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Revision as of 05:11, 28 September 2008
This board meeting has been scheduled for the 12th of September 2008 at 15:00 UTC (fixedtime), by phone and IRC (#osgeo) at the same time.
Communication will use the Conference Call facilities.
- Appoint meeting secretary
- Review and approve Board Meeting 2008 08 08 minutes.
- Approve the entrance of the MetaCRS project into incubation.
- FOSS4G OSGeo appearance (informative from Arnulf)
- Review and possibly approve OSGeo-OGC MOU.
- Update from Tyler
- Review of adding a grassroots project into osgeo svn+trac ticket
IRC log notes available here (times are UTC -8). Main discussion was on the telephone from 15:04-15:32 UTC.
- Meeting started 15:04. In attendance: Arnulf, Paul, Ari, Jeroen, Markus, Howard, Frank, Tyler.
- Appoint meeting secretary -- Tyler
- Review and approve Board Meeting 2008 08 08 minutes
- MOTION: Paul moved to approve these, Arnulf second, all were in favour, meeting minutes approved
- Approve the entrance of the MetaCRS project into incubation. project link here
- Frank explained, he's waiting for incubation to pass the motion still. No motion brought forward to board yet.
- FOSS4G OSGeo appearance (informative from Arnulf)
- Arnulf explained how Marketing committee is cover need for booth organisation, etc.
- Review and possibly approve OSGeo-OGC MOU
- Discussed any expectations or increased work from our side. Looks straightforward and in our favour to get free memberships
- Arnulf suggested to leave it open for more open discussion
- OSGeo will need to assign a liaison( s ) with OGC... to handle memberships, general contact, etc.
- Paul is interested in helping there
- Frank suggested to use the "standards" list for discussion around the use of these memberships, etc.
- Arnulf can act as backup to work with Paul on it.
- Paul to carry it forward and continue discussion
- Update from Tyler
- reported on planning phase of FOSS4G, everything runs smoothly so far.
- Tyler is new Chair of the Marketing Committee.
- Regular finance stuff taking time
- Malaga Open Source conference invitation for Tyler to speak, attending in October, in panel with IBM, HP, Google, Intel
- Worked on various website updates.
- MOTION: Arnulf brings motion forward to accept Tyler as chair for marketing committee.. as approved by the committee at its last meeting
- Frank seconded, all were in favour, motion approved.
- Review of adding a grassroots project into OSGeo svn+trac ticket here
- Ari giving background
- Frank explained the regular process.. SAC accepts then brings it forward to board list for any concern, problems
- MOTION: Frank moves that Board accept SACs recommendation to host the project, Howard seconded. Ari abstained, all were in favour, motion carried.
- MOTION: Arnulf motions to close the meeting, Howard seconds, all were favour. Meeting closed at 15:32 UTC.