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This conference was the inaugural FOSS4G SotM Oceania, held in '''Melbourne, Australia, 20-23 November 2018'''.
This conference was the inaugural FOSS4G SotM Oceania, held in '''Melbourne, Australia, 20-23 November 2018'''.
* [http://2018.foss4g-oceania.org Conference website]  
* [https://2018.foss4g-oceania.org Conference website]  
* [http://2018.foss4g-oceania.org/videos Videos]
* [https://2018.foss4g-oceania.org/videos Videos]
* [http://2018.foss4g-oceania.org/photos Photos]
* [https://2018.foss4g-oceania.org/photos Photos]
=== Logo ===
=== Logo ===
* [[FOSS4G-SOTM-Oceania/Logo_Contest|Logo Contest details]]
* [https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_SotM_Oceania_2018/Logo_Entries Logo Entries]
* [[FOSS4G_SotM_Oceania_2018/Logo_Contest|Logo Contest]]
* [[FOSS4G_SotM_Oceania_2018/Logo_Entries|Logo Entries]]
=== Venue ===
=== Venue ===
The conference was held at the University of Melbourne, in the Old Arts Building.
The conference was held at the University of Melbourne, in the Old Arts Building.
=== Sponsors ===
| width="20%" valign="top" |
* Koordinates
* Geoplex
* Bing
* TerriaJS
| width="20%" valign="top" |
* Gaia Resources
* Mapillary
* Address Finder
* TechnologyOne
| width="20%" valign="top" |
* AlantGeo
* Carto
* Spatial Vision
* Mapbox
* Spatial Partners
* Georepublic
| width="20%" valign="top" |
* North Road
| width="20%" valign="top" |
'''In Kind'''
* Land Information New Zealand
* Mammoth Geospatial
* Synthesis Technologies
* FrontierSI
== Program Overview ==
== Program Overview ==
* 20 November - Workshops
{| class="wikitable"
* 21 November - Conference Day 1
! style="font-weight:bold; background-color:#efefef; color:#343434;" | Date
* 22 November - Conference Day 2
! style="font-weight:bold; background-color:#efefef; color:#343434;" | Name
* 23 November - Community Day
! style="font-weight:bold; background-color:#efefef; color:#343434;" | Tickets Sold
|  | 20 November
|  | Workshops
|  | 206
|  | 21 November
|  | Conference Day 1
|  | 252
|  | 22 November
|  | Conference Day 2
|  | 250
|  | 23 November
|  | Community Day
|  | 121
=== [https://2018.foss4g-oceania.org/program/keynotes.html Keynotes] ===
=== [https://2018.foss4g-oceania.org/program/keynotes.html Keynotes] ===
* [https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Nyall_Dawson Nyall Dawson]
* [https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Nyall_Dawson Nyall Dawson] - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFsNimOgza8 A spatial community strengthened by a diversity of skill levels]
* Jane Elith
* Jane Elith - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64An3bXruFs Using spatial data to model biodiversity]
* [https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User:Pwramsey3 Paul Ramsay]
* [https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User:Pwramsey3 Paul Ramsay] - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX0NX9OjyUg Why we code]
* Alyssa Wright
* Alyssa Wright - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9tAFJC1tmo What are your salary requirements?]
=== Social Program ===
=== Social Program ===
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=== Attendees ===
=== Conference Attendees ===
| width="50%" valign="top" |
By jurisdiction
{| class="wikitable"
! Jurisdiction !! Attendees !! % of Total
| Victoria || 102 || 41.0
| New Zealand || 28 || 11.2
| New South Wales || 28 || 11.2
| Australian Capital Territory || 26 || 10.4
| Queensland || 18 || 7.2
| Western Australia || 14 || 5.6
| Tasmania || 8 || 3.2
| United States || 6 || 2.4
| South Australia || 4 || 1.6
| Northern Territory || 2 || 0.8
| Fiji || 2 || 0.8
| Samoa || 1 || 0.4
| Timor-Leste || 1 || 0.4
| Hong Kong || 1 || 0.4
| Serbia || 1 || 0.4
| Papua New Guinea || 1 || 0.4
| Canada || 1 || 0.4
| Malaysia || 1 || 0.4
| United Kingdom || 1 || 0.4
| Germany || 1 || 0.4
| Japan || 1 || 0.4
| width="50%" valign="top" |
The 2 conference days received 250 registrations.
By ticket type
{| class="wikitable"
! Ticket Type !! Attendees !! % of Total
| Full Price || 146 || 55.7
| Early Bird || 30 || 11.4
| Community Contributor || 29 || 11.0
| Sponsor || 26 || 10.0
| Volunteer || 9 || 3.4
| Travel Grant Program || 7 || 2.7
| Student || 7 || 2.7
| Keynote || 4 || 1.5
| One Day || 4 || 1.5
== Media ==
== Media ==
