OSGeo Alberta Members

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Below are the members of the Free & Open Source GIS Interest Group of Alberta.
Feel free to add yourself to the list.

  1. Andrew Hunter, Calgary, AB, University of Calgary, specialties: spatial analysis, GI science, Spatial Data Infrastructures
  2. Stefan Steiniger, Calgary, AB, University of Calgary, specialties: (Desktop) GIS software overview, developer for OpenJUMP GIS and Sextante
  3. Colin Lynch, Calgary, AB, SAIT Polytechnic, specialites: Data Infrastructure, Web Mapping: Open Source, API's and ArcGIS Server, Implementation and Planning
  4. Michael Kieser, Calgary, AB, Tesera Systems, specialites: Desktop GIS, PostgreSQL/PostGIS, data ETL
  5. Rizwan Shahid, Calgary, AB, [1], specialties: Desktop GIS, Databases, WebGIS, Health Geography, System Dynamics
  6. Brent Fraser, Calgary, AB, GeoAnalytic, Geomatics Therapist. Specialties: web mapping, data modeling, cartography, spatial reference systems, remote sensing.
  7. Scott McHale, Calgary, AB, Stay-at-Home-Dad, Geomatics Fan-boy, Organizer
  8. ...

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