Board Meeting 2024-08-27

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This board meeting is scheduled Tuesday 27 August 2024 at 18:00 UTC through Jitsi, a record of motions is preserved on Loomio and actions on the OSGeo todo issue tracker.


Current items

  1. roll call
  2. appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary
  3. Review and approve past minutes
  4. Participation opportunity for GeoMundus Saturday 26 October 2024 in Münster
  5. Update on OSGeo Europe
  6. Status of OSGeo as a 501(c)(3) organization
  7. Planning F2F board meeting in Belem
  8. CRO committee
  9. Review pending actions
  10. Add your topic here


  • Presiding: Angelos
  • Scribing: Jeroen,
  • Attending: Angelos, Codrina, Tom, Vicky, Marco, Jeroen, Ariel
  • Guests:

Review and approve past minutes


  • Jeroen might be able to attend.
  • ACTION: Angelos to reply that we are looking for a volunteer (Done)

Update on OSGeo Europe

Status of OSGeo as a 501(c)(3) organization

  • Linked with the EU chapter discussion
  • Moved to the next meeting

Planning F2F board meeting in Belem

Board meeting will be held on Sunday 1 December 2024

Ariel is coordinating a space with the LOC for that day

Meeting wiki page: [1]

Able to attend on 1 December 2024:

  • Michael
  • Codrina
  • Jeroen
  • Tom
  • Vicky
  • Marco
  • Ariel
  • Angelos (probably online only)
  • Rajat is not available (might join online)

Belem community voting

Submissions: 165 general talk (4-5 parallel tracks) 42 workshops 41 Academic papers

Sponsor status. Still a small number of sponsors.

Early bird ticket sold: 60, extend the period to 16/09

ACTION: Angelos to create a short video for FOSS4G

CRO committee

ACTION: Angelos to start a motion



  • no log, Jitsi meeting

Next meeting