* [https://koordinates.com/blog/why-were-sponsoring-foss4g-oceania/ Why we're sponsoring FOSS4G Oceania by Koordinates]
* [https://koordinates.com/blog/why-were-sponsoring-foss4g-oceania/ Why we're sponsoring FOSS4G Oceania] by Koordinates
* [https://nyalldawson.net/2018/11/thoughts-on-foss4g-sotm-oceania-2018-and-the-pyqgis-api-improvements-which-it-caused/ Thoughts on FOSS4G SotM Oceania 2018 and the PyQGIS API improvements which it caused by Nyall Dawson]
* [https://nyalldawson.net/2018/11/thoughts-on-foss4g-sotm-oceania-2018-and-the-pyqgis-api-improvements-which-it-caused/ Thoughts on FOSS4G SotM Oceania 2018 and the PyQGIS API improvements which it caused] by Nyall Dawson
* [https://www.gaiaresources.com.au/open-source-software-conference-recap/ FOSS4G open source software conference recap by Gaia Resources]
* [https://www.gaiaresources.com.au/open-source-software-conference-recap/ FOSS4G open source software conference recap] by Gaia Resources
* [https://blog.geografia.com.au/my-time-at-foss4g-oceania-2018-f5a1fe9f0385 My time at FOSS4G Oceania 2018 by Daniel Hernandez]
* [https://blog.geografia.com.au/my-time-at-foss4g-oceania-2018-f5a1fe9f0385 My time at FOSS4G Oceania 2018] by Daniel Hernandez
== Good Mojo ==
=== Travel Grant Program ===
This conference had the first regional Travel Grant Program funded (in part) by OSGeo.
7 attendees were provided with grants to help cover flights, accommodation and visas.
2 half day workshops, conference registration and access to all social events including the conference dinner were also provided.
You can read interviews with 5 of the attendees:
* [https://2018.foss4g-oceania.org/news/dorothy-pion-senior-cartographer-mineral-resources-authority-papua-new-guinea.html Dorothy Pion]
* [https://2018.foss4g-oceania.org/news/nimalika-fernando-research-student-curtin-university.html Nimalika Fernando]
* [https://2018.foss4g-oceania.org/news/hirini-tane-maorimaps-te-potiki-national-trust-university-otago.html Hirini Tane]
* [https://2018.foss4g-oceania.org/news/kim-fitter-freelance-developer.html Kim Fitter]
* [https://2018.foss4g-oceania.org/news/zenoveva-xavier-correia.html Zenoveva Xavier Correia]
== Organisation ==
== Organisation ==
Line 87: Line 246:
* John Bryant - Chair / Travel Grant Program Lead
* John Bryant - Chair / Travel Grant Program Lead
* Dr. David Dean - Community Day Lead
* Dr. David Dean - Community Day Lead
* Sarah Goodwin - Academic Program Co-Chair
* Dr. Sarah Goodwin - Academic Program Co-Chair
* Greg Lauer - Marketing and Promotion Lead
* Greg Lauer - Marketing and Promotion Lead
* Alex Leith - Program Lead
* Alex Leith - Program Lead
Line 100: Line 259:
* Jonah Sullivan
* Jonah Sullivan
* Dr. Martin Tomko - Academic Program Co-Chair
* Dr. Martin Tomko - Academic Program Co-Chair
=== Partners ===
This conference was organised in partnership with [https://sssi.org.au/ SSSI], who managed the finances.
OSGeo and the OpenStreetMap Foundation supported our efforts from the beginning.
OSGeo contributed funding toward our Travel Grant Program and Community Day.
<div style="margin:0; margin-top:10px; margin-right:10px; border:1px solid #dfdfdf; padding:0em 1em 1em 1em; background-color:#f8f8ff;">
<div style="margin:0; margin-top:10px; margin-right:10px; border:1px solid #dfdfdf; padding:0em 1em 1em 1em; background-color:#f8f8ff;">
=== Meeting minutes ===
=== Meeting minutes ===
* [https://drive.google.com/open?id=1d7Hb-R7ZlQGWNykd5WpPXBrCo0TW-XjY 2018-12-14]
* [https://drive.google.com/open?id=1d7Hb-R7ZlQGWNykd5WpPXBrCo0TW-XjY 2018-12-14]
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* [https://drive.google.com/open?id=1gcyVWMT7WSxqYtcJ_e-DpCY61nU3mBuF 2018-02-02]
* [https://drive.google.com/open?id=1gcyVWMT7WSxqYtcJ_e-DpCY61nU3mBuF 2018-02-02]
* [https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ip2fxQlEAsgbLBlwVNXd1q_XkpAmevNT 2017-12-18]
* [https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ip2fxQlEAsgbLBlwVNXd1q_XkpAmevNT 2017-12-18]
* [https://drive.google.com/open?id=1k6rJMVJNNOF-xGksa3hC5LbkcVKvELho 2017-12-04]  
* [https://drive.google.com/open?id=1k6rJMVJNNOF-xGksa3hC5LbkcVKvELho 2017-12-04]
* [http://irclogs.geoapt.com/osgeo/%23osgeo.2017-11-27.log 2017-11-27 (IRC log)]
[[Category: FOSS4G]]
[[Category: Events]]
[[Category: Oceania]]
[[Category: Oceania]]
[[Category: Australia]]
[[Category: Australia]]

