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== Links ==
== Links ==
* [http://inspire.jrc.ec.europa.eu/events/conferences/inspire_2013/ INSPIRE 2013 Conference Page]
* [http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/standards OSGeo Standards Mailing List] (check out the archive searching for "INSPIRE")
* [http://inspire.jrc.ec.europa.eu/events/conferences/inspire_2013/ Conference page]
== Important Dates ==
The workshop '''"Ping - Pong Match : OSGeo & INSPIRE"''' will take place at '''11:00 on Monday, June 24 in Room 1'''. Other important dates are:
* March 15, 2013: Deadline for submitting paper and workshops proposals (extension given from March 1)
* March 29 2013: Deadline for submitting poster proposals
* June 7 2013: Enroll in speakers list
== Deadlines ==  
== Workshop: Ping-Pong match OSGeo & INSPIRE ==
This workshop will be run in an open round style (like a mini-barcamp). The workshop aims at attracting people from all disciplines to start cross domain communication which currently appears to be the major blocker to get INSPIRE implemented.
* March 15, 2013 Deadline for submitting paper and workshops proposals (extension given from March 1)
=== Download ===
* March 29 2013 Deadline for submitting poster proposals
The summary slide set of the workshop is available:
* Download [http://arnulf.us/publications/OSGeo_INSPIRE_ping-pong-match2.odp slide set as ODP (1.7 MB)]
* Download [http://arnulf.us/publications/OSGeo_INSPIRE_ping-pong-match2.pdf slide set as PDF (0.75 MB)]
* Read on SlideShare: http://www.slideshare.net/arnulfchristl/osgeo-inspire-pingpong-match/
== Presentation and workshop ==
=== Abstract ===
The Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) is a non-profit international organization created in early 2006 to support and promote the collaborative development of geospatial open source software (GFOSS). OSGeo provides a common forum and shared infrastructure for improving cross-project collaboration. The foundation's projects are all freely available and usable under an OSI-certified open source license.
On this page, two separate events are discussed: a proposal for a presentation, and a proposal for a workshop.  
In the first 45min of the workshop Open Source software and data providers will give lighnting-talk style presentations of 3 minutes and 3 slides stating:
* Where do I come from, what is my role
* What I want or have to do
* What are the blockers preventing me from getting it done
Each presentation focuses on the relevant INSPIRE capabilities of the software or the INSPIRE needs for the data provision and the potential issues and blockers resulting from the current version of the directive.  
The purpose of the presentation is to give a good overview of INSPIRE-readiness of the OSGeo projects, with an intended audience of general users.  
The second half of the workshop will be dedicated to a round table dialog between all participants.  
The workshop, on the other hand, aims to give a quick overview of each (represented) OSGeo project and where it stands in relation to the INSPIRE technical guidelines, followed by a round-table dialog between OSGeo developers and JRC INSPIRE Technical Committee members about issues raised.
Please note that if you like to participate in both events, each has its own list of participants. If you're enlisting as a participant this would imply further commitment, e.g. to assist in the preparation of slides and paper and if possible, presence at the conference as a speaker.
The following topics will guide through the dialog:
# Maturity of the standards
# Maturity of the software
# Maturity andf correctness of the data
# Implementability of the INSPIRE directive
# Degrees of freedom in the implementation
# Complexity of INSPIRE technical guidance and OGC standards
# INSPIRE implementing rules, international and national standards
# Communication channels between OSGeo and INSPIRE
# How to contribute to INSPIRE Maintenance [http://inspire.jrc.ec.europa.eu/events/conferences/inspire_2012/presentations/ds5/Vanda%20Nunes%20de%20Lima.pdf Presentation by Vanda Nunes de Lima]
== Paper proposal ==
Practical follow-ups
# Setting up Wiki pages (multilingual) to make INSPIRE documentation more readable
# How to test and validate INSPIRE compliance
# How to change/simplify INSPIRE technical guidance in practice
# How to contribute to INSPIRE maintenance
# Automation of INSPIRE adoption through support in the various software packages
# How an implicit support for INSPIRE in any software will give a boost to the adoption of the directive even outside EU
# Automation of INSPIRE adoption through support in the various software packages
Generic talk about OSGeo projects and their relation to INSPIRE.  
=== Notes on Workshop Description and Goals ===
The session will involve short presentation (lightning talks) with a follow-up dialog, potentially in sub groups. Participants should bring a computer, tablet or smartphone to the workshop to be able to participate in Wiis, mailing lists, web sites, Twittter, and so on.''
