Journal Volume 5

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This is the planning and work page for the OSGeo Journal - Volume 5 publication.

If you want to contribute an article, add it to this list in the appropriate category.

Please review the Journal License and Guidelines page before adding your article to either article list.

New Process

We are migrating to use an online submission system instead of using this wiki page. Please register on our OSGeo Journal website: and submit your articles there. If you have added your article below, please also submit to the online system.


Deadlines will be set after Journal Volume 4 is completed and published.
There will also be a break/review/re-grouping period for the Journal team of 2-3 months beforehand.

  • Articles welcome: Now
  • Articles requiring peer review, Submission Ends: TBD
  • Article Submission Ends: TBD
  • First Draft: TBD
  • Final Publication: TBD

Contributors / Topics

See Journal for definition of the following categories. Add yourself if you are interested. Note that all categories don't have to be filled, so this serves as a rough outline for the types of content we generally hope to have.


  1. Tyler Mitchell: General updates


  1. Editor: Jason Fournier
  2. Author: ...
  3. ...

Event Reports (2-3 articles)

  1. Ahmed Abu El Nasr, Jos Van Orshoven, Rafal Wawer., 2007 Summer training course Land evaluation with Open Source Geomatics tools with emphasis on the GRASS for Windows software

Project Introductions (1-2 articles)

  1. Victor Olaya, Introducing SEXTANTE
  2. Jason Jorgenson LandUse Analyst This project aims to define a settlement's use of, and impact on, their surrounding landscape.

Case Studies (2-3 articles)

  1. Peter Löwe: Wanderlust 2.0: The state and future of hiking trail management in Germany with FOSS GIS
  2. Peter Wilkins: An Image Request application using FOSS4G tools
  3. Chris West, Mark Gillis, Brian Low, and Alex Song., Using Open Source to Analyze Canada's National Forest Inventory

Integration Studies (2-3 articles)

  1. Aaron Peeke-Vout and Brian Low,, Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI)-In-A-Box, a Footprint to Deliver Geospatial Data through Open Source Applications.
  2. Tomas Cebecauer and Marcel Suri,, Exporting geospatial data to web Tiled Map Services using GRASS GIS.
  3. ...

Topical Studies (1-2 articles)

  1. ...

Programming Tutorials (1-2 articles)

  1. ...


  1. ...

Developer Announcements

  1. OSGeo project summaries
  2. OSGeo Local Chapter updates
  3. ...

Original Research and Technical Papers

All Original Research and Technical Papers are peer reviewed by volunteer reviewers in the OSGeo community. Please consider submitting your manuscripts for publication in OSGeo Journal. Original Research and Technical Papers should be submitted through the [OJS system].