Latest revision as of 13:48, 28 November 2020


This conference was the inaugural FOSS4G SotM Oceania, held in Melbourne, Australia, 20-23 November 2018.

Foss oceania pking1.png


The conference was held at the University of Melbourne, in the Old Arts Building.



  • Koordinates
  • Geoplex
  • Bing
  • TerriaJS


  • Gaia Resources
  • Mapillary
  • Address Finder
  • TechnologyOne


  • AlantGeo
  • Carto
  • Spatial Vision
  • Mapbox
  • Spatial Partners
  • Georepublic


  • North Road

In Kind

  • Land Information New Zealand
  • Mammoth Geospatial
  • Synthesis Technologies
  • FrontierSI

Program Overview

Date Name Tickets Sold
20 November Workshops 206
21 November Conference Day 1 252
22 November Conference Day 2 250
23 November Community Day 121


Social Program

Date Name Venue No. of Attendees Payment Structure
20 November Travel Grant Program Breakfast Vertue Coffee Roasters Paid for out of Good Mojo allocation
20 November Icebreaker The Shaw Davey Slum 96 Included with conference registration
21 November Women in Spatial Breakfast Seven Seeds Paid for out of Good Mojo allocation
21 November Conference Dinner Brunswick Mess Hall 129 Separate ticket ($80)
22 November GeoRabble The Clyde Hotel Organised separately but sponsored by FOSS4G SotM Oceania

Conference Attendees

By jurisdiction

Jurisdiction Attendees % of Total
Victoria 102 41.0
New Zealand 28 11.2
New South Wales 28 11.2
Australian Capital Territory 26 10.4
Queensland 18 7.2
Western Australia 14 5.6
Tasmania 8 3.2
United States 6 2.4
South Australia 4 1.6
Northern Territory 2 0.8
Fiji 2 0.8
Samoa 1 0.4
Timor-Leste 1 0.4
Hong Kong 1 0.4
Serbia 1 0.4
Papua New Guinea 1 0.4
Canada 1 0.4
Malaysia 1 0.4
United Kingdom 1 0.4
Germany 1 0.4
Japan 1 0.4

By ticket type

Ticket Type Attendees % of Total
Full Price 146 55.7
Early Bird 30 11.4
Community Contributor 29 11.0
Sponsor 26 10.0
Volunteer 9 3.4
Travel Grant Program 7 2.7
Student 7 2.7
Keynote 4 1.5
One Day 4 1.5


Good Mojo

Travel Grant Program

This conference had the first regional Travel Grant Program funded (in part) by OSGeo.

7 attendees were provided with grants to help cover flights, accommodation and visas. 2 half day workshops, conference registration and access to all social events including the conference dinner were also provided.

You can read interviews with 5 of the attendees:


Conference Committee

  • John Bryant - Chair / Travel Grant Program Lead
  • Dr. David Dean - Community Day Lead
  • Dr. Sarah Goodwin - Academic Program Co-Chair
  • Greg Lauer - Marketing and Promotion Lead
  • Alex Leith - Program Lead
  • Phillip Mallis - Volunteer Lead
  • Trisha Moriarty - Workshop Lead
  • Edoardo Neerhut
  • Cameron Shorter
  • Daniel Silk - Social Program Lead
  • Kerry Smyth
  • Vasiti Soko
  • Dr. Adam Steer - Sponsorship Lead
  • Jonah Sullivan
  • Dr. Martin Tomko - Academic Program Co-Chair


This conference was organised in partnership with SSSI, who managed the finances.

OSGeo and the OpenStreetMap Foundation supported our efforts from the beginning.

OSGeo contributed funding toward our Travel Grant Program and Community Day.

Meeting minutes