Board Meeting 2013-09-20
Revision as of 02:16, 19 September 2013 by Wiki-Dmorissette (talk | contribs)
This meeting is scheduled for the 20th of September 2013 at 7am Nottingham Time, 6.00 UTC.
This meeting will be held face to face in the Cavendish Hall Cafeteria at the Nottingham FOSS4G.
Mandatory agenda items
- roll call
- appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary
- Review and approve past minutes: Board Meeting 2013-08-15 (reported to next meeting)
- Short introductions for new board members
- Appoint director positions:
- President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Appoint Key Liaison Roles:
- Discuss PDX conference team requests/needs + Appoint Board Rep on FOSS4G 2014 Portland LOC
- OSGeo Rep at LocationTech
- OSGeo Rep for OGC MOU (do we currently have one?)
- Annual General Meeting (AGM)
- Anything we need to discuss?
- Finance update
- 501c4 and cleaning up IRS filing, finances, etc.
- Sponsors invoicing for 2013
Discussion points if we have time:
- Discuss FOSS4G LOC vs OSGeo involvement
- Need to setup processes for managing foss4g
- Template Contract with PCO
- Non-profit aspects (taxes vs PCO, extending nonprofit status to LOC, etc.)
- See email from PDX committee
- Need to setup processes for managing foss4g
- Discuss OSGeo vision, mission, objectives, policies updates
- Setup one or more working groups?
- Discuss OSGeo involvement with partner organizations:
- OGC, LocationTech, OSGeo Sponsors, (others?)
- Need champions for each one?
- add your items here
- Decide on who to report this meeting summary to the Discuss list
- Schedule next meeting
- Attending:
- Presiding:
- Scribing:
Assigned Tasks
Full, raw minutes notes