Board Meeting 2024-12-01

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This board meeting is scheduled Sunday 01 December 2024 at 12:00 UTC through Jitsi, a record of motions is preserved on Loomio and actions on the OSGeo todo issue tracker.

This is a F2F meeting during the FOSS4G 2024 event.


Current items

  1. roll call
  2. appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary
  3. Review and approve past minutes
  4. OSGeo finances
  5. FOSS4G Global and Regional events in the future
  6. Status of OSGeo as a 501(c)(3) organization
  7. OGC-ASF-OSGeo Joint Code Sprint 2025
  8. SAC Budget increase request
  9. OSGeo Budget 2025
  10. OSGeo and UN/WMO collaboration
  11. Status of UN Committee (UNGGIM - proposal: SDG Open Source Alliance )
  12. [OSGeo Website Workplan]
  13. Board nomination procedure
  14. Add your topic here


  • Presiding: Marco
  • Scribing: Codrina, Angelos
  • Attending: Michael, Vicky, Jeroen, Codrina, Ariel, Marco, Tom, Angelos (online), Rajat (online)
  • Guests: Tatiana, Brian Hamlin (online)

Review and approve past minutes

OSGeo finances

  • No Information about FOSS4G 2022 (Firenze). We expect 60k Euro to be transferred to OSGeo
  • FOSS4G 2023 (Prizren) is closed
  • Estimates from Belem: 17k USD
  • FOSS4G 2019 (Bucharest): by end of 2024, the LOC to transfer to OSGeo account 30k Euro; until the end of July approx. 45k Euro.
  • FOSS4G Europe might contribute back some budget approx. 20k
  • Current balance:

Wise (EU) €2,753.72
Wise (USD) $7,705.71
Wise (GBP) £391.00
PayPal (EU) €10,918.36
PayPal (USD) $13,090.84
TD Bank $102,854.88

USD $123,651.43
EU €13,672.08
GBP £391.00

Total (estimate)
USD $138,640.40

  • OSGeo sponsor plan
    • Proposal to have sponsorship at OSGeo directly, then OSGeo offer the sponsorship position to global conferences and some local conferences.
    • Maybe a part time funded role to handle sponsors?
    • Proposal to be discussed: having a part time paid person to support with the organisation of sponsorship ;
    • ACTION: (Jeroen to start, and then all) to start a collaborative document to define a sponsorship model where the sponsors pay OSGeo and OSGeo then supports financially the global as well as the regional FOSS4Gs which also comes with a set of FOSS4G sponsors (gold, diamond etc. ).
  • Rename the Sponsorship at OSGeo level into Sustaining Memberships.
    • Redefine sponsor levels, perhaps add a highest level targeting very large enterprises.
  • CRA will impact developers and companies of our community

FOSS4G Global and Regional events in the future

  • Discussing on the document prepared by Jeroen:
  • Agreements in the form of a MoU, with regions (ex. Europe, North America, Oceania, Asia) for the regional events
  • Time of year should be consistent (e.g. September-October) - Regional conferences suggested to happen in the April-May timeframe.
  • Discussion about planning 2 years ahead, that would give time to react if something does not go as planned.
  • Try to reach an agreement with regional events to be 3 months away from the global one
  • Maybe we need to make a transition of the name FOSS4G for the OSGeo conferences, a name that OSGeo would have trademark and thus have a bit of control of the regional conferences that use the name;
  • We should decide on a few clear steps related to the organization of the global FOSS4G:
  • For regional FOSS4Gs we could propose April-May, so conference won’t overlap
  • At this point, OSGeo has 2 code sprints: Joint Code Sprint (with OGC and Apache), OSGeo code sprint;
  • ACTION: (Codrina to start and then all to collaborate) to make a list, a summary of what OSGeo offers in support of the regional conferences, such as: support from the conference resources working group, access to infrastructure: website, pretalax, access to mailchimp, share financial risk, support through sponsorship/ seed money - in return, we need to draft on the requirements that we have, for example to organize the conference in April - May;
  • Discussing region rotation vs preference.
  • Semantics: Use the name Continental conference instead of Regional conference.
  • Goal calendar:

Status of OSGeo as a 501(c)(3) organization

  • We can get donations, but they are not tax deductible; Companies that donate to OSGeo pay taxes on the money they give us;
  • To open the discussions with the IRS for OSGeo to become a 501(c)(3) organisation, we need a lawyer to help us;
  • A 501(c)(3) organisation would allow tax free donations;
  • ACTION: Mike will review the EZ application and see if we qualify and do a bit more investigation on what might be involved in reapplying to the IRS.
  • We could also consider changing from sponsorship to sustaining members, such as in the QGIS.

OGC-ASF-OSGeo Joint Code Sprint 2025

  • OGC is handling the organization
  • A difference between OSGeo and joint OGC-ASF-OSGeo, is that the latter is much more organised, with a clear agenda and goals to achieve during the working time. If the joint code sprint (OGC, OSGeo, Apache), the result is also written in an engineering report.
  • OSGeo alone: preferable make it near March. Opportunistic.

SAC Budget increase request

  • 100% up for working hours needed, this year; 300h requested for 2024 vs 150h requested for 2023
  • vs
  • For next year, we should redefine what we need vs the costs required, for example jitsi, mail server, discourse, gitea, trac, etc.
  • For future reference, we need to align the SAC budget to the goals of OSGeo;
  • ACTION (Vicky): Vicky to ask Regina to send an official request from SAC with the exact amount and then the board will decide;
  • Based on the amount requested, the sum might be included in the 2024 or the 2025 budget.
  • Tom to be part of the SAC on behalf of the board.

OSGeo Budget 2025

OSGeo and UN/WMO collaboration

  • WMO has been using FOSS for a long time, now there is interest in having an open source software office - “to get a WMO approved FOSS” - this could be of support for the OSGeo members
  • We are considering in extending the involvement of OSGeo involved people working the Met Offices in the collaboration with WMO - maybe even within the form of an MoU;

Status of UN Committee

  • Participate in OSPO NY in July
  • Donation of IDE Americas UNGGIM Node by one of OSGeo's service partners
  • Participation in the Geospatial Societies network
  • Participation in the 14th session international UNGGIM
  • Participation in the High Level forum and UNGGIM America Session

OSGeo Website Workplan

Board nomination procedure

  • Discussion about self nomination for any board member.
  • Charter members (including board members that are finishing their term) should be able to nominate themselves to run in the board elections;
  • ACTION: Marco (Next board votes) to make a motion on the decision that “Charter members should be able to nominate themselves to run in the board elections”

Board roles

  • ACTION: (Marco, All) start a list to define specific activities/roles for board members: liaison with Conference Committee, liaison with Sponsorship, liaison with SAC, liaison with Continental Local Chapters, such as OSGeo European Local Chapter (a regional vice president) etc.



  • no log, Jitsi meeting

Next meeting