest: Installfest akan memberikan para delegasi kesempatan untuk bertemu di tempat umum dan meng install variasi yang luas dari FOSS software in laptop mereka. EE PC atau system yang lain mereka boleh membawanya / menginstallnya. Para anggota komunitas akan berkeliling untuk membantu masalah-masalah dan memberikan bantuan dan pengertian yang mendalam terhadap software tsb. Installfest akan diadakan setelah workshop di hari pertama. Workshop dan Tutorial: Workshop dan Tutorial memperkenankan para presenter untuk memimpin para peserta melalui aplikasi, solusi integrasi, atau topik lain didalam sebuah lingkungan interaktif. Setengah hari workshop (3 jam) akan dilaksanakan di ruangan komputer di hari pertama.Tutorial (90 menit) akan dilaksanakan di ruang presentasi standard, akan di selenggarakan secara bersamaan dengan presentasi selama hari ke tiga dan ke empat.

Presentasi: inti dari confensi ini adalah presentasi.banyak sekali menarik komunitas lokal, regional dan para ahli internasional. Kita akan mendiskusikan beberapa topik yang terbaru dan paling tajam di industry saat ini.

Demo Theatre: selama makan siang dan coffee break demonstrasi teater akan menampilkan Live Software. Demonstrasi singkat tsb dari para sponsor, proyek Open Source dan komunitas user menampilkan apa yang mungkin dengan Open Source sekarang.

Birds of Feather: Ruangan telah di atur untuk meeting semi-organised antara group satu pendirian. Beberapa group terkemuka mengambil inisiatif memulai di sesi FOSS4G Birds of a Feather terlebih dahulu. Code Sprint: akhir pekan setelah FOSS4G di pesan untuk Hackers' Code Sprint. Para Hacker akan dikunci didalam basement dengan banyak bandwidth, pizza dan coke.(mungkin sesuatu yang lebih baik dari itu, tapi kami tidak ingin merusak image hacker gaib dengan menggambarkannya dengan cara yang berbeda.)

agenda yang akan datang

1 Jun 2009, Abstract submission dead line 13 Jul 2009, memberitahukan presenter tentang sambutan untuk berbicara (presenters notified of acceptance for talks) 31 Jul 2009, deadline untuk pendaftaran awal 14 Sep 2009, melengkapi program yang tersedia di wiki 20 Okt 2009, FOSS4G workshop 21-23 Okt 2009, presentasi dan tutorial FOSS4G 24-25 Okt 2009, FOSS4G Code Sprint

Media Sponsor

Position Magazine: http://www.positionmag.com.au/ Asian Surveying and Mapping Newsletter: http://www.asmmag.com Geoconnexions Magazine: http://www.geoconnexion.com/ Directions Magazine: http://directionsmag.com/ GIS Development: http://gisdevelopment.net/ Baliz Media: http://www.BALIZ-MEDIA.com/

untuk informasi lebih lengkap atau untuk tetap mengetahui informasi dari FOSS4G Organising committee, silakan bergaung dengan email list atau twitter di http://2009.foss4g.org/contacts/

atau hubungi:

Cameron Shorter, pimpinan FOSS4G Organising Committee and Geospatial Systems Architect di LISAsoft

tel +61-8570-5050

c a m e r o n . s h o r t e r @ l i s a s o f t . c o m

Translated by: Nita puspita