=== OSGeo projects and their efforts towards INSPIRE ===
Jachym Cepicky<sup>1</sup>, Maria A. Brovelli <sup>2</sup>, Margherita Di Leo <sup>3</sup>, Angelos Tzotsos <sup>4</sup>, Arnulf Christl<sup>5</sup>, Simone Giannecchini<sup>6</sup>, Jeroen Ticheler<sup>7</sup>, Markus Schneider<sup>8</sup>, Nicola Giuliani<sup>9</sup>, Andrea Aime<sup>6</sup>, Paolo Cavallini<sup>10</sup>, Jose García<sup>7</sup>, '''add your name'''<sup>n</sup>
=== Notes on Intended Audience and any Required Skills or Interests ===
* Data providers who have to implement INSPIRE
# OSGeo Board of directors, Help Service - Remote Sensing, Benesov, Czech Republic,
* Open Source Software developers
# Politecnico di Milano, Campus Como, Italy
* Businesses providing support for Open Source software
# Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES), Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra (VA), Italy
* Academia
# Remote Sensing Laboratory, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
* INSPIRE Representatives (Who is that exactly? If nobody shows up we will finally know that this role has not been implemented)
# [http://metaspatial.net metaspatial], Germany
# GeoSolutions, Italy
# [http://geocat.net GeoCat], The Netherlands
# [http://www.occamlabs.de Occam Labs], Bonn, Germany
# [http://www.trilogis.it Trilogis], Rovereto, Italy
# Faunalia, Italy
# '''add your  affiliation, City, Country'''
''The abstract should not exceed two A4 pages.''
The Open Source Geospatial Foundation, or OSGeo, is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to support and promote the collaborative development of open source geospatial software, data and education. The foundation provides organizational, legal and financial support to the broader open source geospatial community. It also serves as an independent legal entity to which community members can contribute code, funding and other resources, secure in the knowledge that their contributions will be maintained for public benefit. OSGeo also serves as an outreach and advocacy organization for the open source geospatial community, and provides a common forum and shared infrastructure for improving cross-project collaboration.
Since the earliest beginning of INSPIRE open source developers have been involved with implementing systems which eventually have to satisfy INSPIRE requirements. Users have requested new features and capabilities to enable their software packages to address requirements resulting from the INSPIRE directive. Developers in turn have given technical feedback to the makers of the directive. As a result INSPIRE over time has evolved into an implementable real-world architecture.
Many members of the OSGeo development teams are located in Europe, and many of them are actively involved in implementing INSPIRE services and geo-portals. There has been a lot of volunteered and financial contribution to OSGeo projects to help implement the official INSPIRE specifications. With the help of many testers, users and community members, OSGeo projects are offering better INSPIRE support year after year.
=== Invitation Mail ===
Dear ...,
OSGeo is organizing a 90 minute round table dialog at the INSPIRE
conference in Florence [1]. During the first 45min of the workshop Open
Source software providers and data producers / publishers will give  3
minute lightning-talk style presentations with 3 slides stating:
* Where do I come from, what is my role
* What I want or have to do
* What are the blockers preventing me from getting it done
This presentation is focused on the introduction of various popular OSGeo projects, which are used for particular tasks within the INSPIRE infrastructure. The presentation will reference certified OSGeo projects as well as projects from the broader OSGeo ecosystem which have not passed the incubation process yet. Each project will summarize the achievements over the last year of development with respect to INSPIRE and include a short report on future development. This will provide a comprehensive overview of features in the OSGeo community pipeline which will have direct impact on their usage for INSPIRE.
Each presentation focuses on the relevant INSPIRE capabilities of the
software or the INSPIRE needs for the data provision and the potential
issues and blockers resulting from the current version of the directive.
'''Keywords:''' OSGeo, Open Source, MapServer, GeoServer, OpenLayers, deegree, Mapbender, GDAL, GeoNetwork, pycsw, OSGeoLive, NASA World Wind, Mapbender, GRASS, Quantum GIS, gvSIG, '''add more here'''
The second half of the workshop will be dedicated to a round table
dialog between all participants.
== Workshop proposal ==
We are very interested in hearing what you have to contribute and
The proposing team suggests to implement this workshop in a barcamp style within the conference. This will probably attract a more diverse group of people and allow for more dynamic communication which is one of the most important aspects requried to really get INSPIRE implemented. The aim is to get developers and project leads from OSGeo and professionals involved with INSPIRE around one table and shed light on each other's world.  
