Live GIS History
Revision as of 23:29, 6 February 2012 by Wiki-Camerons (talk | contribs)
Where has the LiveDVD been used? Please tell us. A history of wide use provides justification for future developers to include, and improve their application on OSGeo-Live.
- March 2012, Dessau, Germany
Spanish FOSS4G 2012
- March 2012, Girona, Spain
- OSGeo-Live lightening presentation. Possibly also handing out osgeo-live DVDs?
Malaysian Geospatial Forum
- March 2012, Malaka, Malaysia
- OSGeo-Live lightening overview presented
IAEA/FAO Coordinated Research Program
- Burkina Faso, October 2011
- This conference was the third in a series of semi-annual meetings reviewing research programs regarding two agricultural pests: Tsetse and Old/New World Screw-worm. The meetings focus on merging population genetics and GIS techniques to better understand the spread of these pests.
- A customized version of the OSGeoLive 5.0 was prepared with data specific to Burkina Faso, and each of the 15 participants received a USB flash drive for the practice session. Some basic exercises were conducted demonstrating QGIS, Spatialite, and R.
- Responses were overwhelmingly positive.
Intergeo 2011
- September 2011, Nuremberg, Germany
- Intergeo is an anual big fair on geodesy, geoinformation and land management
- FOSSGIS e.V. (german language local chapter of OSGeo) organizes an the OSGeo Park at Intergeo every year presenting OSGeo software. There also is a presentation area where we present OSGeo Software and solutions 3 days long
- Rest of the OSGeo-Live 4.5 handed out (aprox 100 DVDs)
FOSS4G 2011
September 2011, Denver, United States
- OSGeo Live given to every delegate. (Release 5.0)
- 300 USBs printed, 600 DVDs
- OSGeo-Live was used within many of the workshops
Open Source GIS Summer School
- June/July 2011
- University of Gerona, Gerona, Spain
- The school taught Open Source GIS technologies and made use of the OSGeoLive DVD
d'été - Observation spatiale de l'environnement
August 2011, Macapa, Brazil
- OSGeo-Live 5.0RC1 on a USB was used in a workshop for 12 students learning OTB and Monteverdi.
FLUXNET & RS Open-Workshop
June 2011, David Brower Environmental Center
- Provided OSGeo LiveDVD to interested participants
OSGIS 2011
June 2011, Centre for Geospatial Science, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
- Provided OSGeo-Live lightening presentation, abstract: Live_GIS_Disk_OSGIS_2011
- Expect to be handing out DVDs to all delegates (to be confirmed)
CGS 2011
- May 2011, Bishop CA, USA
- ~10 discs
GITA 2011
- April 2011, Dallas Tx, USA
- 100 discs sent to OSGeo booth
AAG 2011
- April 2011, Seattle, WA USA
- Annual Geography conference 8-10,000 attendants
- ~30-50 discs given away at OSGeo booth
- Remaining ~150 divided between CUGOS and Portland? chapters.
- April 2011, Heidelberg, Germany
- FOSSGIS is an annual conference in german language with ~ 400 attendants
- we printed OSGeo-Live 4.5 and handed out about 450 DVDs
- OSGeoLive 4.5 was used sucessfully in ~ 12 workshops
- Astrid Emde presented OSGeo-Live in a 20 min talk with focus on the background of the project and the possibilities the project offers
- about 40 attendants
GeoData Camp
November 2010, Athens, Greece
- Presented OSGeo-Live lightening presentation in Greek to more than 300 attendants. This included two 1-hour presentations in technical sessions and a 15 minute presentation in the main event.
Intergeo 2010
- October 2010, Cologne, Germany
- Intergeo is an anual big fair on geodesy, geoinformation and land management
- FOSSGIS e.V. (german language local chapter of OSGeo) organizes an Open Source Park on Intergeo every year where OSGeo Software is presented. There also is a presentation area where we present OSGeo Software and solutions 3 days long
- we printed OSGeo-Live 4.0 and handed out about 450 DVDs
- Lars Lingner presented the DVD with Cameron Shorters presentation
- Feedback
- good feedback: OSGeo-Live offers the possibility to get to know OSGeo Software without an installation
FOSS4G 2010
September 2010, Barcelona, Spain
- Provided a 90 minute tutorial of OSGeo Live
- OSGeo Live given to every delegate. (Release 4.0)
FIG 2010 - International Surveyors conference
April 2010, Sydney, Australia
- Handed out Live DVDs from OSGeo stand. (Release 3.0)
- Provided 15 minute lightening talk about the OSGeo stack, promoting the LiveDVD. [Report], [presentation video]
FOSS4G 2009
October 2009, Sydney, Australia
- Handed out 500 Live DVDs in every delegate's show bag. (Release: 2.0.3)
June 2009, Canberra, Australia
- Handed out Live DVDs from an OSGeo stand. (Release 1.0)
- Cameron Shorter provided a 30 minute presentation on the Open Source GeoSpatial Stack.
Australian Cooperative Research Center for Spatial Information Conference
November 2008, Brisbane, Australia
- Distributed ~ 250 OSGeo-Live DVDs to delegates (Release 1.0)
FOSS4G 2008
September 2008
- Handed out ~ 150 Live DVDs from the OSGeo stand. (Release: foss4g2008)