Women Chapter

From OSGeo
Revision as of 02:22, 20 September 2010 by Aghisla (talk | contribs) (formatting)
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This chapter aims to raise awareness on women OSGeo members' activity.

It is not meant to be a women only club. This will lead to discrimination, and that's exactly what we must avoid, and what Chris and Simon pointed out. On the opposite, it aims to be a group where women can find guidance to start contributing with OSGeo projects.

What's new

Have ideas to share? add them in the following section, and/or use the mailing list!

Everyone is free to post on the mailing list, and subscribe - good ideas are gender independent. The mailing list is open also to non-subscribers.

FOSS4G 2010 has been a speedup in live conversations about the topic, and more is flowing on Discuss and Women mailing lists.


  • Brainstorming: find out general interest topics/problems/experiences, start discussion!
  • Establish a connection with Systers
  • Connect with Debian- and Ubuntu-women to share successful ideas
  • OSGeo-women mentoring program, like Debian-Women's
    • Proposed mentors: list you here. topics and actual ways of mentoring will be discussed later, it's just to have a first feedback.
      • Anne Ghisla


  • Connect with Debian- and Ubuntu-women to share successful ideas - at DUCCIT
  • Added link to OSGeo Women on Women's Caucus page: The Women's Caucus is an initiative started by the Free Software Foundation to increase women's participation in the free software movement.

Sign up there!