guarantee that you will take away a lot of new ideas and hear a lot of
valuable experience from others.
From the conference website:
Please let me know if you will participate, either actively with a short
presentation or just coming to the event. Slides are optional, just talk
a few minutes. Please also feel free to forward this invitation to your
''Pre-conference workshops will take place on the 23/24 June. Each workshop or tutorial may be proposed for a single 90-minute session. A typical conference participant may register for up to four 90-minute workshops or tutorials during the workshop day. All workshops and tutorials will be open to all conference participants at no additional cost, however a daily fee will be charged for those attending workshops only.''
Thank you for your interest,
=== Ping-Pong match: OSGeo & INSPIRE ===
[1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/INSPIRE_conference_2013
Jachym Cepicky<sup>1</sup>, Maria A. Brovelli<sup>2</sup>, Margherita Di Leo<sup>3</sup>, Angelos Tzotsos<sup>4</sup>, Markus Schneider<sup>5</sup>, Heikki Doeleman<sup>6</sup>, Jeroen Ticheler<sup>6</sup>, Simone Giannecchini<sup>7</sup>, Andrea Aime<sup>7</sup>, Paolo Cavallini<sup>8</sup>,  Nicola Giuliani<sup>9</sup>, Jose García<sup>6</sup>,'''add your name'''<sup>n</sup>
Arnulf Christl (Executive Director)
Open Source Geospatial Software, Data and Services
# OSGeo Board of directors, Help Service - Remote Sensing, Benesov, Czech Republic,
# Politecnico di Milano, Campus Como, Italy
# Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES), Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra (VA), Italy
# Remote Sensing Laboratory, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
# [http://www.occamlabs.de Occam Labs], Bonn, Germany
# [http://geocat.net GeoCat], The Netherlands
# GeoSolutions, Italy
# Faunalia, Italy
# Trilogis, Italy
# '''add your  affiliation, City, Country'''
''proposal - shortened to 300 words ''
The Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) is a not-for-profit international organization, with the aim of supporting and promote the collaborative development of geospatial open source software (GFOSS). The foundation provides financial, organizational and legal support to the  GFOSS community. It also serves as an independent legal entity to which community members can contribute code, funding and other resources, secure in the knowledge that their contributions will be maintained for public benefit, as well as an outreach and advocacy organization for the GFOSS community, providing a common forum and shared infrastructure for improving cross-project collaboration. The foundation's projects are all freely available and usable under an OSI-certified open source license.
==== Current List of Invitees ====
Short presentations will be given in the first part (60min) of the workshop, in which lead developers will relate their projects to INSPIRE, pointing out the relevant capabilities as well as the issues deriving from the current version of the directive. The second part (30 minutes) will be dedicated to a round table between the developers and the members of the  INSPIRE Technical Committee.
Expected number of speakers is 15-20. Main audience is composed by geospatial open source developers, users and Members of the JRC INSPIRE Technical Committee.
* Stefan Jensen ('''presenter''')
The following topics will guide through the dialogue:
* Franz Daffner (represented)
# complexity of INSPIRE technical guidance and OGC standards
* Jan Bliki (represented)
# links between INSPIRE specs and national standards
* Sven Schade (represented)
# communication channels between OSGeo and INSPIRE
# setting up wiki pages (multilingual) to make INSPIRE documentation more readable
# how to test and validate INSPIRE compliance
# how to change/simplify INSPIRE technical guidance in practice
# how to contribute to INSPIRE maintenance
# automation of INSPIRE adoption through support in the various software packages
# how an implicit support for INSPIRE in any software will give a boost to the adoption of the directive even outside EU
=== Notes on Workshop Description and Goals ===
; Commission
* JRC (IES Institue for Env. Studies / Digital Earth Unit)
** Michael Lutz ('''presenter''')
** Robin Smith ('''presenter''')
** Paul Smits (represented)
* DG Environment (EU Commission)
** Hugo de Groof ('''presenter''')
''250 words or less suitable for posting on the web. Please include in the description if the session will involve lecture, hands-on exercises, group exercises, etc., whether any take-home materials will be supplied and indicate whether participants should bring a laptop computer or anything else to the workshop.''
; Member States
* RLP, Germany
* Duration 90 minutes
** Armin Retterath ('''presenter''')
* Round table (to the aim of smoothing the edges of INSPIRE)
* NRW-Landesvermessung, Germany;
* Lead developers on one side (various technologies) and members of the INSPIRE Technical Committee on the other
** Stefan Sandmann ('''presenter''')
* 15-20 expected participants
* MetOffice UK
* 60 minutes of quick presentations (3 minutes / 1 slide each)
** Chris Little (represented)
* 30 minutes intensive dialog on the raised issues
** Ian Edwards (represented)
* Possible topics:
* Meteorology Romania
*# complexity of INSPIRE technical guidance and OGC standards
** Vasile Craciunescu  (unavailable)
*# potential mismatch between INSPIRE specs and national standards
* Ordnance Survey
*# optimisation of communication channels between OSGeo and INSPIRE
** Clare Hadley (Ordance Survey Great Britain and Ex UK Location Program) ('''represented''')
*# setting up a tracking system for INSPIRE implementations
* LFRZ, Austria
*# setting up wiki pages (multilingual) to make INSPIRE documentation more readable
** Wolfgang Tinkl ('''presenter''')
*# how to test and validate INSPIRE compliancy
* Geonovum
*# how to change/simplify INSPIRE technical guidance in practice
** Marcel Reuvers (to explain the NL way of aadopting standards: Comply or explain why not)  (unavailable)
*# how to contribute to INSPIRE Maintenance [http://inspire.jrc.ec.europa.eu/events/conferences/inspire_2012/presentations/ds5/Vanda%20Nunes%20de%20Lima.pdf]
* Finnish Land Survey
*# automation of INSPIRE adoption through support in the various software packages
** Jani Kylmäaho ('''presenter''')
** Antti Jakobsson (NLS)  (represented)
=== Notes on Intended Audience and any Required Skills or Interests ===
** Jari Reini (NLS) experience with OSKARI  (represented)
''technicians, managers, policymakers, etc., whether introductory or advanced, what skills if any participants should possess''
* BKG, Germany
** Anja Hopfstock  (unavailable)
* GDI DE, Germany
** Martin Lenk  (represented)
* possibly, free of charge for speakers (to be checked if feasible)
; Industry
* for OSGeo projects that cannot attend we should gather a couple of slides from each positioning it in relation to INSPIRE requirements
* Help Service Remote Sensing
* main audience: GFOSS developers and users + INSPIRE people: implicit support for INSPIRE in any kind of software will give a big boost to the adoption of the directive; even outside EU
** Jachym Cepicki  (unavailable)
** Karel Charvat  (unavailable)
** [[User:Schpidi|Stephan Meissl]] (unavailable)
* Faunalia
** Paolo Cavalini (unavailable)
* [http://metaspatial.net metaspatial], Germany ('''presenter''')
** [[Arnulf Christl]]
* interactive instrucments
** Clemens Portele (maybe)
* [http://occamlabs.de Occam Labs]
** Markus Schneider ('''presenter''')
* GeoCat
** Jeroen Ticheler ('''presenter''')
* Freelance
** Just van den Broecke: http://stetl.readthedocs.org/ and [http://www.slideshare.net/justb4/geospatial-etl-with-stetl-taming-rich-gml Geospatial ETL]('''represented''')
* GeoSolutions IT
** Simone Giannechini ('''presenter''')
* R3 GIS
** Paolo Viscanic (FreeGIS project: How SME can collaborate towards INSPIRE) ('''presenter''')
* Terradue
** Pedro Gonçalves (unavailable)
== The hang out has already taken place ==
== Actively participating in the workshop in Florence ==
so please do '''not''' add your name below, but either in the workshop or in the paper or in both lists of "authors". Thanks
''If you are on this list please make sure that you are really coming:''
* [[Arnulf Christl]] from [http://metaspatial.net metaspatial], Germany (Chair, presenter)
* [http://www.geo-solutions.it Simone Giannecchini] from Italy (Presenter)
* [[User:Ticheler| Jeroen Ticheler]] (Presenter)
* [[User:MarkusSchneider| Markus Schneider]] (Presenter)
* <strike>[[User:Jachym| Jachym Cepicky]] (planning to participate)</strike>
* [[User:kotzino|Dimitris Kotzinos]] (planning to participate)
* [[Ngiuliani| Nicola Giuliani]] (planning to participate)
* [[User:Madi|Margherita Di Leo]]
* ''Please add your name here''
* [[User:Heikki|Heikki Doeleman]] (not yet confirmed)
* [[User:kotzino|Dimitris Kotzinos]] (interested in helping out with the workshop - cannot make the hangout)
* [[User:Schpidi|Stephan Meissl]] (planning to join hangout - currently not planning to travel)
* [[User:Kalxas|Angelos Tzotsos]] (planning to join hangout - currently not planning to travel but interested to contribute text/presentation material/OSGeoLive support)
* [[User:Jachym| Jachym CEpicky]] (planning to join hangout - interested in helping out with the workshop)
* [[User:Maria| Maria Brovelli]]
* [[User:Josegar| Jose Garcia]]
* [[User:Ticheler| Jeroen Ticheler]] (planning to participate in the workshop)
* [[User:MarkusSchneider2| Markus Schneider]] (planning to join hangout - interested in helping out with the workshop)
* [[Ngiuliani| Nicola Giuliani]] (interested in helping out with the workshop)
== Additional notes ==
Exploring the possibility of fee reduction / budget allocation to cover the costs of speakers... (ongoing tentative)
[[Category: Standards]] [[Category: INSPIRE]]
[[Category: Standards]] [[Category: INSPIRE]]

Latest revision as of 14:23, 23 June 2013

Coordination of activities of OSGeo projects at INSPIRE Conference


Important Dates

The workshop "Ping - Pong Match : OSGeo & INSPIRE" will take place at 11:00 on Monday, June 24 in Room 1. Other important dates are:

  • March 15, 2013: Deadline for submitting paper and workshops proposals (extension given from March 1)
  • March 29 2013: Deadline for submitting poster proposals
  • June 7 2013: Enroll in speakers list

Workshop: Ping-Pong match OSGeo & INSPIRE

This workshop will be run in an open round style (like a mini-barcamp). The workshop aims at attracting people from all disciplines to start cross domain communication which currently appears to be the major blocker to get INSPIRE implemented.


The summary slide set of the workshop is available:


The Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) is a non-profit international organization created in early 2006 to support and promote the collaborative development of geospatial open source software (GFOSS). OSGeo provides a common forum and shared infrastructure for improving cross-project collaboration. The foundation's projects are all freely available and usable under an OSI-certified open source license.

In the first 45min of the workshop Open Source software and data providers will give lighnting-talk style presentations of 3 minutes and 3 slides stating:

  • Where do I come from, what is my role
  • What I want or have to do
  • What are the blockers preventing me from getting it done

Each presentation focuses on the relevant INSPIRE capabilities of the software or the INSPIRE needs for the data provision and the potential issues and blockers resulting from the current version of the directive.

The second half of the workshop will be dedicated to a round table dialog between all participants.

The following topics will guide through the dialog:

  1. Maturity of the standards
  2. Maturity of the software
  3. Maturity andf correctness of the data
  4. Implementability of the INSPIRE directive
  5. Degrees of freedom in the implementation
  6. Complexity of INSPIRE technical guidance and OGC standards
  7. INSPIRE implementing rules, international and national standards
  8. Communication channels between OSGeo and INSPIRE
  9. How to contribute to INSPIRE Maintenance Presentation by Vanda Nunes de Lima

Practical follow-ups

  1. Setting up Wiki pages (multilingual) to make INSPIRE documentation more readable
  2. How to test and validate INSPIRE compliance
  3. How to change/simplify INSPIRE technical guidance in practice
  4. How to contribute to INSPIRE maintenance
  5. Automation of INSPIRE adoption through support in the various software packages
  6. How an implicit support for INSPIRE in any software will give a boost to the adoption of the directive even outside EU
  7. Automation of INSPIRE adoption through support in the various software packages

Notes on Workshop Description and Goals

The session will involve short presentation (lightning talks) with a follow-up dialog, potentially in sub groups. Participants should bring a computer, tablet or smartphone to the workshop to be able to participate in Wiis, mailing lists, web sites, Twittter, and so on.

Notes on Intended Audience and any Required Skills or Interests

  • Data providers who have to implement INSPIRE
  • Open Source Software developers
  • Businesses providing support for Open Source software
  • Academia
  • INSPIRE Representatives (Who is that exactly? If nobody shows up we will finally know that this role has not been implemented)

Invitation Mail

Dear ...,
OSGeo is organizing a 90 minute round table dialog at the INSPIRE
conference in Florence [1]. During the first 45min of the workshop Open
Source software providers and data producers / publishers will give  3
minute lightning-talk style presentations with 3 slides stating:
* Where do I come from, what is my role
* What I want or have to do
* What are the blockers preventing me from getting it done

Each presentation focuses on the relevant INSPIRE capabilities of the
software or the INSPIRE needs for the data provision and the potential
issues and blockers resulting from the current version of the directive.

The second half of the workshop will be dedicated to a round table
dialog between all participants.

We are very interested in hearing what you have to contribute and
guarantee that you will take away a lot of new ideas and hear a lot of
valuable experience from others.

Please let me know if you will participate, either actively with a short
presentation or just coming to the event. Slides are optional, just talk
a few minutes. Please also feel free to forward this invitation to your

Thank you for your interest,

[1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/INSPIRE_conference_2013

Arnulf Christl (Executive Director)
Open Source Geospatial Software, Data and Services

Current List of Invitees

  • Stefan Jensen (presenter)
  • Franz Daffner (represented)
  • Jan Bliki (represented)
  • Sven Schade (represented)
  • JRC (IES Institue for Env. Studies / Digital Earth Unit)
    • Michael Lutz (presenter)
    • Robin Smith (presenter)
    • Paul Smits (represented)
  • DG Environment (EU Commission)
    • Hugo de Groof (presenter)
Member States
  • RLP, Germany
    • Armin Retterath (presenter)
  • NRW-Landesvermessung, Germany;
    • Stefan Sandmann (presenter)
  • MetOffice UK
    • Chris Little (represented)
    • Ian Edwards (represented)
  • Meteorology Romania
    • Vasile Craciunescu (unavailable)
  • Ordnance Survey
    • Clare Hadley (Ordance Survey Great Britain and Ex UK Location Program) (represented)
  • LFRZ, Austria
    • Wolfgang Tinkl (presenter)
  • Geonovum
    • Marcel Reuvers (to explain the NL way of aadopting standards: Comply or explain why not) (unavailable)
  • Finnish Land Survey
    • Jani Kylmäaho (presenter)
    • Antti Jakobsson (NLS) (represented)
    • Jari Reini (NLS) experience with OSKARI (represented)
  • BKG, Germany
    • Anja Hopfstock (unavailable)
  • GDI DE, Germany
    • Martin Lenk (represented)
  • Help Service Remote Sensing
    • Jachym Cepicki (unavailable)
    • Karel Charvat (unavailable)
  • EOX
  • Faunalia
    • Paolo Cavalini (unavailable)
  • metaspatial, Germany (presenter)
  • interactive instrucments
    • Clemens Portele (maybe)
  • Occam Labs
    • Markus Schneider (presenter)
  • GeoCat
    • Jeroen Ticheler (presenter)
  • Freelance
  • GeoSolutions IT
    • Simone Giannechini (presenter)
  • R3 GIS
    • Paolo Viscanic (FreeGIS project: How SME can collaborate towards INSPIRE) (presenter)
  • Terradue
    • Pedro Gonçalves (unavailable)

Actively participating in the workshop in Florence

If you are on this list please make sure that you are really coming:

  • Please add your name here